Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.

I call Hillary a fraud, liar, and criminal because she is proven to be all of those things.

If you think Trump committed fraud, lied, or committed criminal acts, provide proof or STFU and admit that your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass that you cannot see reality.

What has Hillary ever been convicted of? Please provide "credible" proof.
The whole perjury thing will not be going away.......indictment or no indictment.......and think about how many times Trump will throw that bomb, including in a debate!!

10% of women flip for Trump, its a landslide!!!! Who cares about the indictment anymore..........the State Dept IG report provides her the knobby cucumber.........and the fact that none of her staff would cooperate with the IG..........Trump gonna have a fucking field day what that s0ns!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.

I call Hillary a fraud, liar, and criminal because she is proven to be all of those things.

If you think Trump committed fraud, lied, or committed criminal acts, provide proof or STFU and admit that your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass that you cannot see reality.

What has Hillary ever been convicted of? Please provide "credible" proof.

So far she has been able to lie and bribe in order to remain free of convictions. But the evidence is now so great that her time may finally be up.

Remember, Obama hates the Clintons, the DNC hates the Clintons. Once it becomes clear that she cannot win in November that hate will come out and they will destroy her. Don't doubt me, I am right about this.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.
God bless Hillary! She's a great American patriot.

Great American fraud and liar and criminal would be more accurate. Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

Are you a Trump supporter? If so, you should be more careful who you call a fraud, liar, and criminal.

I call Hillary a fraud, liar, and criminal because she is proven to be all of those things.

If you think Trump committed fraud, lied, or committed criminal acts, provide proof or STFU and admit that your head is so far up Hillary's fat ass that you cannot see reality.

What has Hillary ever been convicted of? Please provide "credible" proof.

So far she has been able to lie and bribe in order to remain free of convictions. But the evidence is now so great that her time may finally be up.

Remember, Obama hates the Clintons, the DNC hates the Clintons. Once it becomes clear that she cannot win in November that hate will come out and they will destroy her. Don't doubt me, I am right about this.

As I've said Obama remembers Hillary being the original birther. There WILL be a recommendation for indictment and Hillary will be asked to step aside for the Party. What revenge that will be for Obama denying Hillary her chance to be the first female POTUS.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thanks, [Moderator]. To your two questions about why Secretary Clinton didn’t use email and why she didn’t seek approval for her personal system, unfortunately I don’t think we can speak to that and we’d have to refer you to Secretary Clinton and her team. The OIG report does not get into that and doesn’t make findings with respect to that.

You did ask about or recite several of the (inaudible) provisions that were in place during Secretary Clinton’s tenure.

And one thing that is clear is that the policies on email evolves over time and our guidance to officials on how to comply with them evolved and improved over time. Some of the most relevant NARA guidelines on the use of personal email were not issued until 2013

. And to this day, the Federal Records Act still permits the use of personal email to some extent provided that you follow the key principle, which is to capture them.

So while we would never – while we wouldn’t encourage the use of a personal email, there was no absolute prohibition on it during this or any other tenure, administration.

And while it may have been difficult to approve such a system in light of the policies, we think it’s very important to note that both the OIG and NARA have said by going out and getting records back from Secretary Clinton that we have mitigated the past problems associated with this use."

Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report, Office of the Secretary: Evaluation of Email Records Management and Cybersecurity Requirements

No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.
No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?
No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.

would you care to provide proof or your claim?
No shit stupid. The ONLY emails we're concerned with here are the ones with classified material. This is why I said 40 pages ago that you're an idiot if you routinely email classified material and you use more than your approved .gov email address. It's too easy to get mixed up and accidentally send classified material through the non secure email, in which case you are fucked. But in THIS case , that wasn't even what happened. we have a SoS who ONLY used a private non secure (by definition) server.

Or do you stupidly believe that Clinton didn't send one single email with classified material in it the entire time she was Sec of State? Wait , before you answer that, make sure you realize that we already know she did.

You keep on fucking that retroactively classified chicken.

Let us know how it all works out.

Any day now...
any day....

Sonny, I've been dealing with classified material for 30 years. You don't understand how the system works, you only care that Hillary is a Dem and so must be protected at all cost. If I thought you were at all interested in knowing why what she did is illegal I would delve further into it with you, but it's clear that you don't.

Oh, and just to beat you to the punch, I will reiterate, if Powell committed treason (or anyone else for that matter) through misuse of classified emails I want them prosecuted as well.
Powell has been cleared.

Hillary will be as well.

Start coming to terms with that.

Powell hasn't been cleared because he was never investigated for a crime. Hillary IS being investigated for such.

Of course there is a HUGE fundamental difference between what Powell did visa emails and what CLinton did, but you REFUSE to acknowledge any facts.

in short, you are a moron.
Powell was cleared - after it was found classified information had been sent by him from his personal account by the same people doing the review of Clinton.

You are woefully uninformed.

How much you want to wager Clinton won't be charged with any crime?

Sig bet for a month? Let's see how deeply you're into this muck.

You are TRULY stupid.

The IG report did NOT say that Powell sent two classified emails from his private email. It said he RECEIVED two classified emails on his private email. THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL , if it were illegal , Obama could send classified emails to Trump and then have him arrested for possessing classified material and then what?

Fucking moron
It doesn't have to be classified material. It just needs to related to national defense. Considering that hiLIARy was Secretary of State, a great deal of the information flowing through her homebrew server certainly falls in the category of "related to national defense".

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both....

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?

If all hiLIARy did was the troop morale email, then it would be a minor breach. When combined with the vast amount of years and years of emails, this sailor is being treated in a much harsher fashion than is the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.
That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?

If all hiLIARy did was the troop morale email, then it would be a minor breach. When combined with the vast amount of years and years of emails, this sailor is being treated in a much harsher fashion than is the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.

don't you get it? in the small minds of dems and libs, the Clintons are above the laws that apply to the rest of us.
That's the letter of the law, but the reality is as a senior official she was expected to know what material would probably be classified and which wouldn't, and act accordingly, and in practice nearly anything you wrote about the military could be related to national security and so it's not that simple.

For instance, if as Sec State she came back and sent an email to BIll "Bill just got back from Afghanistan, man our troops morale is low, and we're pretty low on supplies over there to "

that clearly is related to national security and just as clearly is not a violation of the espionage act.

I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?

If all hiLIARy did was the troop morale email, then it would be a minor breach. When combined with the vast amount of years and years of emails, this sailor is being treated in a much harsher fashion than is the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.

I don't disagree with your point. I'm just saying that the material does have to rise to a certain level before it is considered a crime to disseminate it.

And certainly taking pictures of the inside of a nuclear sub is a pretty serious breach.
From the OP link:

In a statement, the State Department said the agency "could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations."

"We also acknowledge the report's finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said.
I disagree. The state of troop morale isn't something that hackers should be able to access.

You can disagree all you want. That doesn't change the fact any more then this idiot paperview disagreeing that Hillary committed espionage with her server doesn't change the fact that she did.

Nonsense. People have been prosecuted for revealing less.

A Navy sailor entered a guilty plea Friday in a classified information mishandling case that critics charge illustrates a double standard between the treatment of low-ranking government employees and top officials like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus.

Prosecutors allege that Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier used a cellphone camera to take photos in the classified engine room of the nuclear submarine where he worked as a mechanic, the USS Alexandria, then destroyed a laptop, camera and memory card after learning he was under investigation.

Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed. No charge of espionage was filed and no public suggestion has been made that he ever planned to disclose the photos to anyone outside the Navy....

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Are you serious? Transmitting pictures of a nuclear submarine's engine room is FAR more serious than telling someone troop morale was low. Do you have ANY idea of the level of clearance you have to have to get inside that room?

If all hiLIARy did was the troop morale email, then it would be a minor breach. When combined with the vast amount of years and years of emails, this sailor is being treated in a much harsher fashion than is the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.

I don't disagree with your point. I'm just saying that the material does have to rise to a certain level before it is considered a crime to disseminate it.

And certainly taking pictures of the inside of a nuclear sub is a pretty serious breach.

So is quite a bit of the info on hiLIARy's server. If this sailor is sentenced to a few years in prison for a couple of photos (that were on his phone, the article doesn't say he sent them to anyone), then Lady Pantsuit should receive several life sentences.
From the OP link:

In a statement, the State Department said the agency "could have done a better job preserving emails and records of Secretaries of State and their senior staff going back several administrations."

"We also acknowledge the report's finding that compliance with email and records management guidance has been inconsistent across several administrations," it said.

LOL wonder what that is the only paragraph you fools want to talk about? Oh that's right.

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