Clinton campaign trying to get moderators to fact check Trump DURING debate.

Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.
RWnut hatred of the facts is the best running joke in politics.

Just your facts; not the facts.

Since you nuts on the Right are so certain Hillary Clinton is the worst liar ever (lol) one would think you'd welcome real time fact checking in the debate.
Why do you imagine the media would start calling Hillary on her lies when they have been covering for her all along? The one essential fact that all you douche bags are so desperately trying to ignore is that the media is in Hillary's corner. Once you accept that reality, then everything becomes clear.

You can't be serious.

I'm dead serious. The fact has been pointed out many times. They sure as hell weren't about to report on Hillary's collapse on 9/11 until a video was posted on the internet documenting the event.
Benghazi, bitch please.

This thread isn't about who lies the most, it's about whether the moderators should fact check the candidates. I say yes, I believe Clinton has been more honest when compared to Trump, so I have nothing to worry about. It would seem it's the Trump supporters who don't think their candidate can handle the pressure.
I also want to point out that it is the Clinton campaign calling for fact checking and the Trump campaign being against it. That should tell you something.

I would agree. His little minions on this board can't stand the idea of someone standing up to Trump and telling him he's full of shit. Hasn't happened nearly enough in this campaign.

Sure we can stand it, but we won't tolerate it from a so-called "moderator" who is supposed to be impartial.

Dims just can't win unless the game is rigged in their favor.

Can't a moderator be impartial AND point to inaccuracies both?


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.
Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
Clinton is a LW. Trump is a RW.

Johnson close to RW candidate.

I don't know Green Party Stein.
Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.
I also want to point out that it is the Clinton campaign calling for fact checking and the Trump campaign being against it. That should tell you something.

I would agree. His little minions on this board can't stand the idea of someone standing up to Trump and telling him he's full of shit. Hasn't happened nearly enough in this campaign.

Sure we can stand it, but we won't tolerate it from a so-called "moderator" who is supposed to be impartial.

Dims just can't win unless the game is rigged in their favor.

Can't a moderator be impartial AND point to inaccuracies both?


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.

That wouldn't include the media.
Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.

Be original. You lack of faith in anyone outside of your small bubble is telling.
I would agree. His little minions on this board can't stand the idea of someone standing up to Trump and telling him he's full of shit. Hasn't happened nearly enough in this campaign.

Sure we can stand it, but we won't tolerate it from a so-called "moderator" who is supposed to be impartial.

Dims just can't win unless the game is rigged in their favor.

Can't a moderator be impartial AND point to inaccuracies both?


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.

That wouldn't include the media.

Sure they can. I think Chris Wallace should fact check the hell out of both and he's not exactly liberal. To you he probably is but you're to the right of Goebbels.
Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.

Be original. You lack of faith in anyone outside of your small bubble is telling.

The media has earned my contempt.
Sure we can stand it, but we won't tolerate it from a so-called "moderator" who is supposed to be impartial.

Dims just can't win unless the game is rigged in their favor.

Can't a moderator be impartial AND point to inaccuracies both?


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.

That wouldn't include the media.

Sure they can. I think Chris Wallace should fact check the hell out of both and he's not exactly liberal. To you he probably is but you're to the right of Goebbels.

I think Wallace is a registered Democrat.
Many more people will watch the debate than will pore over the next day's factchecking -

that's why Trump doesn't want it to happen in realtime.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.

Be original. You lack of faith in anyone outside of your small bubble is telling.

The media has earned my contempt.

You say that like it means something.
Can't a moderator be impartial AND point to inaccuracies both?


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.

That wouldn't include the media.

Sure they can. I think Chris Wallace should fact check the hell out of both and he's not exactly liberal. To you he probably is but you're to the right of Goebbels.

I think Wallace is a registered Democrat.

He lives in DC, everybody is a Democrat. He's a conservative who espouses conservatives views on a conservative news channel. He's not Sean Hannity, but he's not liberal either.
Hmmm, no, he doesn't want the moderators doing any so-called "fact checking" because he knows the moderators are biased hacks who are in Hillary's corner. Most of what you douche bags call "facts" are really just leftwing opinions.

Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.

Be original. You lack of faith in anyone outside of your small bubble is telling.

The media has earned my contempt.

You say that like it means something.
I'm not surprised you don't know what it means.

Traditional Media's Approval Ratings Hit a Pathetic New Low


Sure they can. You can't. But others can.

That wouldn't include the media.

Sure they can. I think Chris Wallace should fact check the hell out of both and he's not exactly liberal. To you he probably is but you're to the right of Goebbels.

I think Wallace is a registered Democrat.

He lives in DC, everybody is a Democrat. He's a conservative who espouses conservatives views on a conservative news channel. He's not Sean Hannity, but he's not liberal either.

I've never seen him express any views at all. He's very cagey about his political leanings. His father was a notorious liberal.
Said a biased right wing asshole.
And a biased leftwing asshole denied it.

Be original. You lack of faith in anyone outside of your small bubble is telling.

The media has earned my contempt.

You say that like it means something.
I'm not surprised you don't know what it means.

Traditional Media's Approval Ratings Hit a Pathetic New Low


Yes, that's on the left and right, nobody likes the media. Mostly because they only parrot what politicians say rather than holding their feet to the fire. This is something liberals, moderates and conservatives feel. Don't pretend you're so fucking special because they don't take far right moronic issues like birtherism seriously.
RWnut hatred of the facts is the best running joke in politics.

Just your facts; not the facts.

Since you nuts on the Right are so certain Hillary Clinton is the worst liar ever (lol) one would think you'd welcome real time fact checking in the debate.

For The millionth time by whom and who's facts?


With that sort of logic the moderators shouldn't even be asking questions since often times they are situational based on fact. Like, Hey Mr. Trump, you lead the birther movement for 5 years, you claimed to have investigated it and put the matter to rest and just earlier this year you still implied the President wasn't born in the United States, how is that putting it to rest exactly and what finally changed your mind after 5 long years?

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