Clinton & Company Might Be In Trouble


Sep 23, 2010
I cannot say if Senator-Sessions-cum-Attorney-General will nail the Clinton gang:


President-elect Donald Trump has offered Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions the Attorney General cabinet position, CBS News reported.​

Trump Offers Attorney General Position To Sen. Sessions
BY: Madeleine Weast
November 18, 2016 8:09 am

Trump Offers Attorney General Position to Jeff Sessions

but one of the good guys has been sending shock waves to the New World Order crowd for a long time. Here are samples in case you do not know why:

Compare Jeff Sessions to every Democrat —— serving or retired —— and ask yourself who you want looking out for this country in a position of power?
I cannot say if Senator-Sessions-cum-Attorney-General will nail the Clinton gang:
Sessions will not touch the outgoing administration.
To JakeStarkey: Dream on. The Clintons are not the only fish that can be fried. There is a huge difference between being 1 of a 100, and exercising authority unilaterally within the confines of the Constitution.
Flanders, you blathering, simply not understanding the constraints under which any admin works.

If Sessions is confirmed and works within the law, we all should be satisfied.
Sessions will not touch the outgoing administration.
What part of the "outgoing administration" has a Clinton in it?
HRC was SoS for a long time. She is part of the outgoing administration.

You don't really think all that talk about investigations and "lock her up" was about anything other than bringing the far right and alt right rubes on board the Trump train? Really? Are you that simple?
Compare Jeff Sessions to every Democrat —— serving or retired —— and ask yourself who you want looking out for this country in a position of power?
Words are worse than action in Liberaldom. Question: Where the hell was Chucky Schumer and the rest of the Democrats when the Senate confirmed TRAITOR John Kerry as Secretary of State? Spending a lot of time in the gym must have worked out for then-Senator John Kerry because he was confirmed by 97 to 0.

Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a judiciary panel member, said that just because he and Sessions "work out in the gym" together does not mean the southerner's senatorial status would "absolve him from answering tough questions in the confirmation process."

"Given some of his past statements and his staunch opposition to immigration reform, I am very concerned about what he would do with the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice and want to hear what he has to say," Schumer said in a statement.​

Sessions looks like a lock for confirmation
Senate Democrats have no leverage to stop him unless Republicans defect.
By Burgess Everett and Elana Schor
11/18/16 05:17 PM EST

Updated 11/18/16 05:09 PM EST

Sessions looks like a lock for confirmation

Listen to this character spew the usual liberal vomit if you want to see where Senator Sessions’ confirmation hearing is heading:

Democrats react to Trump's nominations
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Friday called on President-elect Trump to reverse his decision to nominate Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., as his attorney general.
This one is cruel.

One federal bureaucracy only protects Wall Street’s absentee owners. The rest of us get screwed every way from Sunday. This is how it works:

1. Parasites in federal bureaucracies are paid tax dollars.

2. Parasites in federal bureaucracies donate tax dollars to Democrats.

3. Parasites in federal bureaucracies get more tax dollars from the Democrat parasites they help elect.

4. Parasites in every federal bureaucracy drive up the retail price of every item from food to education to utilities to medical care to coerced charity going to the United Nations.

5. The number of Americans who drop into poverty and permanent unemployment grows in tandem with higher prices for everything.

Notice whose fingerprints are all over the parasite ripoff:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the most partisan agency in the federal government in terms of donations to candidates, according to campaign finance data.

Employees at the CFPB, which was created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, contributed nearly $50,000 during the 2016 campaign with all of that money going to aid Hillary Clinton or her rival, the insurgent socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., VT). Agency employees made more than 300 donations during the campaign. Not one went to a Republican candidate.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.), a frequent critic of the agency, said that it is no surprise that the agency would contribute to the Democratic campaign. Republicans have tried to reduce the scope of the bureau’s broad regulatory power since Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), one of the most liberal lawmakers in the country, oversaw its creation.

“CFPB employees fell over each other to give money to Hillary because she supported CFPB’s desire to remain in the shadows and unaccountable to the American people,” Duffy said. “No one is shocked that Washington bureaucrats would donate to the candidate who promised to maintain and expand onerous Dodd-Frank regulations that crush our community banks and local credit unions.”​

100% of CFPB Donations Went to Democrats
BY: Bill McMorris
November 23, 2016 4:59 am

100% of CFPB Donations Went to Democrats

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