Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

clinton fucked over active duty Vets by breaching their contracts.

he broke the law, fucked over Honorable people and the left cheers him.

you're a fucking kunt

When your temper tantrum is over perhaps you can talk about why you're angry in a mature manner.
What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.

Bull shit. He wants to punish companies, not help them. He wants to lock the gate, not incent them to stay. He's anti-capitalist

Nope. I'm for a very specific form of postwar capitalism, one that is a hybrid of protectionist labor policies with infrastructure investment. I agree with the greatest generation of centrist American Presidents, from Truman to Nixon. I'd take any of them over any president before or after. Had Perot survived and formed a 3rd party, that would be my party. When Clinton chose NAFTA, I was pushed away from mainstream Democrats.

Other than violating our liberty and making no economic sense, it's a pretty good plan ...
Providing other citizens lower prices and the ability to compete with foreign producers is in our national interest. It's also a violation of our property rights. What gives you the right to say I have to use my business my property, for your interest? Can government do that to you, ensure your use of your property is for the national interest?

I'm sorry, Londoner, we're taking your car, we don't see a national interest in where you're going. What about your stapler, is it acting in the national interest? It's a bull shit argument
The # 1 purpose of government is to PROTECT the people. That includes everything, and everything includes business. Get it ?

Screwing business and causing economic decline sure makes sense as a way to protect the people
By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.

What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism

Me too - I'm a capitalist.

I believe in regulated capitalism, without regulation a few rich and/or powerful people and corporate CEO's own the country world and the rest of us are at the mercy of their largesse. That said, below is an incomplete list of Democratic Socialist policies compiled by TheNewDeal100 - I'm guessing their are some socialist policies you like and some you don't, me too, but I'll put up with some that you like because I don't think it would right for me to dictate taking away from you the things you like because-----because -after all- I'm not king of the world but pure capitalism breeds a very small number of people that could take away the programs you like and use, whatever they might be.

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense

2. Highways/Roads

3. Public Libraries

4. Police

5. Fire Dept.

6. Postal Service

7. Student Loans and Grants

8. Bridges

9. Garbage Collection

10. Public Landfills

11. War

12. Farm Subsidies

13. CIA

14. FBI

15. Congressional Health Care

16. Polio Vaccine

17. EPA

18. Social Security

19. Museums

20. Public Schools

21. Jail/Prison System

22. Corporate/Business Subsidies

23. Veteran's (VA) Health Care

24. Public Parks

25. All Elected Government Officials

26. Food Stamps

27. Sewer System

28. Medicare

29. Court System

30. Bird Flu Vaccine

31. G.I. Bill

32. Hoover Dam

33. State/City Zoos

34. IRS

35. Free Lunch Program

36. The Pentagon

37. Medicaid

38. FDA

39. Health Care for 9/11 Rescue Workers

40. Swine Flu Vaccine

41. Disability Insurance (SSDI)

42. Town/State Run Beaches

43. Corporate Bailouts/Welfare

44. State Construction

45. Unemployment Insurance

46. City/Metro Buses


48. State Snow Removal

49. PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)

50. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

51. Welfare

52. Public Street Lighting

53. FEMA

54. Public Defenders

55. S-CHIP

56. Amtrak

57. NPR

58. The Department of Homeland Security

59. OSHA

60. State and National Monuments

61. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

62. Government Scholarships

63. Department of Health and Human Service

64. Census Bureau

65. Department of Energy

66. Customs and Border Protection

67. Department of Education

68. Secret Service

69. Peace Corps

70. Department of Justice

71. National Weather Service

72. The White House

73. Government

74. Law

75. Civilization - As an American citizen, you enjoy freedoms that many in other countries do not. Like anything else in this world, our government is not perfect, but you should be thankful everyday that your country has a government that feels an obligation to serve the people and protect their rights and freedoms. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism. Do you think the private sector would do a better job of governing our country? Do you think corporations would enact laws to help protect and serve you and your family or them and their profits? The reason you can read this blog and the reason I can write it whether you agree with it or not is because of the freedoms we have here in America enforced and protected through socialist means. Our entire civilization depends on us being a people united. Socialism is a glue that binds us together and makes possible the things that we could not accomplish as individuals working against each other.

Pure capitalism is a right wing fantasy.
By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.

What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism

Me too - I'm a capitalist.

I believe in regulated capitalism, without regulation a few rich and/or powerful people and corporate CEO's own the country world and the rest of us are at the mercy of their largesse. That said, below is an incomplete list of Democratic Socialist policies compiled by TheNewDeal100 - I'm guessing their are some socialist policies you like and some you don't, me too, but I'll put up with some that you like because I don't think it would right for me to dictate taking away from you the things you like because-----because -after all- I'm not king of the world but pure capitalism breeds a very small number of people that could take away the programs you like and use, whatever they might be.

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense

2. Highways/Roads

3. Public Libraries

4. Police

5. Fire Dept.

6. Postal Service

7. Student Loans and Grants

8. Bridges

9. Garbage Collection

10. Public Landfills

11. War

12. Farm Subsidies

13. CIA

14. FBI

15. Congressional Health Care

16. Polio Vaccine

17. EPA

18. Social Security

19. Museums

20. Public Schools

21. Jail/Prison System

22. Corporate/Business Subsidies

23. Veteran's (VA) Health Care

24. Public Parks

25. All Elected Government Officials

26. Food Stamps

27. Sewer System

28. Medicare

29. Court System

30. Bird Flu Vaccine

31. G.I. Bill

32. Hoover Dam

33. State/City Zoos

34. IRS

35. Free Lunch Program

36. The Pentagon

37. Medicaid

38. FDA

39. Health Care for 9/11 Rescue Workers

40. Swine Flu Vaccine

41. Disability Insurance (SSDI)

42. Town/State Run Beaches

43. Corporate Bailouts/Welfare

44. State Construction

45. Unemployment Insurance

46. City/Metro Buses


48. State Snow Removal

49. PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)

50. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

51. Welfare

52. Public Street Lighting

53. FEMA

54. Public Defenders

55. S-CHIP

56. Amtrak

57. NPR

58. The Department of Homeland Security

59. OSHA

60. State and National Monuments

61. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

62. Government Scholarships

63. Department of Health and Human Service

64. Census Bureau

65. Department of Energy

66. Customs and Border Protection

67. Department of Education

68. Secret Service

69. Peace Corps

70. Department of Justice

71. National Weather Service

72. The White House

73. Government

74. Law

75. Civilization - As an American citizen, you enjoy freedoms that many in other countries do not. Like anything else in this world, our government is not perfect, but you should be thankful everyday that your country has a government that feels an obligation to serve the people and protect their rights and freedoms. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism. Do you think the private sector would do a better job of governing our country? Do you think corporations would enact laws to help protect and serve you and your family or them and their profits? The reason you can read this blog and the reason I can write it whether you agree with it or not is because of the freedoms we have here in America enforced and protected through socialist means. Our entire civilization depends on us being a people united. Socialism is a glue that binds us together and makes possible the things that we could not accomplish as individuals working against each other.

Pure capitalism is a right wing fantasy.

And you are are grossly misinformed about Government operations. I'm going to share just a few of your 74 examples to show you that the VAST majority of
what you declare "pure capitalism is a right wing fantasy" mentality.
NO logical rational person ever states such a thing as "pure capitalism" Only idiots believe that is the case.
That being said though you are grossly misinformed as to how much private capitalists are used to perform "socialism" services.
1. The Military/Defense
Contractors Account for 22% of Defense Dept. Workforce, but 50% of Workforce Cost
Contractors Account for 22% of Defense Dept. Workforce, but 50% of Workforce Cost
2. Highways/Roads
See this link to understand the "growing" role private contractors are playing in not only highway/road
construction, but on-going maintenance.
Request Rejected

63. Department of Health and Human Service
You are not an expert in Medicare. I am. nearly 6,000 times a day Medicare providers come to a service I co-founded to find out if they will get paid for their services.
As a result you and a vast number of uninformed people think Medicare administers the 1 billion claims filed of $618.7 billion in 2014. THEY don't!
Private for profit companies ,eight (8) to be exact manage the providers. Maintain huge data centers which these billion claims are processed and checks then sent to
pay the providers.

Finally vastly ignorant people like yourself never ever consider what would happen if there were NO "capitalists" that pay people that the capitalists pay taxes which
again I don't think people like you KNOW that your employer MATCHES your SS/Medicare deductions. Then these same evil capitalists pay taxes,fees etc. that allow
the governments to exist.

NO I think what you are confused about is the VERY destructive growth of the nanny state! That people like you WANT the government to take care of you from
womb=to-tomb! You are like most emotionally charged people hate the very sources of your independence! I can share with you today if I thought you had the
initiative to follow through and take the risks 4 distinct ideas that I'm too old to create that would make you a millionaire in 5 years. No thanks to the government!

Yes, mostly she has created a job for herself, while those other people are not on the roll anymore...

For Americans though, she has only cost jobs.
Other than violating our liberty and making no economic sense, it's a pretty good plan ...
It makes a lot of economic sense, and lots of proper laws violate liberty >> the ones against murder, theft, arson, rape, etc All depends on what "liberty" you're talking about. The harmful liberties are violated by laws against them, as it SHOULD be.
Those jobs are allocated using money forcibly taken from other citizens.

They are still jobs.

Nothing was created.

You can create jobs through the appropriation of funds.

The definition of job is not profitable.

You can steal from others, preventing the creation of jobs in the process and when you hire a guy with those funds, call it job creation.
Economics 101.

I adhere to the Austrian school, so I am not an advocate

They are not "still jobs" when there are less of them than would be the case with the free market's far more efficient allocation of resources. When the actual result of government meddling is fewer jobs, you cannot accurately describe that as 'job creation' just because someone ends up working for that government.

That you don't understand that basic reality makes me seriously doubt you "adhere to the Austrian school". If you really are interested in such libertarian economic philosophy, I urge you to continue your study. You will find out soon enough that no one from the Austrian or Chicago schools or any variation thereof would suggest that government creates jobs. That would be counter to the most basic principals of free market ideology because it is counter to logic and reason.

I honestly, sincerely wish you the best in your research.
Yes, mostly she has created a job for herself, while those other people are not on the roll anymore...

For Americans though, she has only cost jobs.

Star is pretty funny-) A socialist/Marxist/college student without a clue no doubt; or possibly a very old 60s hippie/yippie. Notice how he/she tells us her/his opinion of all the good things Socialism has produced, but doesn't give any reference, pictures, or links to the very bad things it has caused, each and every time, everywhere it has been tried.

The bottom line is really kind of simple----------->the greatest, most prosperous country the world has ever been witness to, was created by capitalism, tied closely with freedom. Since all the socialist experiments have ended in total failure, the Socialists need to take over this country, since their ideology creates powerhouses like Cuba and Venezuela.

Who is dumb enough to listen to them? Argue/debate with these people? No, you should be laughing at them! Ask them to show you their success rate under their ideology, and y try and point at the Nordic states, post what their own leaders say about the system they have in place. They don't have a leg to stand on for the system they want, and we have real world examples of their total failure.
By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.

What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism

Me too - I'm a capitalist.

I believe in regulated capitalism, without regulation a few rich and/or powerful people and corporate CEO's own the country world and the rest of us are at the mercy of their largesse. That said, below is an incomplete list of Democratic Socialist policies compiled by TheNewDeal100 - I'm guessing their are some socialist policies you like and some you don't, me too, but I'll put up with some that you like because I don't think it would right for me to dictate taking away from you the things you like because-----because -after all- I'm not king of the world but pure capitalism breeds a very small number of people that could take away the programs you like and use, whatever they might be.

Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this...

1. The Military/Defense

2. Highways/Roads

3. Public Libraries

4. Police

5. Fire Dept.

6. Postal Service

7. Student Loans and Grants

8. Bridges

9. Garbage Collection

10. Public Landfills

11. War

12. Farm Subsidies

13. CIA

14. FBI

15. Congressional Health Care

16. Polio Vaccine

17. EPA

18. Social Security

19. Museums

20. Public Schools

21. Jail/Prison System

22. Corporate/Business Subsidies

23. Veteran's (VA) Health Care

24. Public Parks

25. All Elected Government Officials

26. Food Stamps

27. Sewer System

28. Medicare

29. Court System

30. Bird Flu Vaccine

31. G.I. Bill

32. Hoover Dam

33. State/City Zoos

34. IRS

35. Free Lunch Program

36. The Pentagon

37. Medicaid

38. FDA

39. Health Care for 9/11 Rescue Workers

40. Swine Flu Vaccine

41. Disability Insurance (SSDI)

42. Town/State Run Beaches

43. Corporate Bailouts/Welfare

44. State Construction

45. Unemployment Insurance

46. City/Metro Buses


48. State Snow Removal

49. PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)

50. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

51. Welfare

52. Public Street Lighting

53. FEMA

54. Public Defenders

55. S-CHIP

56. Amtrak

57. NPR

58. The Department of Homeland Security

59. OSHA

60. State and National Monuments

61. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

62. Government Scholarships

63. Department of Health and Human Service

64. Census Bureau

65. Department of Energy

66. Customs and Border Protection

67. Department of Education

68. Secret Service

69. Peace Corps

70. Department of Justice

71. National Weather Service

72. The White House

73. Government

74. Law

75. Civilization - As an American citizen, you enjoy freedoms that many in other countries do not. Like anything else in this world, our government is not perfect, but you should be thankful everyday that your country has a government that feels an obligation to serve the people and protect their rights and freedoms. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism. Do you think the private sector would do a better job of governing our country? Do you think corporations would enact laws to help protect and serve you and your family or them and their profits? The reason you can read this blog and the reason I can write it whether you agree with it or not is because of the freedoms we have here in America enforced and protected through socialist means. Our entire civilization depends on us being a people united. Socialism is a glue that binds us together and makes possible the things that we could not accomplish as individuals working against each other.

Pure capitalism is a right wing fantasy.

"I believe in regulated capitalism, without regulation a few rich and/or powerful people and corporate CEO's own the country."

You don't know what capitalism is. That goes without saying. You are referring to "crony capitalism" which despite it's name is a form of socialism.

And you don't know what socialism is either because most of what you listed isn't socialism. Socialism is central economic planning. "Government" isn't socialism, though it can be socialist. Saying the military, roads and police are "socialism" is pure ignorance, you don't know what you're saying.

What you are saying is that there is anarchy and socialism, which is a load of crap.
Other than violating our liberty and making no economic sense, it's a pretty good plan ...
It makes a lot of economic sense, and lots of proper laws violate liberty >> the ones against murder, theft, arson, rape, etc All depends on what "liberty" you're talking about. The harmful liberties are violated by laws against them, as it SHOULD be.

Yes, it's pretty intuitively clear that the field of economics is wrong and we should ignore it.

It makes complete intuitive sense.

- Lower prices help consumers. Why do you like paying less for something? What happens when you spend $20 instead of $30 for example that you like?

- Lower costs for American companies help them compete financially with foreign competition ...

- ... and thus provide more jobs

- ... and increase exports

- ... and build new factories here instead of overseas

- The right to property (in this case our businesses) cannot be Constitutionally restricted other than with due process of law, you're proposing flagrant violations of our property rights when we have committed no crime. Constitution, Smonstitution, right Stalin?

Those are not intuitive to you? You don't know why you like paying less for something? You don't know why our companies need to compete cost effectively with foreign competition? You don't respect our property rights?
They are not "still jobs" when there are less of them than would be the case with the free market's far more efficient allocation of resources.

Occupations exist that previously had not existed.

You are inventing false criteria in replace of the actual definition of jobs.

New paid positions produced by government = job creation

When the actual result of government meddling is fewer jobs, you cannot accurately describe that as 'job creation' just because someone ends up working for that government.

This is a HUGE economics fallacy.

You cannot take away something that never existed. Amateur economists make this mistake in regards to money all the time.

You will find out soon enough that no one from the Austrian or Chicago schools or any variation thereof would suggest that government creates jobs.

I just did.

That would be counter to the most basic principals of free market ideology because it is counter to logic and reason.

Believing that the government creates jobs does not imply that government jobs are preferable to jobs created through private enterprise.

You are establishing false premises to cover the fact that your position is in the wrong.

I honestly, sincerely wish you the best in your research.

Do not patronize me.

You are the one being intellectually dishonest.
The entire deficit can be wiped out in an instant through simple confiscation of all all private wealth. You Democrats thought you were nominating Hillary but got Nutty Old Uncle Bernie in drag (it starts with confiscatory death taxes - then moves on to 401Ks and IRAs).
They are not "still jobs" when there are less of them than would be the case with the free market's far more efficient allocation of resources.

Occupations exist that previously had not existed.

You are inventing false criteria in replace of the actual definition of jobs.

New paid positions produced by government = job creation

When the actual result of government meddling is fewer jobs, you cannot accurately describe that as 'job creation' just because someone ends up working for that government.

This is a HUGE economics fallacy.

You cannot take away something that never existed. Amateur economists make this mistake in regards to money all the time.

You will find out soon enough that no one from the Austrian or Chicago schools or any variation thereof would suggest that government creates jobs.

I just did.

That would be counter to the most basic principals of free market ideology because it is counter to logic and reason.

Believing that the government creates jobs does not imply that government jobs are preferable to jobs created through private enterprise.

You are establishing false premises to cover the fact that your position is in the wrong.

I honestly, sincerely wish you the best in your research.

Do not patronize me.

You are the one being intellectually dishonest.

I didn't try to patronize you, I tried to inform you. Clearly, that's not possible, so allow me to be blunt. The notion that you are in any way in line with Austrian economics is fucking joke. You CLEARLY have no clue how it works.

Off you go collectivist boy.
I didn't try to patronize you, I tried to inform you. Clearly, that's not possible, so allow me to be blunt.

Now you are just deflecting.

Off you go collectivist boy.


Explain how the formation of paid positions does not constitute job creation?

Justify how you can take away from something that never existed, by producing something that never existed :confused-84: :uhoh3: :uhh:

The notion that you are in any way in line with Austrian economics is fucking joke. You CLEARLY have no clue how it works.

Since when has the Austrian school been defined by fallacious arguments and bullshit semantics?

I believe you are the one that needs to go back to your studies.
Obama created more jobs than 3 Republican presidents Bush1 + Bush2. + Ford Combined.
I didn't try to patronize you, I tried to inform you. Clearly, that's not possible, so allow me to be blunt.

Now you are just deflecting.

Off you go collectivist boy.


Explain how the formation of paid positions does not constitute job creation?

Justify how you can take away from something that never existed, by producing something that never existed :confused-84: :uhoh3: :uhh:

The notion that you are in any way in line with Austrian economics is fucking joke. You CLEARLY have no clue how it works.

Since when has the Austrian school been defined by fallacious arguments and bullshit semantics?

I believe you are the one that needs to go back to your studies.

Calling an activity "job creation" that absolutely 100% results in FEWER jobs, as is the case when government redistributes capital, is, well, insane. But you go with that pal.

p.s. One need only look at the childish cartoon included in everyone one of your posts to see your claim of being a libertarian is compete and utter bullshit. You're no individualist, you're a damn collectivist.

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