Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

GDP was over 12% under Carter, but has been in steady decline Since Reagan started subsidizing the rich by taxing workers & causing inflation.
GDP was over 12% under Carter, but has been in steady decline Since Reagan started subsidizing the rich by taxing workers & causing inflation.
OH you are so ignorant! I lived through Carter and the Misery Index you dummy!
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it
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Repubtards are clueless about economics.

Repubtards believe government police mugging workers of their hard earned money before they get to go shop at Walmart creates jobs when they give that money directly to Walmart's "Rich Job Creating Owner" the Walton's. LOL Since the shoppers were mugged there are now fewer shoppers & they buy less, so Walmart fires some of it's workers & slashes pay for the rest. LOL Republicans call that job creation!!! The Subsidized now Richer Walton's use their extra income to offshore more jobs & hide more income from the tax man.

When Clinton made the Rich Walton's pay their share of taxes, instead of mugging the poor workers of their hard earned money, Repubtards SCREAMED JOB KILLER!!! LOL!!!

Clinton job creation exploded when he allowed workers to keep their own money to shop more & spend more forcing Walmart to hire more workers & increase pay. Those new workers with more money shopped more, invested more & invented more products & services to enrich our lives. This created RECORD JOBS. More jobs than 3.5 Republicans Presidents Combined.

Republicans Rich Donors demanded Clinton be brought down at any cost & to repeatedly forever blast the airwaves with the message Reagan created those jobs & Clinton is a criminal.
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Take away the dot com bubble of the '90's (which would have happened regardless of who was president) and Clinton would have gone down as a very forgettable president. Except for his womanizing of course.
Take away the dot com bubble of the '90's (which would have happened regardless of who was president) and Clinton would have gone down as a very forgettable president. Except for his womanizing of course.

And GWB PAID for the bubble when it burst!
A Major $8 trillion market loss... (Which meant jobs, tax revenue,etc. gone!)
The bust occurred and cost $8 trillion in losses? Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year!
$8 trillion in market losses MEANT lost tax revenue.
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $8 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies.
More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 -
and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion
These 500,000 jobs say at $60,000 per job or at 13.4% from employee/employer FICA payments of $4 billion a unemployment checks.
Clinton's Performance Cost Telecom Sector +500k Jobs - Tar Bubbles
It's funny how Obama also created more jobs than Republican Presidents, Ford + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!
It's funny how Obama also created more jobs than Republican Presidents, Ford + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

And it is SO sad you forgot what happened from 2001 to 2008 that cost over 5,000 lives, nearly $10 trillion in businesses, market value and over 3 million jobs. Do you remember the little things that occurred?
1) Recession that according to "experts" the slow down started in July 2000... Clinton's last year!
2) Dot Com bust that experts say cost over $8 trillion in market value which MEANT to people smarter then you tax revenue losses.
3) A minor point known as 9/11!!!
4) The absolute worst hurricane SEASONS...not just hurricanes... in history occurred... cost nearly $1 trillion and 2,000 lives!
But these events according to you had NO BEARING!
In spite of that GWB's growth in the GDP averaged over 7 years nearly 4.4% compared to:

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth

Plus what are these jobs Obama created?
Part time fewer hours! Obamacare made certain of that.
Obamacare says a full time job is 30 hours. Which means historically all the jobs before Obama were 40 hour jobs!
Today Obamacare says those supposed "jobs" he created?? Should be calculated at a 3/4 rate!
In other words instead of say the 14 million attributed to Obama.. cut that by 25% since they are NOT 40 hour/week jobs!
That is 10 million jobs!
Which is FAR less then Ford,Bush1 and Bush 2 created!
Obamacare says a full time job is 30 hours. Which means historically all the jobs before Obama were 40 hour jobs!

No it doesn't. Whatever Obama says or doesn't say for Obamacare, BLS has always classified Full time as 35 or more hours and part time as 1-34 hours.

Today Obamacare says those supposed "jobs" he created?? Should be calculated at a 3/4 rate!
In other words instead of say the 14 million attributed to Obama.. cut that by 25% since they are NOT 40 hour/week jobs!
That is 10 million jobs!
Which is FAR less then Ford,Bush1 and Bush 2 created!
Not only have part time jobs not gone up as much as you claim, but let's look at voluntary vs involuntary.
Green line is voluntary part time, red line is involuntary.
GDP was over 12% under Carter, but has been in steady decline Since Reagan started subsidizing the rich by taxing workers & causing inflation.
OH you are so ignorant! I lived through Carter and the Misery Index you dummy!
Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it
View attachment 91161

-giggle!- Keep posting... you're ridiculously funny.

No matter how you try to cut, slice or dice it, the facts remain the same, during Democratic administrations:
- more jobs are created
- wages rise
- the middle class expands

If you don't like the fact that most charts/graphs/statistics tend to have always been broken down by presidential term - make-up your own, should be good for another laugh.

Whine, whine - excuses, excuses, would you like some brie with your whine?
Obamacare says a full time job is 30 hours. Which means historically all the jobs before Obama were 40 hour jobs!
No it doesn't. Whatever Obama says or doesn't say for Obamacare, BLS has always classified Full time as 35 or more hours and part time as 1-34 hours.

Today Obamacare says those supposed "jobs" he created?? Should be calculated at a 3/4 rate!
In other words instead of say the 14 million attributed to Obama.. cut that by 25% since they are NOT 40 hour/week jobs!
That is 10 million jobs!
Which is FAR less then Ford,Bush1 and Bush 2 created!
Not only have part time jobs not gone up as much as you claim, but let's look at voluntary vs involuntary.
Green line is voluntary part time, red line is involuntary.

Here is why there are more part-time jobs i.e. under 30 hours per OBAMACARE!!!
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Fewer than 50 employees?
Firms of this size are generally not affected by the Employer Shared Responsibility rules and do not have to pay an assessment if their full-time employees receive premium tax credits in the Marketplace. Employers with 50 or More Employees | The U.S. Small Business Administration |

Employer mandate. All businesses with more than 50 employees will have to offer approved health plans or pay a tax of $2,000 per employee;

Firms with 100 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTE) will need to insure at least 70% of their full-time workers by 2015 and 95% by 2016.
Small businesses with 50-99 FTE will need to start insuring full-time workers by 2016.

The mandate does not apply to employers with 49 or less FTE.
Employers with less than 25 FTE with average annual wages of less than $50,000 qualify for employer tax credits through ObamaCare’s SHOP.
Those with 10 or less FTE with average annual wages of less than $20,000 qualify for the full credit of up to 50% of their share of employer premiums.
To be eligible for a tax credit, the employer must contribute at least 50% of the total premium cost or 50% of a benchmark premium (second lowest cost Silver Plan in your state’s Marketplace).
As of 2010, there were roughly 5.7 million small employers, defined as those with fewer than 500 workers.
Some 97% of them have fewer than 50 employees. That means Obamacare's employer mandate applies only to 3% of America's small businesses.
That's about 200,000 companies.
The overblown Obamacare myth about small business

So let's assume that say 20% of these 200,000 companies WANTED to hire more employees and that brings them over the 50 employee limit!
That would be 40,000 employers hiring just one more employee or 40,000 NEW JOBS!

We have then with Obamacare telling small business owners that if they have 49 workers and hire one more employee they now must offer 70% of workers
health insurance. What a way to put a damper on hiring people.
Then we have Obama pushing for small businesses in Mississippi where the cost of living is lower then New York to pay the SAME minimum $15.00 wage.
Wow talk about discouraging employers from hiring!
Finally just when these small business employers think they have a chance to better the lives of all their existing employees... Obama and his anti-business
rules and regulations piles on more and more.
As a result here we have small business owners are totally frustrated and getting out in droves. Putting employees out of work!
100 Unintended Consequences of Obamacare
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| National Review
Obamacare says a full time job is 30 hours. Which means historically all the jobs before Obama were 40 hour jobs!
No it doesn't. Whatever Obama says or doesn't say for Obamacare, BLS has always classified Full time as 35 or more hours and part time as 1-34 hours.

Today Obamacare says those supposed "jobs" he created?? Should be calculated at a 3/4 rate!
In other words instead of say the 14 million attributed to Obama.. cut that by 25% since they are NOT 40 hour/week jobs!
That is 10 million jobs!
Which is FAR less then Ford,Bush1 and Bush 2 created!
Not only have part time jobs not gone up as much as you claim, but let's look at voluntary vs involuntary.
Green line is voluntary part time, red line is involuntary.

Here is why there are more part-time jobs i.e. under 30 hours per OBAMACARE!!!
View attachment 91220
How is showing that those working part time for economic reasons is going DOWN under Obama proof that they're going up?

People who want to and available to work 35+ hours/week, but who are now working <35 due to Obamacare would fall under the category of "slack work or business conditions." So let's look at that specifically

so I'm just not seeing how Obamacare is having an effect at the National level.
Obamacare says a full time job is 30 hours. Which means historically all the jobs before Obama were 40 hour jobs!
No it doesn't. Whatever Obama says or doesn't say for Obamacare, BLS has always classified Full time as 35 or more hours and part time as 1-34 hours.

Today Obamacare says those supposed "jobs" he created?? Should be calculated at a 3/4 rate!
In other words instead of say the 14 million attributed to Obama.. cut that by 25% since they are NOT 40 hour/week jobs!
That is 10 million jobs!
Which is FAR less then Ford,Bush1 and Bush 2 created!
Not only have part time jobs not gone up as much as you claim, but let's look at voluntary vs involuntary.
Green line is voluntary part time, red line is involuntary.

Here is why there are more part-time jobs i.e. under 30 hours per OBAMACARE!!!
View attachment 91220
How is showing that those working part time for economic reasons is going DOWN under Obama proof that they're going up?

People who want to and available to work 35+ hours/week, but who are now working <35 due to Obamacare would fall under the category of "slack work or business conditions." So let's look at that specifically

so I'm just not seeing how Obamacare is having an effect at the National level.

Ask these people then. Not me...They are the ones that are directly affected by Obamacare!

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