Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

Obama's "unemployment rate" statistic is a joke. He just took everyone not employed and declared them "out of the labor force..."

'Frightening' number of unemployed have stopped looking for work

"the government considers "not in the labor force" swelled by 664,000 to a record 94.7 million Americans, according to Labor Department data."

There is actually more "truth" in the climate stats than Obama's economic stats...

Deflection, delusion, and hyperbole at work here! Some won't see because they refuse to look! Whatever! :50: :rolleyes-41:
Obama's "unemployment rate" statistic is a joke. He just took everyone not employed and declared them "out of the labor force..."..
What exactly are you saying Obama did? The definitions of Employed, Unemployed, Labor Force and Not in the Labor Force did not change at all under Obama.

Are you claiming Obama instructed BLS to classify people who met the definition of unemployed to instead be classified as "not in the labor force?"

Sure there are a record number of people not in the labor force. There's also a record number of people IN the Labor Force. And a record number of people employed.
By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS of US jobs away from Americans. And now she wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.
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By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.
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By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.

Things were turning better in 1980. The real knife in the back came during the Clinton regime with NAFTA. It was predicted by Perot what would happen and by gosh that is exactly what happened. Now we hear Ford will be moving small car production to Mexico. Thanks Bill and Hillary.
Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!


Bull shit, Clinton had nothing to do with the jobs that were created
By supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, birthright citizenship, and Sanctuary Cities, Hillary took MILLIONS if Us jibs away from Americans. And now show wants to bring hundreds of thousands more immigrants into the country from Syria. She seems to be good at creating US jobs for NON-US people.

FDR, Truman and Eisenhower had their differences BUT they were all deeply committed to American Labor. They believed that American Corporations should be beholden to American workers not China or Mexico. This makes sense because American corporations benefit deeply from infrastructure, subsidies and bailouts that come from the American taxpayer.

In 1980 we decided that profits were more important than patriotism, and we haven't looked back since. American workers are now forced to compete with shoeless peasants living in dirt shacks and eating dog food. We are witnessing a race to the bottom. Whichever labor market is willing to eat the cheapest dog food (i.e., work for the lowest wages), gets the jobs. If Americans didn't have to compete with Taiwanese sweatshop workers, they would have much higher wages, and they could afford to take care of their AMERICAN families. Unfortunately, post-60s capitalism doesn't give a shit about American families. Which is to say, the conservative movement is dead.

What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
Things were turning better in 1980. The real knife in the back came during the Clinton regime with NAFTA. It was predicted by Perot what would happen and by gosh that is exactly what happened. Now we hear Ford will be moving small car production to Mexico. Thanks Bill and Hillary.
They indeed are the big outsourcers - all the while that they run TV ads falsely accusing Trump of it.
What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.
What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.

Exactly. Even Adam Smith agrees that capitalism should be bound by national interests. This is why I voted for Ross Perot. He supported free markets right up to the border, but he wasn't willing to privilege Mexican workers over struggling American families.
What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.

Bull shit. He wants to punish companies, not help them. He wants to lock the gate, not incent them to stay. He's anti-capitalist
Things were turning better in 1980. The real knife in the back came during the Clinton regime with NAFTA. It was predicted by Perot what would happen and by gosh that is exactly what happened. Now we hear Ford will be moving small car production to Mexico. Thanks Bill and Hillary.
They indeed are the big outsourcers - all the while that they run TV ads falsely accusing Trump of it.

Hillary has called TPP the gold standard of trade agreements. That is until she heard Trump talk about it, now she doesn't like it so much. But if disaster happens and she is elected me thinks she will fall back in love. Why do you think that the establishment is backing Hillary. Nothing less then TPA and TPP and the SCOTUS appointments.
Wow, with such a rosy view the Republicans give us, then how did Bush go from a surplus to trillions in debt even before Obama became president?

WANT ME TO REPEAT the litany of events that no other presidency have ever had to deal with in their 8 years?
Are you that f...king dumb and blind???
Is it so hard to admit that the bust, the recession, that 9/11, that the worst hurricanes occurred? Are you that idiotic to dispute these events never happened?

Once again RDEAN seems to get confused easily!!!
"Surplus to trillions in debt"!

A) YOU are confusing DEBT with DEFICIT! Do you understand the difference?
The national debt under CLINTON was $5.629 trillion.
Eight years later, the federal debt stood at $9.986 trillion.
Under President Obama: The debt started at $9.986 trillion and At the end of FY 2016 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $19.3 trillion,
B) Clinton's last budget spent less then revenue coming in... SURPLUS!!! NOT DEBIT..
C) Bush's spending versus revenue coming in:
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later due to losses against revenue.
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly... AND TARP was paid back with a $60 billion profit to the USA
AGAIN that payback was added to Obama's revenues in 2009,2010,etc... so he still blew more money!

So what excuse does Obama have for increasing the national debt by over 94% ? Was there an attack equal to 9/11? How about NO hurricanes in 10 years?

All the presidents in my lifetime have increased the debt.
Except for FDR's WWII spending, by far, the percentage of increase in debt has been created during Republican administrations.
The debt began to explode under Nixon...
Since Nixon, Clinton's percentage of increase in debt is the lowest, Reagan's percentage of increase in debt is by far-----by far the worst.

U.S. Debt by President: By Dollar and Percent

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Added $236 billion, a 1,048% increase over $23 billion, the debt at the end of Hoover's last budget, FY 1933.

Harry Truman: Added $7 billion, a 3% increase over FDR's debt level of $259 billion at the end of FY 1945.

Dwight Eisenhower: Added $23 billion, a 9% increase in the $266 billion debt level at the end of Truman's last budget, FY 1953.

John F. Kennedy: Added $23 billion, a 8% increase in the $289 billion debt level at the end of Eisenhower's last budget, FY1961.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Added $42 billion, a 13% increase in the $312 billion debt level at the end of JFK's last budget, FY 1964.

Richard Nixon: Added $121 billion, a 34% increase in the $354 billion debt level at the end of LBJ's last budget, FY 1969.

Gerald Ford: Added $224 billion, a 47% increase in the $475 billion debt level at the end of Nixon's last budget, FY 1974.

Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase in the $699 billion debt level at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase in the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.

George H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase in the $2.8 trillion debt level at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.

Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase to the $4.4 trillion debt level at the end of Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.

Barack Obama: Added $6.494 trillion, a 56% increase in the $11.657 trillion debt level attributable to President Bush by the end of his last budget, FY 2009.

Remember the good ol' days, those halcyon days of yore before Reagan gave a [y]uge cash gift via tax cuts to people that didn't need the extra dough? Ahhh yes, those days when the deficits were smaller and the middle class was bigger.


Your source is wrong! Here are the FACTS about who has increased national debt more and Obama is at 91.5% while Bush was at 86.5% and this is
down to the penny!!!!! Plus Bush had 4 major events occur that NO other president has every experienced in their presidency! NOT one president has
had these 4 events occur in their 8 years! NEVER!!!
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)


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What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.

Exactly. Even Adam Smith agrees that capitalism should be bound by national interests. This is why I voted for Ross Perot.

Providing other citizens lower prices and the ability to compete with foreign producers is in our national interest. It's also a violation of our property rights. What gives you the right to say I have to use my business my property, for your interest? Can government do that to you, ensure your use of your property is for the national interest?

I'm sorry, Londoner, we're taking your car, we don't see a national interest in where you're going. What about your stapler, is it acting in the national interest? It's a bull shit argument
Hillary has called TPP the gold standard of trade agreements. That is until she heard Trump talk about it, now she doesn't like it so much. But if disaster happens and she is elected me thinks she will fall back in love. Why do you think that the establishment is backing Hillary. Nothing less then TPA and TPP and the SCOTUS appointments.
Hillary is the queen of outsourcing. The outsourcer in the is election clearly is Hillary Clinton who authored NAFTA, has long supported the TPP (until this ELECTION YEAR), and still is a member of the heavily pro-outsourcing organizations >> the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

In addition to all that really bad international outsourcing that Hillary is long deep into, she also is a longtime supporter of DOMESTIC outsourcing (AKA "immigration" and visa hiring) Only difference between Intl & domestic outsourcing is that with the domestic, these are the jobs that can only be done INSIDE THE US (ex. landscaping, construction, janitorial, hotels, etc)
What a load. We achieved our greatness with free markets and capitalism. We were the country that adapted when times changed and leveraged the opportunity. Now both parties are just fear, doom and gloom and you're choking the goose that laid the golden egg, which is capitalism
He's wasn't attacking capitalism. he was attacking GLOBALIST capitalism, and I agree with him.

Bull shit. He wants to punish companies, not help them. He wants to lock the gate, not incent them to stay. He's anti-capitalist

Nope. I'm for a very specific form of postwar capitalism, one that is a hybrid of protectionist labor policies with infrastructure investment. I agree with the greatest generation of centrist American Presidents, from Truman to Nixon. I'd take any of them over any president before or after. Had Perot survived and formed a 3rd party, that would be my party. When Clinton chose NAFTA, I was pushed away from mainstream Democrats.
Providing other citizens lower prices and the ability to compete with foreign producers is in our national interest. It's also a violation of our property rights. What gives you the right to say I have to use my business my property, for your interest? Can government do that to you, ensure your use of your property is for the national interest?

I'm sorry, Londoner, we're taking your car, we don't see a national interest in where you're going. What about your stapler, is it acting in the national interest? It's a bull shit argument
The # 1 purpose of government is to PROTECT the people. That includes everything, and everything includes business. Get it ?
FACTS folks! That's all I deal in.
And the FACTS of GWB having 4 major events occur that NO other president has ever experienced makes me declare him a GREAT President!
Because the FACTS are IN SPITE of these events that triggered dramatic changes in how we live, GWB kept our spirits up!
Remember this??? Remember after 9/11 the vast majority of Americans were ill at ease.

Remember Bush throwing a perfect strike at the world series game!

And then you idiots with NO memories. With NO FACTS without considering all the issues Bush dealt with and you come up with stupid outright
LIES about Bush/Obama!

Remember folks Clinton signed the 1998 LIBERATION OF IRAQ act and dozens of Democrats jumped on the bandwagon of removing Saddam!
But Clinton didn't have the balls and frankly the same environment that Bush had.
America had to do something and making sure 2.8 million children didn't starve seemed valid!
In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports
So the Cease Fire started in 1991.
1991 to 1995 is 4 years.. 576,000 starved is 144,000 kids a year.
1995 to 2015 is 20 years... If Saddam was still in power at 144,000 kids starving per year times 20 years that is 2.8 million children that would have starved.
So why did Saddam allow these 576,000 kids to starve and if he was still in power nearly 2.8 million more
would have starved?
Those jobs are allocated using money forcibly taken from other citizens.

They are still jobs.

Nothing was created.

You can create jobs through the appropriation of funds.

The definition of job is not profitable.

You can steal from others, preventing the creation of jobs in the process and when you hire a guy with those funds, call it job creation.
Economics 101.

I adhere to the Austrian school, so I am not an advocate

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