Clinton Emails Beyond Top Secret

Well, a corrupt Justice Department under the Obama Administration still exists and Hillary is suck-holing Obama like a cheap whore..Democrats don't seem too threatened, they figure the fix is in and I figure they're still right.
Blow Jobs knows.....

Well, a corrupt Justice Department under the Obama Administration still exists and Hillary is suck-holing Obama like a cheap whore..Democrats don't seem too threatened, they figure the fix is in and I figure they're still right.

What you say may be true but I'll bet you that the F.B.I. agents who are working the case will give their boss holy hell if he doesn't forward a recommendation to prosecute to the Attorney General. There will be a revolt like you have never seen. Failure to prosecute will be legal grounds for any future federal employee's attorney to argue for his/her client. It will be a huge blow to the entire Justice Department. I say they will begin the process and Obama will cover her with executive privilege the same way he did Eric Holder.
With each passing day the Liberal playhouse appears to teeter more and more. Soon it will come crashing down.
According to "leaked" information, Defense Secretary Ash Carter is considering whether to retroactively strip one of Gen. Petraeus' four stars because of his breach of security protocols. The alleged reason for this review of his retirement status is to make sure he hasn't received preferential treatment compared with other military officers in similar situations. Why Petraeus and why now, especially after Mr. Carter was advised against this by his own military advisers?

The real reason may be just the opposite of what has been "leaked." Rather than ensuring that existing standards are equally applied to Petraeus, the purpose of this "review" may be to carve out an exception to these standards based on his outstanding service to his country during the war in Iraq, a theme that Republicans will be sure to support.

Who will be the ultimate beneficiary of this exercise? None other than Hillary Clinton, whose own indiscretions regarding the handling of classified documents hangs like an angel of death over her Presidential aspirations. By establishing new mitigating criteria for prosecuting these types of national security violations, Hillary will be allowed to negotiate an "agreement" with the Justice Department which involves no criminal admissions and allows her to continue with her quest for the Presidency.
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