Clinton emails dominate Sunday shows

Wait. what? I don't understand. Hillary and her supporters said this is a nonissue. You know, just another right wing conspiracy.

Clinton emails dominate Sunday shows

The controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State intensified Sunday, with a recent report condemning Clinton's actions taking center stage on the Sunday morning political talk shows.

Some Democratic leaders urged the public to focus instead on issues facing the country. But Clinton's Democratic presidential rival, Bernie Sanders, and Republicans pointed to the report and the continued controversy as a reason for voters to reexamine their support for the Democratic presidential front-runner.

It is a non issue, because should Hillary ever get indicted, Obama would immediately issue an Executive Order to pardon her.

And her acolytes would still vote for her. Well, maybe not the white ones.
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More bengahzi witch hunt bullshit.

Millions of dollars and what do u have ? HILLARY violated "policy"! Gasp!!!!

You don't see her negligence as a problem?

Not a big problem . It wasnt a big secret or anything . No one even gave a shit . They kept emailing her!
She probably assured the foreign donors that were paying into the Clinton Cash Foundation Fund that she would erase them as soon as she read them.
Wait. what? I don't understand. Hillary and her supporters said this is a nonissue. You know, just another right wing conspiracy.

Clinton emails dominate Sunday shows

The controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her time as secretary of State intensified Sunday, with a recent report condemning Clinton's actions taking center stage on the Sunday morning political talk shows.

Some Democratic leaders urged the public to focus instead on issues facing the country. But Clinton's Democratic presidential rival, Bernie Sanders, and Republicans pointed to the report and the continued controversy as a reason for voters to reexamine their support for the Democratic presidential front-runner.

It is a non issue, because should Hillary ever get indicted, Obama would immediately issue an Executive Order to pardon her.

And her acolytes would still vote for her. Well, maybe not the white ones.
If Hill got indicted, Obama would push Biden in at the drop of a hat. Hellery will get the pardon, but not until the last minute of his presidency.
The truth is she failed in Libya, period!

No one can deny this, NO ONE, including her!

She was terribly incompetent in her role as SOS and what makes anyone believe the woman deserves to be POTUS is beyond belief!

This Admin should have been roasted for their derelict performance in Libya by the MSM, yet they rode the fence to this day on the subject...

There is absolutely ZERO accountability by this Admin for their tremendous failures with their Foreign policy decisions...

If any Republican Admin had promoted the weak ass story that a Anti Muslim video prompted the assault in Benghazi, they would have been burned on a daily basis until 50 members of their staff had been brought up on charges and paraded in front of a Special Prosecutor...

The Double Standards on this crap are so old, and you wonder why Trump gets the traction he does...

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