Clinton Foundation donors had accompanied Mrs. Clinton on State Department trips? We’ll see…


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Clinton Foundation donors had accompanied Mrs. Clinton on State Department trips? We’ll see…

Judge Orders State Dept. to Release Records From Clinton Trips

A federal judge on Friday ruled on behalf of Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group, in its lawsuit against the State Department for documents related to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure there.

Judge Gladys Kessler of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the State Department to produce passenger manifests from 47 overseas trips that Mrs. Clinton made as secretary of state. Citizens United requested the manifests last July through a Freedom of Information Act Request.

The State Department, the judge wrote, must release the first batch of records by April 3, with more being released every two weeks; all the documents must be given to the group no later than Aug. 1.

The group requested the flight manifests to examine whether Clinton Foundation donors had accompanied Mrs. Clinton on State Department trips.

“Clearly, the State Department is not getting the benefit of the doubt from judges anymore,” David N. Bossie, president of Citizens United. said Friday.

It would be just like Clinton to use the State Dept. trips as free trips abroad for large money donors to her Foundation or campaigns. Whatever feels good to Hillary. No rules for her.

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