Clinton Foundation: Only 6% Goes to Direct Aid. The Rest? Their Personal Piggie Bank.

The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Haaaaaa no evidence there either, you're nothing but a bunch of Hot Air .... Say something with substance instead of blah blah blah...

Sarah Palin should really think about running: Saturday Night Live needs some new material....

There were 9 parts of the Government that signed off of this deal...
Anyway with the Koch Brothers funding this book, I am not too worried... They are worried about Hillary and are digging deep those assholes.

One other fact I failed to mention. Charities are supposed to spend 75% of the money collected on actual folks the charity is supposed to help. Per the Clinton Foundation Tax filing only 6.4% went to folks needing help.

Thieves. Unadulterated thieves.

Quote: "......But that’s still far below the 75 percent rate of spending that nonprofit experts say a good charity should spend on its mission."
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Are you mad again? :dance:
Is anyone surprised at the lame attempt these Lefty's are making to justify the Clinton's greed?

Independent Auditor’s Report
and Consolidated Financial Statements

It's easy to look up. Anyone can do it.

Since the Clinton's have subsequently admitted that they didn't disclose all of the contributions to their this "audit" worth anything? The accounting firm took the numbers that the Clinton's gave them and reached a conclusion. Now the Clinton's are admitting they didn't disclose all of their donations.

I believe the saying that applies here is "Bullshit in...bullshit out!"
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

You can read their financial reports right here:

Annual Financial Reports Clinton Foundation
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

You can read their financial reports right here:

Annual Financial Reports Clinton Foundation

The same question should be asked of ANY report that the Clinton's put out. When you admit that the reports you've issued in the past were false then why should anyone believe the reports you issue now? I mean let's face it folks...the Clinton's are NOT the most honest people on the planet and have a LONG history of telling flat out lies.
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

You can read their financial reports right here:

Annual Financial Reports Clinton Foundation

I posted a link containing their Foundation Federal Tax Return. The expenses are listed precisely.

Are you saying the Clinton's willfully lied on their Federal Tax Return? What exactly is your point?

Key Quote:

"On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fund-raising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons are on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the Foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand."
Peter Schweizer ( the books author ) has 0 direct evidence that Hillery actually intervened into this sale to the Russians, only patterns . He only has claims and hopes for it to be investigated, in which there is nothing to base on.
He only briefed/ interviewed Republicans what a surpise
The Author was a speechwriter for Bush, and is funded by the Koch brothers....Haaaa sums it up for me until there are actual facts presented.

You arent disturbed by what appears to be bribery?
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Are you mad again? :dance:
Have you failed again?:Boom2:
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Haaaaaa no evidence there either, you're nothing but a bunch of Hot Air .... Say something with substance instead of blah blah blah...

Sarah Palin should really think about running: Saturday Night Live needs some new material....

There were 9 parts of the Government that signed off of this deal...
Anyway with the Koch Brothers funding this book, I am not too worried... They are worried about Hillary and are digging deep those assholes.

No evidence? You're joking, right? They admitted they failed to disclose foreign contributions. They took foreign contributions after Hillary promised Obama she wouldnt. And that's just what we know for a fact. Arent you bothered even by the suggestion that Hillary took bribes while in office?
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)

No it is not.... There is not one piece of evidence just here say so far from this book who claims it is factual.... geeeez lets find facts people.

Yeah, go with that.
The book is accurate. It was fact checked probably to death. Your post is barely literate.

Haaaa all someone has to do is write a book and you find it to be the actual fact, ....if it is down in print it must be true..
" illiterate peasant"

Liberals believed Reid's lie that Romney didn't pay taxes.
Somehow...the teapers iwll fuck this up too!

Clinton shouldn't even be a national discussion. She should have been buried a long time ago...but teaper hate politics keeps her around...they are gong to elevate her with this latest scandal... don't know ho...but they will fuck t up for true conservatives and we will have the misery of another Clinton thief n the WH.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?[/QUOTE]

Some will, then there's Starkey, PaintMyHouse,, esmerelda, chickenwings, sunniman, islamoman, ........................
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....
At least they aren't making suitcases of drug money anymore.....
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Haaaaaa no evidence there either, you're nothing but a bunch of Hot Air .... Say something with substance instead of blah blah blah...

Sarah Palin should really think about running: Saturday Night Live needs some new material....

There were 9 parts of the Government that signed off of this deal...
Anyway with the Koch Brothers funding this book, I am not too worried... They are worried about Hillary and are digging deep those assholes.


Nine Departments of Government whose Heads are Obama appointees'
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
Nice diversion, we are talking about the Clinton Foundation, do you think that less than 7% going to the actual charity is a good deal? Or do you think a charity needs to make sure as much as possible goes to the actual charity.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Haaaaaa no evidence there either, you're nothing but a bunch of Hot Air .... Say something with substance instead of blah blah blah...

Sarah Palin should really think about running: Saturday Night Live needs some new material....

There were 9 parts of the Government that signed off of this deal...
Anyway with the Koch Brothers funding this book, I am not too worried... They are worried about Hillary and are digging deep those assholes.

No evidence? You're joking, right? They admitted they failed to disclose foreign contributions. They took foreign contributions after Hillary promised Obama she wouldnt. And that's just what we know for a fact. Arent you bothered even by the suggestion that Hillary took bribes while in office?

What did you go and watch Fox news finally? There is no clear evidence about what your saying, I am sure we will hear the facts soon...Fox news.1 % truth and 99% fabricated..
What is concerning to me is she deleted all of her emails. ummmm concerns me. There could have been some bad info in those emails. I do not like this fogged transparency from her.

This is a couple who believe that someone only does wrong if it can be proven in a court of law they did wrong.
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.

Haaaaaa no evidence there either, you're nothing but a bunch of Hot Air .... Say something with substance instead of blah blah blah...

Sarah Palin should really think about running: Saturday Night Live needs some new material....

There were 9 parts of the Government that signed off of this deal...
Anyway with the Koch Brothers funding this book, I am not too worried... They are worried about Hillary and are digging deep those assholes.

No evidence? You're joking, right? They admitted they failed to disclose foreign contributions. They took foreign contributions after Hillary promised Obama she wouldnt. And that's just what we know for a fact. Arent you bothered even by the suggestion that Hillary took bribes while in office?

What did you go and watch Fox news finally? There is no clear evidence about what your saying, I am sure we will hear the facts soon...Fox news.1 % truth and 99% fabricated..
What is concerning to me is she deleted all of her emails. ummmm concerns me. There could have been some bad info in those emails. I do not like this fogged transparency from her.


"Could" have been? LOL Let's be honest here...Hillary deleted her emails because she didn't want anyone to see what was in them. It's why she used a private email account in the first place instead of the State Department one that she SHOULD have been using.
Family members don't do too bad either. Hillary's ittle brother cobbled together company and was authorized to mine for gold on Haiti after Bill was appointed to the reconstruction board even though he had no experience in mining.

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