Clinton Foundation: Only 6% Goes to Direct Aid. The Rest? Their Personal Piggie Bank.

Hillary supporters have nothing to worry about. Big money is behind Jeb and Hillary. The only question becomes, which of the two will the lemmings vote for?
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(
This from the guy who thinks Jesus was abnormal because he was celibate.

Again the Reader should recognize that the Above cited contributor is advancing what it knows to be false, as truth; wherein it has itself, advanced the idiocy is sexually deviant, so as to argue that Christ was a sexual deviant; this as a means to equate Christ with the Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, Left-think and so many other forms of madness... and who had the misfortune of doing so in my presence, where upon advancing that drivel it drew back an intellectual stump.

It knows what it is advancing is a lie... but it comes to advise you, that such is truth.

Proving once again that proponents of Hillary Clinton, are as unworthy of your trust, as are the Clintons themselves.

Now Gilligan, see how that works?
Hillary supporters have nothing to worry about. Big money is behind Jeb and Hillary. The only question becomes, which of the two will the lemmings vote for?

Jeb Bush is not going to be nominated by the GOP... you can forget that nonsense, right now.
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

Nope. Not surprised at all.
So now we see that rich folks aren't the squares that the right tries to make us believe...

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?
Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
I am sure the accountants will correct their mistakes...or start being better cooks...
Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
I am sure the accountants will correct their mistakes...or start being better cooks...

Accountants can only work with what you give them...I think at this point it's rather obvious that the Clinton Foundation was less than forthcoming with the truth. Which is why I said..."Bullshit in...bullshit out!".
Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

What years are the Clintons using, what year is the website using.

I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
I am sure the accountants will correct their mistakes...or start being better cooks...

Accountants can only work with what you give them...I think at this point it's rather obvious that the Clinton Foundation was less than forthcoming with the truth. Which is why I said..."Bullshit in...bullshit out!".
Well you know how those activities can get confused and humans do make mistakes....Sounds good if you can find an attorney willing to say it...
No fire where there is smoke heh.

They are redoing their tax returns for the last five years. Think any of us could get away with that?

Many mammoth contributions have not been reported or made public. Think. Any of us could get away with that?

She passed on the deal to give the Russians 20 per cent of our uranium. Think any republican could get away with that?

Her foundation got 145 million from the benefactors of just one of her deals. Think dick Cheney could get away with that?

Her foundation is alleged to be involved in using their money for political purposes. Think all those 501 republican leaning non profits that were being investigated by obamas IRS could get away with that?

Her emails were not secure when dealing with national security. Think gen petreaus could get away with that?

Posters here who do not apply the same standards across the board whether republican or democrat are neither serious debaters or patriotic, their partisanship is stronger than their sense of country or their sense of fairness.

Hilary is done. She can no longer claim to be a champion for the middle class. She will become a late night joke and an American tragedy. Karma is a bitch!
I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
I am sure the accountants will correct their mistakes...or start being better cooks...

Accountants can only work with what you give them...I think at this point it's rather obvious that the Clinton Foundation was less than forthcoming with the truth. Which is why I said..."Bullshit in...bullshit out!".
Well you know how those activities can get confused and humans do make mistakes....Sounds good if you can find an attorney willing to say it...

I don't know about you, Moonie...but I don't "forget" about somebody giving me millions. Must be nice to be rolling in that kind of much that you can't keep track of it all.
I posted a link to the audited tax financial statements from which the numbers were taken. I seriously doubt that the Clintons would post one set of figures on their website and another in their tax returns. Did you even bother to look for yourself or did you just accept what was printed in a tabloid paper?

Why exactly would you "seriously doubt" that someone who had admitted filing incorrect tax returns might also have little problem posting incorrect numbers to their website? Correct me if I'm wrong, Dragonlady but the last time I checked you could go to JAIL for tax fraud...while nobody is going to lock you up for an incorrect web site.
I am sure the accountants will correct their mistakes...or start being better cooks...

Accountants can only work with what you give them...I think at this point it's rather obvious that the Clinton Foundation was less than forthcoming with the truth. Which is why I said..."Bullshit in...bullshit out!".
Well you know how those activities can get confused and humans do make mistakes....Sounds good if you can find an attorney willing to say it...

I don't know about you, Moonie...but I don't "forget" about somebody giving me millions. Must be nice to be rolling in that kind of much that you can't keep track of it all.
It must be a pain in the ass. I've had too collect and post those amounts in some one elses ledgers, but not my own....
No fire where there is smoke heh.

They are redoing their tax returns for the last five years. Think any of us could get away with that?

Many mammoth contributions have not been reported or made public. Think. Any of us could get away with that?

She passed on the deal to give the Russians 20 per cent of our uranium. Think any republican could get away with that?

Her foundation got 145 million from the benefactors of just one of her deals. Think dick Cheney could get away with that?

Her foundation is alleged to be involved in using their money for political purposes. Think all those 501 republican leaning non profits that were being investigated by obamas IRS could get away with that?

Her emails were not secure when dealing with national security. Think gen petreaus could get away with that?

Posters here who do not apply the same standards across the board whether republican or democrat are neither serious debaters or patriotic, their partisanship is stronger than their sense of country or their sense of fairness.

Hilary is done. She can no longer claim to be a champion for the middle class. She will become a late night joke and an American tragedy. Karma is a bitch!

No, no, no, Hillary is the best Democrat on the ticket! She doesn't need to champion the middle class, she needs to grab hold of her Wall St. Big boys and run with them.

Of any Democrat I want elected, it's Hillary, I would live with her and big business in the Oval Office. Four years of her in the White House, Wall St. will do well.

I want the GOP but she would be the best Democrat.
Pay to play. The plot thickens.

So in 2005 Clinton helps Giustra with Kazatomprom. And out of the generousness of his heart Giustra gives the Clinton slush fund errrrrrrrr charity 31.3 million dollars. And then pledged another 100 million.

Okey dokey. Clinton and Giustra set up the Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership.

And THAT partnership got donations from Uranium One's chairman.

I understand where they are coming from when they call it the "Clinton's slush fund" but the other part of this is that it is more than unseemly that around these major financial deals that these so called charities start raking in millions of dollars.

"Pally also described the foundation's work with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which she said received funding from a separate organization in Canada.

The partnership received more than $2million in donations from the Canadian chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, when it was being sold to Russian state atomic agency Rosatom.

Telfer's donations, given by his own foundation, came at the same time as the State Department, then headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, helped approve the sale."

Clinton Foundation admits missteps in donor disclosure Daily Mail Online
Pay to play. The plot thickens.

So in 2005 Clinton helps Giustra with Kazatomprom. And out of the generousness of his heart Giustra gives the Clinton slush fund errrrrrrrr charity 31.3 million dollars. And then pledged another 100 million.

Okey dokey. Clinton and Giustra set up the Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership.

And THAT partnership got donations from Uranium One's chairman.

I understand where they are coming from when they call it the "Clinton's slush fund" but the other part of this is that it is more than unseemly that around these major financial deals that these so called charities start raking in millions of dollars.

"Pally also described the foundation's work with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which she said received funding from a separate organization in Canada.

The partnership received more than $2million in donations from the Canadian chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, when it was being sold to Russian state atomic agency Rosatom.

Telfer's donations, given by his own foundation, came at the same time as the State Department, then headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, helped approve the sale."

Clinton Foundation admits missteps in donor disclosure Daily Mail Online
Pay to play. The plot thickens.

So in 2005 Clinton helps Giustra with Kazatomprom. And out of the generousness of his heart Giustra gives the Clinton slush fund errrrrrrrr charity 31.3 million dollars. And then pledged another 100 million.

Okey dokey. Clinton and Giustra set up the Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership.

And THAT partnership got donations from Uranium One's chairman.

I understand where they are coming from when they call it the "Clinton's slush fund" but the other part of this is that it is more than unseemly that around these major financial deals that these so called charities start raking in millions of dollars.

"Pally also described the foundation's work with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which she said received funding from a separate organization in Canada.

The partnership received more than $2million in donations from the Canadian chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, when it was being sold to Russian state atomic agency Rosatom.

Telfer's donations, given by his own foundation, came at the same time as the State Department, then headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, helped approve the sale."

Clinton Foundation admits missteps in donor disclosure Daily Mail Online

Come on, you must be making it up! You are picking on Hillary! It is all part of a great right wing conspiracy. I am so tired of the left excusing their politicians, yet want to crucify every little thing a Republican does.

Someone called Republicans all liars, the guy is ignoring the Democrats who have Hillary, no two cell phones, under fire in Bosnia, named after Sir Edmund. Add Elizabeth "Crapping Dog" Warren. Barrack "You can keep your doctor" Obama. Pelosi blaming the rising gas prices on Bush. Add Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her lying about e-mails she claims she never sent. These guys are hypocrites.

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