Clinton Foundation stole Haitian assistance funds.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

This is why the left is whining about Trump daring to use $100,000 towards expenses of the charity events used to raise $15 million.
Wow, the same Haitian politician who discovered alien life in outer Mongolia last week on Fox! Wasn't he the one who discovered whole foods and energy drinks. The news from the right just gets better and better. Also read in right wing Fox world that corn was found on Venus. It justs gets better and better, thank goodness Fox and KG provide such fascinating information. Hope we have more tomorrow don't you?

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt
The Clintons were cheating and linging their own paockets?

Say it is not so!

This was a sad sad affair here: Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group
“You have a lot of vetting to do,” Trump said Tuesday in a telephone interview conducted while he was flying to a campaign rally in Albuquerque.

For this particular donation, it would seem that little new vetting was required because Trump already knew the recipient well. The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation had already received more than $230,000 in donations from the Donald J. Trump Foundation — a charity controlled by Trump but largely funded by others. Last year, the group gave Trump its“Commandant’s Leadership Award” at a gala in New York.

donnie takes other peoples money then writes a check out like its his own. disgusting
Wow, the same Haitian politician who discovered alien life in outer Mongolia last week on Fox! Wasn't he the one who discovered whole foods and energy drinks. The news from the right just gets better and better. Also read in right wing Fox world that corn was found on Venus. It justs gets better and better, thank goodness Fox and KG provide such fascinating information. Hope we have more tomorrow don't you?

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

The thread is about the clintons screwing over the Haitians. How about commenting on that instead.


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