Clinton Leads Sanders 42% to 26%; LA Times Even Finds Some GOP(?), Trump-Carson Tied


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Separately, LA Times 9/13/2015, wonders if the Republicans are losing the white voters, too. So Sanders has a momentum boost in two states, Iowa and New Hampshire: But not an overwhelming outpouring of general dissatisfaction with Obama-Biden, and Secretary Clinton. Clinton is currently polling 42% v. Sanders at 26% in California.

California Republicans echo U.S. trends, favoring outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson

Likely people are aware that "Classified" did not appear on the emails. People likely recall that Bill Clinton is Secret Service protected. He was actually President of the United States at one time. The Secretary and the former President likely knew each other well enough to even have a common server. Iran Sanctions happened. An Iran Deal may be the outcome--not to be said a "Go-It-Alone" kind of deal, but a widely approved and negotiated, international deal involving multiple parties and factions. It appears to have been way to complex for the House Republican Conservative, who managed to block the mainstream GOP opposition, and "Going It Alone(?)."

The GOP Go-it-Alone brand is evident in the general support, even of the GOP candidates opposed to Trump. Senator Cruz invited Trump to one of his events. The Free Media appeal of the Go-it-Alone media, uncritical support, is acknowledged the basis of the Cruz invitation--a "100 cameras" event.

The Press Corps is so far not impressed with any people--even in the United States--having much say in the Republican Primary. Even the candidates are not overly critical, either of Trump or the media play.

Soon it will be fall and football again, and monster and turkeys, and Santas and the usual "Put A Security Fence Around It," usual religious-based fervor. Some of that latter generally tends to happen, even in September.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many festive moments--soon even to be celebrated on Lands of Many Nations!)
the trend where Sanders close the gap with Clinton only occur in states where Sanders is making campaign stops.

It will happen in Cali when Sanders get past the first couple of states
And so it is acknowledged that the Bernie Sanders, as a campaign, is mainly a local event: If and only if anyone is interested, what with the SuperBowl and all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many White Eyes not even buying, Bernie Sanders masks for Halloween Apple Bobbling--Especially at share price, Sanders may have noticed--if we are discussing, genuine Socialists, who mainly wear vests!)

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