Clinton Losing to Trump Was Like Jesus's Crucifixion, According to Her Pastor Satan


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
After Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election to Donald Trump last November, she went hiking—and she also turned to religion. That included getting a pep talk from her pastor.

The Reverend Bill Shillady revealed this week that he sent an email to Clinton the morning after the election, and it talked about Good Friday, the day on which Christians believe Jesus Christ was crucified. According to a copy of the letter posted by CNN, Shillady acknowledged that "this is not the devotional you wish to receive this day," but he took her through the story nonetheless.

After the election, Hillary Clinton's pastor sent her this inspirational message

What religion is it again that does this to little African American babies?

I inserted an image of an innocent African American baby that was aborted moments before natural birth. Here is the image, Hillary Clinton supports this type of murder of African babies.
The image is graphic and truthful. Birth Abortion/DavidFront-1.jpg

The spawn of Satan speaks

Too bad you can't edit your IQ
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I enjoyed reading the letter yesterday. I get it, seems like my kind of preacher. Particularly liked his last paragraph,

You know one of my favorite sayings is "God doesn't close one door without opening another, but it can be hell in the hallway." My sister Hillary. You, our nation, our world is experiencing a black Friday. Our hope is that Sunday is coming. But it might well be hell for a while.​
I had to come back to this so called Pastor's comments. Obviously in his training he missed John 3:16. Now I do not belong to any congregation and at best I'm a wild card on a lot of issues that don't fit me in with "Sunday School Christians like Bill Clinton or GW Bush" but I believe in the Word and only the Word.

Albeit a kinda kick ass Ted Nugent form of a disciple I do not worship nor ever will any politician put in front of me and I find it greatly disturbing that any pastor would.

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