Clinton pal McAuliffe under investigation by FBI!

FBI Investigating Hillary Bagman Terry McAuliffe

ROFL! You democraps sure can pick them. This guy is a real piece of shit and a large reason we moved to Tn and not Va.
So many "scandals" that never go anywhere. But the dupes STILL think happened. BENGAZEEEEE!!
Hey, the dupes still think Gore won.
The dupes are GOPers, and believe all kinds of BS. Dems blame the Green Party for the catastrophe Boooosh. And the dupes, of course.
Maybe the Dem dupes should have put up a better candidate. Gore was a joke.
To be duped, you have to believe lies. Funny how in the whole world, only bought off GOP media shovels that particular bs, eh? See sig. Gore won the popular vote. Green party idiots gave it to that amazing catastrophe Boosh. Only brainwashed dupes can support the corrupt, lying, thieving GOP. Great job. Stupidest party in the modern world.
If that's the BS you want to claim, Dem dupe. Gore just plain sucked, but you don't get that, Dem dupe. I'm sure you're happy with the lying, corrupt, thieving DNC, congratulations dupe. BTW: I turned off sigs so I don't have to see your mindless drivel, dupe.

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