Clinton riggings-the wheels are coming off the wagon.

Donna Brazile is beating Hillary like a PINATA right now...

The gullible never seem to learn that where's there's smoke there's fire. The Teflon Clinton's have spent a lifetime covering their tracks but this event is so egregious that it absolutely shouts treachery. Clinton was in charge of the State Department at the time of the sale and the sale could not be processed without the approval of the State Department because Uranium is a controlled component of mass destruction.

Huge amounts of yellow cake were laundered through Canada and then sent to Europe among other places. Clinton's answer to the only reporter who asked her about it was that she was unaware of the deal. You know, "I didn't know the gun was loaded." This treachery is so deep that it involves the Obama administration which is probably why the FBI and the DOJ are afraid to reveal what they know.

The result of the last election has created a conundrum for the federal agencies that investigate wrongdoing on the part of powerful people in the political establishment. Normally the treachery would just become the victim of a bias of omission in the investigations and the crimes would be covered up. But the current president did not come from the political establishment and eventually prison will be a real possibility for both of the Clintons as well as many in the Obama administration including Obama himself. This will be as damaging to the half of the population that realizes they have been used as stooges as aliens landing on the White House lawn.

The Democratic Party is in a semi comatose state and a second term for the president is all but assured. The first order if business in that administration will be to allocate the prison terms of the traitors.

The snowflakes must be whimpering when they read that. If only 20% of that comes true, it will be a great day in this country.
The result of the last election has created a conundrum for the federal agencies that investigate wrongdoing on the part of powerful people in the political establishment. Normally the treachery would just become the victim of a bias of omission in the investigations and the crimes would be covered up. But the current president did not come from the political establishment and eventually prison will be a real possibility for both of the Clintons as well as many in the Obama administration including Obama himself. This will be as damaging to the half of the population that realizes they have been used as stooges as aliens landing on the White House lawn.
Lol. You write very well, but the fact that you somehow imagine Trump or his supporters any better or immune from the same analysis is truly laughable. Both were horrible, highly unpopular candidates from day one because the public already sensed or knew both were simply political opportunists and shysters of the first order. Trump will continue helping no one but himself and you're clearly fine with that while obsessed with the Clintons. Get over it and embrace the reality. We all lost this election before it even started. Both major parties are beyond repair. Time to get a new wagon.
Politician corruption, crime, scandal, greed, and non-representative government / politicians are to blame for where we are now.

It became SO bad that the weight of their own 'shit' caused the bottom to fall out.

Hillary is the living example of everything wrong in DC, and she was the DNC's candidate.

All they had to do was run a scandal-free moderate leaning leftist ... but they had moved so far to the left they could not UN-SELL their soul.

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