Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion - FBI report

Yeah, but is he cray cray, poop his pants and bobs his head all at the same time? BIG difference. :lol:
You're about to be relentlessly attacked by the kooks, oddballs, and weirdos from the Hillary camp for posting the truth.

rightwingnut loons aren't going to attack his lies and pathooic conspiracy theories.

so what are you talking about?
I'm talking about you. Can't you tell? The words "kooks, oddballs, and weirdos" should give you a clue.
Yeah, but is he cray cray, poop his pants and bobs his head all at the same time? BIG difference. :lol:

Yea, he's fucked up in the head.. Listen to him for a while.. He sounds like he's suffering from bad acid trips.. Anyone who advocates for Open Borders doesn't deserve to call themselves an American IMO. He and Bill Weld are goofy freaks.
Wow. I didn't know he was that flexible and multi purposeful!
At this point...I am still twirling in my chair. But it continues to slow down in front of Trump. ;)
Wow. I didn't know he was that flexible and multi purposeful!
At this point...I am still twirling in my chair. But it continues to slow down in front of Trump. ;)

I don't call being for Open Borders flexible and purposeful.. It's treasonous unless you're lefty who thinks American Sovereignty should be abolished.
I am not for open borders. Which is why my chair slows in front of Trump.
I am not in the mood for arguing. Just having a bit of fun.
This OLD BAT is mentally unstable and you can see it her weird facial expressions....


How God resists the understandable urge to smite them off the face of the earth is a mystery to me.
Nope. Is that in your basement, tough guy?

Nope. In '67-'68 it was the most dangerous place on earth....I spent 285 days in and around about you pussy?

Wow! You are so cool. I'll bet you tell everyone you meet all about it!\

Real soldiers don't brag, bitch.

Nope, but I just told you didn't I ya little pussy. Next time you want to talk about war, go get in one ya gutless turd.

You wanna cookie?
Is that how you talk to Vietnam combat vets, asshole?
Hillary's mental condition doesn't really matter since, should America be foolish enough to elect her, it'll just be Slick's third term. He'll pull the strings and his puppet will dance - or at least the seizures will LOOK like she'd dancing.....
Most voters, wouldn't object to that. Bill Clinton left office with an approval rating higher than the two presidents that followed him and the two that preceded him. For most people the 1990's were pretty damn good compared to the years that followed. The problem of course is Hillary is not about to follow Bill's lead.

And all of clintons success had nothing to do with his policies....he had a republican congress who reigned in his spending, he had a tech bubble, and the cold war ended thanks to Reagan....then, just as he was leaving, his tax increases crashed the economy.......
And it could be that it's because it was nearly 8 years ago.

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