Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion - FBI report

Cankles is having seizures brought on by bright flashing lights and loud sounds We've seen two of them recently, and she's undoubtedly had dozens more.

It's very common with brain damaged people. That is why she doesn't do press conferences. She's afraid the truth will come out. Plus she really doesn't want to answer any questions.......

66 days.....
I do believe shit will hit the fan if she is POTUS. Literally and figuratively.

Calling it now.

Nope. Americans are too damn lazy.

As long as SSI, ADC, and SNAP continues, as long as sports, Game of Thrones, etc. continue to be televised, they won't give a shit what goes on in D.C.

And as long as the elites artificially divide the masses along racial, sexual, religious, and identity cleavages, the masses won't pay attention to how clandestine services are operating. I'm aware how it is operating, I tell folks, but every different interest group thinks I have it in for them, so they tell me to loosen my tin foil hat, that's the nature of divide and conquer. Nobody knows who the real enemy is. They plan it that way.

The elites studied how the Roman elites did it.




All true but only we have a Second Amendment and when the pig witch comes after our firearms, everything will be everything.

I sure hope you are right brother.

The 1st and the 2nd are the peoples lynch pin to this whole experiment we call freedom. It is why America has always been the envy of the world and the forces of darkness.

Most don't know that the global elites left out of the Universal declaration on human rights the right to self defense against attack by other persons and tyrannical governments. The elites did that on purpose. BIG MISTAKE. By doing so, global government has no legitimacy. Individual and local sovereignty ALWAYS come first. It is where global government should get it's legitimacy. As such, the UN will have none till all the little people of the Earth have the right to rule themselves and defend themselves first.

They used the Bill of Rights as their blueprint for the UDHR, but failed to include the 2nd Amendment. However, without the 2nd Amendment, (and the people's willingness to defend their rights against tyranny, and that too is critical,) the rest, including the 1st, are all meaningless.

Only when the right to bear arms is considered a fundamental human right will global confederation be possible.
More breaking news over this INSANE BRAIN DAMAGED BITCH
Hacking fears over Clinton server: FBI reveal Hillary was sent 'phishing' email with porn links and 'dark web browser' was used to access another account
  • An unidentified person accessed an email account on Clinton's private server from an IP address associated with encryption tool Tor in 2013
  • The incident happened January 5, 2013, a month before the Democratic presidential nominee left the State Department
  • According to the FBI's review of the Clinton server logs, the user using three IP addresses that are known to serve as Tor 'exit nodes'
  • But the owner of the email account, whose name is redacted in the report, said she was 'not familiar with nor [had] she ever used Tor software'
  • Tor, which was developed with the support of the US government, is an encrypted privacy tool that is used to hide a person's history
  • It has been criticized for allowing hackers and criminals to evade law enforcement in the dark web
  • In another incident, top aide Huma Abedin revealed to an unidentified person that Clinton had fears she had been hacked

Read more: Clinton feared hack after getting porn link sent to her secret email
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Nope. Is that in your basement, tough guy?

Nope. In '67-'68 it was the most dangerous place on earth....I spent 285 days in and around about you pussy?

Wow! You are so cool. I'll bet you tell everyone you meet all about it!\

Real soldiers don't brag, bitch.

Nope, but I just told you didn't I ya little pussy. Next time you want to talk about war, go get in one ya gutless turd.
Nope. Is that in your basement, tough guy?

Nope. In '67-'68 it was the most dangerous place on earth....I spent 285 days in and around about you pussy?

Wow! You are so cool. I'll bet you tell everyone you meet all about it!\

Real soldiers don't brag, bitch.

Nope, but I just told you didn't I ya little pussy. Next time you want to talk about war, go get in one ya gutless turd.

You wanna cookie?
So.........if this is true, then is she fit to hold the office even if elected...?

Notice......Brietbart linked to the story from Reuters...for all you Borg Drones out there who see Breitbart....the Borg Queen doesn't like them so you don't like them....

Reuters: Hillary Clinton Could Not Remember Briefings Due to Concussion - Breitbart

(REUTERS) Hillary Clinton told the FBI she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling sensitive information as she made the transition from her post as U.S. secretary of state, due to a concussion suffered in 2012, according to a report released Friday.


Said the report, “Clinton said she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from (the) State (Department) during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in 2013.

“However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head).

Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received,” the report said.

anything else you want to lie about you bigoted sociopath?
So.........if this is true, then is she fit to hold the office even if elected...?

Notice......Brietbart linked to the story from Reuters...for all you Borg Drones out there who see Breitbart....the Borg Queen doesn't like them so you don't like them....

Reuters: Hillary Clinton Could Not Remember Briefings Due to Concussion - Breitbart

(REUTERS) Hillary Clinton told the FBI she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling sensitive information as she made the transition from her post as U.S. secretary of state, due to a concussion suffered in 2012, according to a report released Friday.


Said the report, “Clinton said she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from (the) State (Department) during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in 2013.

“However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head).

Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received,” the report said.

anything else you want to lie about you bigoted sociopath?

Asswipe.....did you see where the fucking story came from.....Reuters........moron.
This OLD BAT is mentally unstable and you can see it her weird facial expressions... THIS IS THE FACE OF LIBERALISM.. Everyone take a good fucking look at how far down FASCISTS will stoop for power..

Facial expressions? Have you seen Trump?

Go troll someone else ya fucking loon.. this insane BITCH is your candidate and all you can do is a point a finger after she's busted admitting she's a fucking insane freak, liar, brain injured moron.

She ain't my candidate. I was voting for Rand Paul or nobody. You on the other hand will vote for anyone they spoon-feed you.

Don't vote for Trump and everything Rand Paul stands for is dead...there will be no way to overcome the court and the immigration for welfare the democrats are going to engage in....
I do believe shit will hit the fan if she is POTUS. Literally and figuratively.

Calling it now.

Nope. Americans are too damn lazy.

As long as SSI, ADC, and SNAP continues, as long as sports, Game of Thrones, etc. continue to be televised, they won't give a shit what goes on in D.C.

And as long as the elites artificially divide the masses along racial, sexual, religious, and identity cleavages, the masses won't pay attention to how clandestine services are operating. I'm aware how it is operating, I tell folks, but every different interest group thinks I have it in for them, so they tell me to loosen my tin foil hat, that's the nature of divide and conquer. Nobody knows who the real enemy is. They plan it that way.

The elites studied how the Roman elites did it.




why are uneducated rightwingnuts only capable of communicating in pictures?

never mind... i just answered my own question.
I do believe shit will hit the fan if she is POTUS. Literally and figuratively.

Calling it now.

Nope. Americans are too damn lazy.

As long as SSI, ADC, and SNAP continues, as long as sports, Game of Thrones, etc. continue to be televised, they won't give a shit what goes on in D.C.

And as long as the elites artificially divide the masses along racial, sexual, religious, and identity cleavages, the masses won't pay attention to how clandestine services are operating. I'm aware how it is operating, I tell folks, but every different interest group thinks I have it in for them, so they tell me to loosen my tin foil hat, that's the nature of divide and conquer. Nobody knows who the real enemy is. They plan it that way.

The elites studied how the Roman elites did it.




why are uneducated rightwingnuts only capable of communicating in pictures?

never mind... i just answered my own question.

Hey asswipe.........

Hillary Clinton’s Head Trauma Only Allowed Her to Work ‘A Few Hours a Day’ - Breitbart

In November of last year, watchdog organization Judicial Watch reported its review of pages of email from Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin, in which Abedin advised a State Department staffer that it was “very important” to review phone calls with Clinton because she was “often confused.”

Abedin had emailed Monica Hanley, a State Department Clinton aide and companion, from her [email protected] address to alert Hanley about the need to review phone calls with the then-Secretary of State.

According to the report, on January 26, 2013, Abedin had the following email exchange with Hanley:

  • Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]
  • Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her
  • Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.
Dr. Gerard Gianoli, who specializes in ear and balance disorders, writes:

What do we know about Mrs. Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis. Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to life-threatening hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.
You're about to be relentlessly attacked by the kooks, oddballs, and weirdos from the Hillary camp for posting the truth.

rightwingnut loons aren't going to attack his lies and pathooic conspiracy theories.

so what are you talking about?
MrG takes coumadin. Brush up against him, and he bleeds under the skin. If he were in a fender bender, he would probably die of internal bleeding.

This woman should pull herself from the race to be POTUS. She is not competent enough or healthy enough. But she won't.

So..if you don't want Trump and think she is the lesser of two evils...think again. Vote Johnson.
Hillary's mental condition doesn't really matter since, should America be foolish enough to elect her, it'll just be Slick's third term. He'll pull the strings and his puppet will dance - or at least the seizures will LOOK like she'd dancing.....
Most voters, wouldn't object to that. Bill Clinton left office with an approval rating higher than the two presidents that followed him and the two that preceded him. For most people the 1990's were pretty damn good compared to the years that followed. The problem of course is Hillary is not about to follow Bill's lead.
MrG takes coumadin. Brush up against him, and he bleeds under the skin. If he were in a fender bender, he would probably die of internal bleeding.

This woman should pull herself from the race to be POTUS. She is not competent enough or healthy enough. But she won't.

So..if you don't want Trump and think she is the lesser of two evils...think again. Vote Johnson.

Gary Johnson is an Open Borders treasonous fruitloop. Anyone who votes for him is insane.

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