Clinton Support Drying Up In California


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Seems the drought has affected more then water there as Hillary's poll numbers are falling faster then a rock. Why does it matter you ask? Because any time a democrat running for president CAN'T take California well that says a lot about their chances IN the party.

California IS the liberal democrat strong hold. Has been for decades. And more and more that state is saying NO to Hillary.
"Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has seen a dramatic drop in support among likely California primary voters since May as rival Bernie Sanders has surged, a Field Poll released on Wednesday shows."

Bernie is on the verge of taking a state he has little to no time spent in.

Less than half of likely Democratic voters in the June 2016 presidential primary in California, 47 percent, now say they will vote for Clinton, whose candidacy has been damaged by a scandal over her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, according to the survey.

A Field Poll conducted in May found that 66 percent of likely primary voters supported Clinton, first lady during the administration of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and later a U.S. senator from New York."

She has DROPPED from 66 to 47%. That's almost 20 points since May.
So we have one man who is NOT a democrat getting ready to beat her...

"Meanwhile self-styled socialist Sanders, so far Clinton's most prominent challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, has since May climbed from single-digit voter support among California voters to 35 percent, according to the poll.'

And another who is NOT running beating her..

"The poll also found less enthusiasm for Clinton as the party's nominee and that 63 percent of likely voters believed it would be a good thing if Vice President Joe Biden were to enter the race."

Folks if you CAN'T take California and you are a democrat, it's time to hang it up.
Hillary Clinton's support tumbles in California as Sanders surges: Field Poll

The OP is not pointing at CA going "red" in 2016.

CA isn't moving towards the retarded right, it is moving even further to the left.
The OP is not pointing at CA going "red" in 2016.

CA isn't moving towards the retarded right, it is moving even further to the left.
I've never heard Bernie Sanders speak and do not know anything about him but are you telling me that he is further left than Hillary Clinton, Derideo?
But, but, she's INEVITABLE?


She is looking increasingly evitable.

Methinks hiLIARy will a two time loser once the retarded VEEP announces.

The OP is not pointing at CA going "red" in 2016.

CA isn't moving towards the retarded right, it is moving even further to the left.
I've never heard Bernie Sanders speak and do not know anything about him but are you telling me that he is further left than Hillary Clinton, Derideo?
He is a LOT more to the left, a LOT more.
Sanders IS a SELF ADMITTED socialist.
lets just see if there is any fresh water left in california come nov. 2016,,,if not,,,,plenty of salt water to take baths in. the sea lions wont mind.
The OP is not pointing at CA going "red" in 2016.

CA isn't moving towards the retarded right, it is moving even further to the left.
I've never heard Bernie Sanders speak and do not know anything about him but are you telling me that he is further left than Hillary Clinton, Derideo?
He is a LOT more to the left, a LOT more.
Sanders IS a SELF ADMITTED socialist.
Guess what, in American you can be a socialist or a nut job slap dick like yourself!
That's why we are America!

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