Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
Holy fuck Jer, this thread just got REAL! :rofl:

Well, I knew you knew the occult was real, OS. After all!

Isn't it amazing how many people in the world do not have any idea of what is really going on in regards to the occult / politics / this world system? It still surprises me. I don't know why. But it does. I suppose it is true - Lucifer's greatest accomplishment was convincing the world (not all but some) he doesn't exist!
I've actually been casting forbidden spells from within a circle of salt the last few hours under orders from my Jesuit Bishop! You must stop questioning the death of this chef Jeri! The chakra's are aligning against you!

I'm under the Blood of Jesus Christ. I'm fine.
That's what the Jesuits want you to think! I risk all by warning you!!! Aaaarrrgghhh!!!!! Aaahhhh my chakra!!!! Nooooo!!!! They know! Yaaargh!!!! My powers.... fa... fading.... blearrrgghh................
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
Truth is stranger than fiction and I posted a link that asks the question - why so many deaths of people that were working for them or testifying against them or had personal information that could have ruined them - turn up dead? You obviously do not see the connection.

As for the occult? That is common knowledge to many people. I cannot believe this is the first you've heard of it. Seriously. I find it hard to believe you.
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
Comment from reader of the book -

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
Revenge of Gary Aldrich

In 1995, Aldrich left the White House, where he worked as one of the FBI agents tasked with clearing new White House hires for security passes.

The next year, his book, “Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House,” was published. The shocking bestseller charged, among other things, that White House officials were hiring hard-drug users and other security risks over agents’ vetoes. Many of them gained access to classified information without proper clearance.

After being pilloried by the White House and its friends in the prestige press as a “liar,” Aldrich became withdrawn. And when other law-enforcement agents failed to back his story – and his own agency turned over his manuscript to the White House, without his consent – he became disillusioned with his whole profession. He was out on a long, lonely limb, and the sound of sawing was deafening.

But slowly, with each new report of security lapses, his story of loose security and reckless conduct has been confirmed.

At the White House, drug and gun smugglers were waved into fund-raising coffees with the president and vice president. One Clinton donor with Beijing ties even managed to sneak a foreigner past the Secret Service using a bogus driver’s license.

But it’s not just the White House.

A recent undercover sting by Congress turned up alarming security failures at 19 government agencies, including the Pentagon and even Aldrich’s former employer, the FBI. And now, with yet another major security breach at Los Alamos National Laboratory, more and more fingers are pointing back to the White House.

In every agency that deals with protecting national-security secrets, normal security rules and procedures have been ignored, changed or tossed during the Clinton-Gore years.

Clinton appointees have kicked open lab gates to foreign visitors, even ripping out the doors to the Energy Department’s executive suites. They’ve shelved security badges. They’ve cut funding and staff for Pentagon background checks, resulting in a backlog of hundreds of thousands. The CIA’s own director downloaded classified files onto an unsecured home computer used, among other things, to access Internet porn. Officials at the State Department, where escorts were no longer required for foreign visitors, have “lost” top-secret laptops.

Meanwhile, Russian and Chinese spies run amok.

But there is one place where security is tighter, Aldrich says: The Democratic National Committee headquarters.

In 1998, Aldrich founded The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty to aid and support whistle-blowers opposed to serious wrongdoing, especially involving national security, in the federal

One of his clients is a former senior Energy Department official who exposed to Congress the dismantling of military lab security by Clinton appointees – and suffered reprisals for it. After he was effectively fired from his job, he says the administration had him tailed.

Another Aldrich client is a Pentagon official who also was harassed for blowing the whistle on the department’s loosening of background investigations.

“We’re running a civilian witness-protection program here,” Aldrich, 55, said.

The center plans to broadcast ads on a Washington-area FM radio station, entreating federal employees to come forward with what they know about Clinton corruption and attempts by his political appointees to undermine national security.

The spots will appeal to their “sense of patriotism, shame, you name it,” Aldrich said. They’ll also let them know their rights.

Aldrich served 26 years as a special FBI agent, specializing in white-collar crime such as fraud and political corruption. He married an FBI agent. They have three teenagers.

Save a portrait of American patriot Patrick Henry (“Give me liberty or give me death”) hanging behind his desk, his office walls are bare. But his desk is stacked high with paperwork. WorldNetDaily sat down with Aldrich to talk about the recent security lapses and what can only be described as sad vindication for his troubles. This is the first of an exclusive two-part interview concluding tomorrow in WorldNetDaily.

Read more at Revenge of Gary Aldrich
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
Truth is stranger than fiction and I posted a link that asks the question - why so many deaths of people that were working for them or testifying against them or had personal information that could have ruined them - turn up dead? You obviously do not see the connection.

As for the occult? That is common knowledge to many people. I cannot believe this is the first you've heard of it. Seriously. I find it hard to believe you.

A wise person once told me that there was no such thing as a dumb question. He obviously had never met you. I suspect there are lots of really bizarre things that you consider common knowledge, but are nothing more than your efforts to relate to reality and failing miserably.
This is a strange news story. The former White House Chef of Bill and Hillary Clinton has reportedly died from drowning while he was hiking. There is no mention of a lake nearby - the news story said there was a rainstorm. How does one drown in a rainstorm?


Former White House Chef Walter Scheib Drowned 25 Yards From Trail

The body of former top White House chef Walter Scheib has been found more than a week after he disappeared in rough terrain near Taos, NM. State officials say the body of the 61-year-old, who had recently moved to the state from Florida, was found near a hiking trail, the APreports. Scheib went for a solo hike in the mountains last weekend and never returned, sparking a huge search effort involving aircraft, dogs, and National Guard teams, NBC News reports. Police say rescue teams are still gathering information on his death.

Scheib, author of White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen, was hired by Hillary Clinton in 1994 to give daily meals and state dinners a distinctive American twist, and was asked to resign in 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, the Washington Postreports. In an interview with Munchies earlier this year, the chef said he would be "hard-pressed to say no" if a victorious Hillary Clinton asked him to return to the White House kitchen in 2016.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
This is a strange news story. The former White House Chef of Bill and Hillary Clinton has reportedly died from drowning while he was hiking. There is no mention of a lake nearby - the news story said there was a rainstorm. How does one drown in a rainstorm?


Former White House Chef Walter Scheib Drowned 25 Yards From Trail

The body of former top White House chef Walter Scheib has been found more than a week after he disappeared in rough terrain near Taos, NM. State officials say the body of the 61-year-old, who had recently moved to the state from Florida, was found near a hiking trail, the APreports. Scheib went for a solo hike in the mountains last weekend and never returned, sparking a huge search effort involving aircraft, dogs, and National Guard teams, NBC News reports. Police say rescue teams are still gathering information on his death.

Scheib, author of White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen, was hired by Hillary Clinton in 1994 to give daily meals and state dinners a distinctive American twist, and was asked to resign in 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, the Washington Postreports. In an interview with Munchies earlier this year, the chef said he would be "hard-pressed to say no" if a victorious Hillary Clinton asked him to return to the White House kitchen in 2016.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!
Interesting question is why did Gary Aldrich go silent and never talk again about it? What made him go silent? Did they threaten his family? His children? The truth will come out one day - but as the article reports - time did reveal that he was right on the mark with what he had said was going on. I believe that both Bill and Hillary Clinton are criminals that deserve to be behind bars.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.


1) "Fertility god, made of carved dark wood, and put together so they look like stick figures." -- The male Fertility god is in authority during this time of the year. Sex is paramount in the religion of the occultist, and its celebration is one of the highest activities in which occultists can participate. From September 21 to March 21, the male Fertility god is in control of the earth. From March 21 to September 21, the Female goddess assumes supreme leadership. Therefore, the occultist will celebrate either the sex act or the male sex organs at this time of year, preponderantly.

2) "Twelve Lords a-leaping. The ornament consisted of tiny clay male figurines. Each was naked and had a large erection." Once again, you can see the predominance of the male sex organ on display. This associates directly with the male fertility god, above. Human sacrifice is also required on December 21, Yule. During the next 12 days, until Jan 1, this is the transition between the Old Year to the New Year in the American occult world. Notice that there are precisely 12 days from the occult holiday, December 21, to the New Year of January 1. Most people do not realize that this part of our Christmas celebration has such a Satanic foundation.

3) "Two Turtle Doves, but they didn't have shells this time -- they were joined together in an act of bird fornication." This represents the sexual union of the god and goddess. Usually the two preferred times of sexual union are during the two times of the Equinox when the transfer of authority is occurring. This act is also symbol of the sex rite. Once again, you can see the occultic obsession with the sex act. This is totally occultic, and is totally revealing of the type of person Hillary and Bill truly are, in their heart of inner hearts -- witches. This image shows the general occult theme of the male god and female goddess in the tantric sex act. Tantric sex is the occult belief that the energy inherent in the act of sexual climax can be used for occultic purposes, like casting of spells. We later refer to this belief as "Sex Magick", in paragraph 7.

4) "Five Golden rings -- sex toys known as 'cock rings' " This is emblematic of the phallic god. Sex worship is a major part of the occult religion. Occultists are big into the veneration of phallic objects [for the uninitiated among you, a phallic object is a stylistic representation of the male penis. "The phallus is a Pagan fertility symbol which represents generation, virility, and aggression." [Anton LaVey, "Satanic Bible", p. 139].

The most venerated phallic object is the Obelisk, because it is believed to be the place where the spirit of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, resides. Each dedicated occultist is supposed to bow several times daily to the obelisk. Rather than describing the shape of the obelisk to you, I shall just tell you that the most famous obelisk in modern history is the Washington Monument. For a full disclosure of the significance of the Washington Monument, readNEWS1081, "Freemason Site Confirms Government Center In Washington, D.C., Was Deliberately Created With Freemason Occult Symbols".

5) "Another mystery ornament was the gingerbread man. There were five small, gold rings: one in his ear, one in his nose, one through his nipple, one through his belly button, and of course, the ever-popular cock ring." [Read above for description of the cock ring]. These are the five places where the occult five-fold kiss is given during a ritual. This kiss is a simple blessing in the occult, a recognition, and a welcoming. During an occult ceremony, a man gets his penis kissed; [Sounds kind of what Bill Clinton wanted all these girls, like Paula Jones, to do to him].

"This is part of the Legend, or Myth, of the god and goddess of witchcraft. The goddess had never loved, but she wanted to solve all mysteries, even death, and so she journeyed to the Netherworld. When she was challenged by the Guardians of the Netherworld, she was forced to disrobe and give up all her jewelry. But, since she was so beautiful, the god of the Netherworld fell in love with her, and kissed her. He wanted her to abide with him in Death, but she would not. Because she refused, she was made to suffer the symbolic scourge of death. Her beauty remained, so the god of the Netherworld taught her all the mysteries. He then gave her the Five-Fold Kiss", which is still practiced among the occult today.

Only a dedicated occultist would conceive of such an "ornament"! Hillary is now to be recognized as the powerful witch she truly is. She and Bill have often talked about operating a "Co-Presidency", about which we shall speak in another article. Here, she is approving occult ornaments which clearly depict the duality of the god and goddess of the occult, male and female, with a typical emphasis on sex and sex organs!
Anyone who wishes to read more about it can look at the link - there is more information about other occult figures she put up for display during her time in the White House. All of it indicating she and her husband were involved in Illuminati Witchcraft during that time.
Your last posts are proof positive that you suffer from severe mental illness.

Is the FBI Agent who provided this information suffering from severe mental illness too? Are we to believe that all of the people who have told similar stories about the Clinton's are all suffering from severe mental illness? Because you said so? I do not believe so. It's more likely you've been deceived and don't want to admit it.
If you are accurately reporting his claims, then, yes. You guys should be roommates at an asylum.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!

I posted a link and a book referencing her involvement with Illluminati Witchcraft. I never said she killed dozens through witchcraft. You said that Paddymurphy and yes. You sound ridiculous. Totally.
Interesting question is why did Gary Aldrich go silent and never talk again about it? What made him go silent? Did they threaten his family? His children? The truth will come out one day - but as the article reports - time did reveal that he was right on the mark with what he had said was going on. I believe that both Bill and Hillary Clinton are criminals that deserve to be behind bars.
Perhaps he resumed his meds. You should too.
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!

I posted a link and a book referencing her involvement with Illluminati Witchcraft. I never said she killed dozens through witchcraft. You said that Paddymurphy and yes. You sound ridiculous. Totally.
You are certifiably batshit crazy.
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
It is a book of fucking lies, if it contains what you allege. Of course, you have not read it so nothing you say about what in it is credible.
He was a chef to George W. Bush, too. Obviously, some funny business from Bush.

The Bush family has their own history of having ties to the occult - not Bush Jr. but Bush Sr. who was seen by Anton Lavey's own son visiting his father on more than one occasion. Anton Lavey's son said that Bush Sr. was a satanist. Anton Lavey's son is a born again Christian now and has went on record with these testimonies about political leaders and their ties to his father who was the head of a church of Satan. What some people will do to get power, eh? Even selling their own souls to the devil for it. Truly amazing.
Last edited:
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.
If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!

I posted a link and a book referencing her involvement with Illluminati Witchcraft. I never said she killed dozens through witchcraft. You said that Paddymurphy and yes. You sound ridiculous. Totally.
You are certifiably batshit crazy.

Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB. You're breaking USMB rules. If this thread is too much for you emotionally perhaps you should try another forum, Paddy.

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