Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
It is a book of fucking lies, if it contains what you allege. Of course, you have not read it so nothing you say about what in it is credible.

He was at the height of his career as an FBI agent - highly respected and you accuse him of being a liar? On what grounds? That he is exposing someone you do not want exposed? TOUGH.

You say it is a book of lies. Have you read the book? Then how do you know?
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.

Yes. Youtube videos accusing Hillary of witchcraft must be considered crazy, because they are. Yes, I have a reputation of pointing and laughing at crazies, and you right wingers never fail to deliver.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!

I posted a link and a book referencing her involvement with Illluminati Witchcraft. I never said she killed dozens through witchcraft. You said that Paddymurphy and yes. You sound ridiculous. Totally.
Yeah, from this fellow loon:

"The Illuminati is an elusive beast. Fortunately, there are defectors, and Joseph “Doc” Marquis is one such. According (entirely) to himself, Marquis is a former member of the Illuminati who jumped the ship and currently enjoys a career as a fanatic fundie author of barely coherent screeds and books mixing Taliban theology with accounts of how his former all-control shadow organization is trying, but evidently failing, to kill him since he remains one of their most dangerous threats. Apart from his own accounts (unfortunately there is a dearth of other witnesses who can back it up) the main piece of evidence for the existence of the Illuminati is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Yeah, that’s Doc Marquis for you.

He was apparently initiated at the age of four, quickly rising in the ranks (high priest at thirteen, master witch at seventeen) before leaving. Fellow members included Charles Manson and Coast-to-Coast AM “celebrity” alien abductee Whitley Strieber.

Like a medieval, neo-platonic fog-monger (though without the poetry or subtlety), Marquis has invented more or less a complete hierarchy of angels and demons. Satan has apparently assigned the control of hell and human affairs to seven demons; Marquis knows most of them by name. There is:

- Rege, who “deals with such drugs as marihuana, hashish, cocaine, speed, LSD, peyote and mescaline ... [and] is also responsible for seeing that music is hexed.”
-Larz, the “Demon of Sexual lust, homosexuality, bi-sexuality, adultery, and other such sexual pleasure.”
-Bacchus, the “Demon of addictions,” including “drugs, smoking, and alcohol.”
-Pan, who is the wielder of “mental illnesses, depression, suicide, nerves, and rejection.” (Apparently mental illnesses are more Satanic than homosexuality.)
- Medit, the “Demon of hate, murder, killing, war, jealousy, envy, and gossip.”
- Set, the “Demon of Death”.
- No. 7, whose name is unknown and so powerful that even the most powerful Illuminati witches avoid contact; his job, though, is to get “Christians to talk about each other through gossiping and causing strife within the church.” War and genocide pale by comparison.

Much of the (seemingly drug-induced) delusional rants are detailed in his book Secrets of the Illuminati, which at least also exposes the many organizations and ideologies cooperating with the Illuminati: Catholicism, Satanism, Rosicrucians, Dungeons and Dragons, the eight “Satanic Sabbaths” and the Cabala, represented the text “Witchcraft Today For As Much Within Ancient Babylon”. Indeed, Cabala is “the most influential of all secret societies in the drive to the New World Order.” There are also the Masons, the United States seals (“The Two Seals of Our Doom”), the House of Rothschild, the rock and roll industry and the Black Pope. Yes, that one – the feted “shadow pope” who is the one to “wield the real absolute power within the Vatican.” We’ve met him before."
A scripture that people such as the Clinton's should have took more seriously.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Hell has no exits. What kind of fool would trade their eternal life for a limited time on earth wielding political power and enjoying wealth, fame and power? They obviously do not understand what eternity in hell means.

One would think that if you are going to make a deal with the devil you'd first find out the truth about hell, about eternity in hell, about the torments of hell before diving in to such a foolish agreement.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?

If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
You now have a reputation of being nucking futs.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?

You'll have to read the book. Agent Aldrich has the details of what he witnessed while at the White House - with as much knowledge of the occult as you have, MG, I'm surprised you do not already know! Then again.............. 70-80% of all questions are statements in disguise. Could it be?
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
It is a book of fucking lies, if it contains what you allege. Of course, you have not read it so nothing you say about what in it is credible.

He was at the height of his career as an FBI agent - highly respected and you accuse him of being a liar? On what grounds? That he is exposing someone you do not want exposed? TOUGH.

You say it is a book of lies. Have you read the book? Then how do you know?
As a matter of fact, I have. He is a liar. He offered no proof at all and his claims were disputed by just about everyone he worked with.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
You now have a reputation of being nucking futs.

No. I don't. You are not the authority on what is nuts and what isn't. You've proven that already.
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
It is a book of fucking lies, if it contains what you allege. Of course, you have not read it so nothing you say about what in it is credible.

He was at the height of his career as an FBI agent - highly respected and you accuse him of being a liar? On what grounds? That he is exposing someone you do not want exposed? TOUGH.

You say it is a book of lies. Have you read the book? Then how do you know?
As a matter of fact, I have. He is a liar. He offered no proof at all and his claims were disputed by just about everyone he worked with.

And you know all of this without ever having read Agent Aldrich's book. Amazing!
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?

You'll have to read the book. Agent Aldrich has the details of what he witnessed while at the White House - with as much knowledge of the occult as you have, MG, I'm surprised you do not already know! Then again.............. 70-80% of all questions are statements in disguise. Could it be?
There are different kinds of witch craft....Pagan rituals of Mother Earth witches?
Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.
He sounds ridiculous??? Hillary is a witch who killed dozens through witchcraft, according to you, and HE sounds ridiculous? You funny!!!

I posted a link and a book referencing her involvement with Illluminati Witchcraft. I never said she killed dozens through witchcraft. You said that Paddymurphy and yes. You sound ridiculous. Totally.
You are certifiably batshit crazy.

Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB. You're breaking USMB rules. If this thread is too much for you emotionally perhaps you should try another forum, Paddy.
Not an attack; a well founded determination based on the crazy shit you are posting. And the only emotion I am feeling is amusement at how crazy some people walking around are.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?

You'll have to read the book. Agent Aldrich has the details of what he witnessed while at the White House - with as much knowledge of the occult as you have, MG, I'm surprised you do not already know! Then again.............. 70-80% of all questions are statements in disguise. Could it be?
There are different kinds of witch craft....Pagan rituals of Mother Earth witches?

Illuminati Witchcraft is black witchcraft. Correct? (I'm stating this as you guys believe it to be true but there is no difference between white and black witchcraft in reality - it is all serving Satan - whether the individual believes in Satan or not). I agree with you that there are Wiccans who do not participate in human sacrifice but for those in Illuminati Witchcraft -it's required.
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.
It is a book of fucking lies, if it contains what you allege. Of course, you have not read it so nothing you say about what in it is credible.

He was at the height of his career as an FBI agent - highly respected and you accuse him of being a liar? On what grounds? That he is exposing someone you do not want exposed? TOUGH.

You say it is a book of lies. Have you read the book? Then how do you know?
As a matter of fact, I have. He is a liar. He offered no proof at all and his claims were disputed by just about everyone he worked with.

And you know all of this without ever having read Agent Aldrich's book. Amazing!
Did you miss the part where I said I have? I read that piece of shit when it came out.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
You now have a reputation of being nucking futs.

No. I don't. You are not the authority on what is nuts and what isn't. You've proven that already.
Yeah, you kinda do.
This time, however, some conservatives refused to play along. Will led the grilling of Aldrich on "This Week with David Brinkley," assailing the book as the equivalent of raw FBI files. The columnist said Aldrich has "gone into print with information, the sourcing of which would not pass muster in any particular journalistic organization I know of."

Brock, an American Spectator reporter, said he was appalled to learn that he was the source of the Marriott tale, and that he had warned Aldrich it was a fourthhand rumor. His admission, coming from a fellow Clinton-basher, had the effect of shredding Aldrich's credibility.

"It didn't matter if it was Bill Clinton or Clarence Thomas," Brock says. "As a journalist, it's not something I would have used. This guy is not a professional journalist, obviously. I felt some obligation to correct it, since I had firsthand knowledge."

We've all seen this movie before. Five years ago, major newspapers breathlessly reported on a Kitty Kelley book alleging that Nancy Reagan had had an affair with Frank Sinatra and had entertained him privately in the White House. And not one reporter or editor knew whether it was true.

Clinton has been a particular target. A week before the Aldrich flap, the Washington Times ran another banner headline: "Was Bill Clinton a junior spy for the CIA?" This one was based on "Partners in Power" by Roger Morris, a national security official in the Nixon administration.

"Mr. Morris writes that several CIA officers he knows do not believe that Mr. Clinton became an agency asset' during the Vietnam era," the story said. "But others, whom he believes to be more plausible,' say he was." The supposed files, the book says, have been destroyed.

The Washington Times also repeated the book's assertion that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, used marijuana and cocaine with his brother Roger -- an unverified allegation attributed in part to the London Sunday Telegraph.

Times Editor in Chief Wesley Pruden defended the paper's handling of the Aldrich book. "You could always have second thoughts as more facts come to light," he says. "If we had the Brock stuff at the time, it would have made a more complete story. But this stuff dribbles out over a period of time."

As for the Morris book, Pruden says: "I don't know that everything in that is correct. If something comes out the next day, we'll report that too."

Tod Lindberg, the Times's editorial page editor, is more skeptical of the Morris book, writing in the Weekly Standard that the charges are "mostly speculation and inference" and the CIA connection "rather vaporous."

Of course, the routine use of anonymous sources by reporters has created an environment in which anyone can use the S-word to justify sensational charges without proof. More than one critic has questioned the difference between Bob Woodward's campaign book "The Choice," based largely on unnamed sources, and Aldrich invoking confidential sources for his book. Obviously, Woodward is a successful journalist -- and no one has challenged the book's accuracy -- but on some level he still asks his readers to take his assertions on faith.

Despite the criticism, Aldrich seems to be selling plenty of books. Last week the New York Post began promoting excerpts of "the book the Clintons don't want you to read." Sample headline: "It's 4 a.m. and the president is missing." (One wonders if this is one of the Aldrich charges that a Post editorial -- on the same day -- describes as "manifestly inaccurate.") Now Comes Lincoln-gate.


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