Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don’t Bring Black People

I fail to see how a white man, dating a black woman, telling her to bring black men to his house for dinner, even fuck them in his house is promoting racism. It appears that his objection is solely her taking her black dates to the games where it has caused others to call Sterling ask him what's up. Of particular ire is Magic Johnson, who was a Laker. The girlfriend of the Clipper's owner hauling along an ex-Laker. Not exactly what Sterling wants the public to see.

Nevertheless, I'm very happy that this is happening to a liberal who will stop showering money on both democrats and black causes generally. He got his fingers bit. Hard.

The reason you cant see it is because you are either racist, dense, or you are unaware that is exactly how some slave owners thought and acted.
Additional clips of the conversations between Sterling and his lady were aired last night.

What a lovely relationship. He explained some very esoteric cultural theories. Didn't seem to know she was 'mixed'--Latina and Black---at one point he explained that he didn't want her to be in the company of blacks because she was a 'delicate little white girl or little Latina girl'. A debate about their different POV's of the world followed. She doesn't have hate in her heart.

I was embarrassed to be a third---33rd party to the conversation.

Two not very happy people ---

How is it that those who associate with Sterling haven't heard these philosophical observations long before this. It would seem that he has held these beliefs for many decades.
Ofcourse you don't care. You probably won't have to deal with the full blown effects of it, but your children and grandchildren will. Do you care that your offspring may be hurt by the left's corrupt and divisive identity politics? There isn't enough black folks to win an actual war if that were ever to break out in this country. And noone is going to give a damn about black folks complaining about our ancestors being slaves or any of the other gripes most black folks have here in the USA once this crap boils over. I don't want to see this happen, apparently you do.
It has been underground, it's starting to surface once again thanks to the anti-racists. You cannot keep on brow beating white people about the head with accusations of racism & blaming them for your problems forever. They will get tired of it and are only getting more irritated. I don't mean to insinuate that you yourself do these things, mind you. It's white liberals that are behind the the "anti-racist" movement, they're the ones that push this stuff day in and day out, it is not helping black Americans like you and I at all. Especially since today's anti-racism stems from the Black Nationalist strain rather than the MLK jr. way. I could give all the evidence in the world to prove this is a corrupt and dangerous movement, just as bad as white nationalism but most folks don't want to hear the truth about how they are dupes for the left, so I only share the knowledge I have on the matter with people who honestly want to know and have the capacity of admitting they could be duped in the first place. Most people can't do this, especially on message boards, because they have too much invested in maintaining their status in their group. It's sad really when you think about it.
It wont end racism right now. It will drive it underground and the effect will be that later generations will look back and laugh at all the retards that advocate it. Sort of like what is occurring now with the younger kids. I have had several of my daughters white friends tell me they wish I was their dad. I thought that was odd me being Black.

Personally I could care less what white people are tired of. Why would I be concerned with that? If you have a an issue you should stop saying dumb things people can point out as racist. Its national news because he owns a NBA team where 90% of his employees are Black. Its the slave master mentality in action. As long as clowns like this pop off their mouth they will be made to look like racist retards and frankly there is not too much little old you can do about it is there?
It has been underground, it's starting to surface once again thanks to the anti-racists. You cannot keep on brow beating white people about the head with accusations of racism & blaming them for your problems forever. They will get tired of it and are only getting more irritated. I don't mean to insinuate that you yourself do these things, mind you. It's white liberals that are behind the the "anti-racist" movement, they're the ones that push this stuff day in and day out, it is not helping black Americans like you and I at all. Especially since today's anti-racism stems from the Black Nationalist strain rather than the MLK jr. way. I could give all the evidence in the world to prove this is a corrupt and dangerous movement, just as bad as white nationalism but most folks don't want to hear the truth about how they are dupes for the left, so I only share the knowledge I have on the matter with people who honestly want to know and have the capacity of admitting they could be duped in the first place. Most people can't do this, especially on message boards, because they have too much invested in maintaining their status in their group. It's sad really when you think about it.
Does anyone see this push to "end racism", actually ending racism? The left has become McCarthy-ish with their obsession with outting "racists" and finding racism in every nook and cranny. Why in the world would race come up in the Cliven Bundy case other than to demonize him in the eyes of the public in order to legitimize a second Waco being unleashed there in Bunkerville? Why is it national news that some rich white guy doesn't like his girlfriends running around with black dudes? There is more racial division thanks to the anti-racism crusaders, and it's all because of the tactics they employ. How does the saying go? "Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become a monster yourself".. I think the anti-racist crusaders have already became that monster & we are all worse off because of it.

It wont end racism right now. It will drive it underground and the effect will be that later generations will look back and laugh at all the retards that advocate it. Sort of like what is occurring now with the younger kids. I have had several of my daughters white friends tell me they wish I was their dad. I thought that was odd me being Black.

If assfuckfeces' daughters' white friends knew he was such a racist they wouldn't want him to be their Daddy....
Ofcourse you don't care. You probably won't have to deal with the full blown effects of it, but your children and grandchildren will. Do you care that your offspring may be hurt by the left's corrupt and divisive identity politics? There isn't enough black folks to win an actual war if that were ever to break out in this country. And noone is going to give a damn about black folks complaining about our ancestors being slaves or any of the other gripes most black folks have here in the USA once this crap boils over. I don't want to see this happen, apparently you do.
It has been underground, it's starting to surface once again thanks to the anti-racists. You cannot keep on brow beating white people about the head with accusations of racism & blaming them for your problems forever. They will get tired of it and are only getting more irritated. I don't mean to insinuate that you yourself do these things, mind you. It's white liberals that are behind the the "anti-racist" movement, they're the ones that push this stuff day in and day out, it is not helping black Americans like you and I at all. Especially since today's anti-racism stems from the Black Nationalist strain rather than the MLK jr. way. I could give all the evidence in the world to prove this is a corrupt and dangerous movement, just as bad as white nationalism but most folks don't want to hear the truth about how they are dupes for the left, so I only share the knowledge I have on the matter with people who honestly want to know and have the capacity of admitting they could be duped in the first place. Most people can't do this, especially on message boards, because they have too much invested in maintaining their status in their group. It's sad really when you think about it.

Personally I could care less what white people are tired of. Why would I be concerned with that? If you have a an issue you should stop saying dumb things people can point out as racist. Its national news because he owns a NBA team where 90% of his employees are Black. Its the slave master mentality in action. As long as clowns like this pop off their mouth they will be made to look like racist retards and frankly there is not too much little old you can do about it is there?

My children wont have to worry about racism at all. They are set for life and so are their children. Even if they were not already set they have been given the tools to overcome racism. If it comes down to a war we and the government already know that about 70% of whites will not get involved specifically because they don't like racism and or they have ties to Black people or they simply dont have the stomach. Give me a break dude. You better wake up and smell the coffee. I am former military as are a lot of my friends. You wont be messing with untrained people. Things are going to get better for race relations as retarded racist are mocked for the clowns they are.
It has been underground, it's starting to surface once again thanks to the anti-racists. You cannot keep on brow beating white people about the head with accusations of racism & blaming them for your problems forever. They will get tired of it and are only getting more irritated. I don't mean to insinuate that you yourself do these things, mind you. It's white liberals that are behind the the "anti-racist" movement, they're the ones that push this stuff day in and day out, it is not helping black Americans like you and I at all. Especially since today's anti-racism stems from the Black Nationalist strain rather than the MLK jr. way. I could give all the evidence in the world to prove this is a corrupt and dangerous movement, just as bad as white nationalism but most folks don't want to hear the truth about how they are dupes for the left, so I only share the knowledge I have on the matter with people who honestly want to know and have the capacity of admitting they could be duped in the first place. Most people can't do this, especially on message boards, because they have too much invested in maintaining their status in their group. It's sad really when you think about it.
It wont end racism right now. It will drive it underground and the effect will be that later generations will look back and laugh at all the retards that advocate it. Sort of like what is occurring now with the younger kids. I have had several of my daughters white friends tell me they wish I was their dad. I thought that was odd me being Black.

If assfuckfeces' daughters' white friends knew he was such a racist they wouldn't want him to be their Daddy....

Its cute when you play with my name. Lets me know I hit a nerve. ....:cool:
I fail to see how a white man, dating a black woman, telling her to bring black men to his house for dinner, even fuck them in his house is promoting racism. It appears that his objection is solely her taking her black dates to the games where it has caused others to call Sterling ask him what's up. Of particular ire is Magic Johnson, who was a Laker. The girlfriend of the Clipper's owner hauling along an ex-Laker. Not exactly what Sterling wants the public to see.

Nevertheless, I'm very happy that this is happening to a liberal who will stop showering money on both democrats and black causes generally. He got his fingers bit. Hard.

The reason you cant see it is because you are either racist, dense, or you are unaware that is exactly how some slave owners thought and acted.

Slave owners had slaves over to dinner? Ooookkkaaaay. Slave owners told girlfriends to take black men to the house and fuck them? Oooookkkkaaaaay. Slave owners put a car in every slave garage? Oooookkkaaaay.

The money pipeline will be closed. That's good enough for me. I am not a basketball fan. I don't particularly care. This whole manufactured brouhaha is deliciously amusing.
I fail to see how a white man, dating a black woman, telling her to bring black men to his house for dinner, even fuck them in his house is promoting racism. It appears that his objection is solely her taking her black dates to the games where it has caused others to call Sterling ask him what's up. Of particular ire is Magic Johnson, who was a Laker. The girlfriend of the Clipper's owner hauling along an ex-Laker. Not exactly what Sterling wants the public to see.

Nevertheless, I'm very happy that this is happening to a liberal who will stop showering money on both democrats and black causes generally. He got his fingers bit. Hard.

The reason you cant see it is because you are either racist, dense, or you are unaware that is exactly how some slave owners thought and acted.

Slave owners had slaves over to dinner? Ooookkkaaaay. Slave owners told girlfriends to take black men to the house and fuck them? Oooookkkkaaaaay. Slave owners put a car in every slave garage? Oooookkkaaaay.

The money pipeline will be closed. That's good enough for me. I am not a basketball fan. I don't particularly care. This whole manufactured brouhaha is deliciously amusing.

Yes slave owners had slaves over for dinner. Yes they got upset when their girlfriends had Black boyfriends. You are really clueless aren't you? If you didnt care you would not be on this thread.
The reason you cant see it is because you are either racist, dense, or you are unaware that is exactly how some slave owners thought and acted.

Slave owners had slaves over to dinner? Ooookkkaaaay. Slave owners told girlfriends to take black men to the house and fuck them? Oooookkkkaaaaay. Slave owners put a car in every slave garage? Oooookkkaaaay.

The money pipeline will be closed. That's good enough for me. I am not a basketball fan. I don't particularly care. This whole manufactured brouhaha is deliciously amusing.

Yes slave owners had slaves over for dinner. Yes they got upset when their girlfriends had Black boyfriends. You are really clueless aren't you? If you didnt care you would not be on this thread.

Sterling was not upset. He told his girlfriends to take her black boyfriends to his house and fuck them. You can't really change what the man said to make it look like he was upset over what he was CLEARLY inviting. He was upset that she took her boyfriends to the games. You don't like that. It wasn't what you wanted to hear so you made up what you wanted to hear.

Donald Sterling has been sued many times in the past for racist actions as a landlord. Did that matter to basketball? No. It was swept under the rug. If he hadn't mentioned Magic Johnson, this might have been swept under the rug. The best part is that he supported many black causes which is now at an end. It doesn't get better than that.
Slave owners had slaves over to dinner? Ooookkkaaaay. Slave owners told girlfriends to take black men to the house and fuck them? Oooookkkkaaaaay. Slave owners put a car in every slave garage? Oooookkkaaaay.

The money pipeline will be closed. That's good enough for me. I am not a basketball fan. I don't particularly care. This whole manufactured brouhaha is deliciously amusing.

Yes slave owners had slaves over for dinner. Yes they got upset when their girlfriends had Black boyfriends. You are really clueless aren't you? If you didnt care you would not be on this thread.

Sterling was not upset. He told his girlfriends to take her black boyfriends to his house and fuck them. You can't really change what the man said to make it look like he was upset over what he was CLEARLY inviting. He was upset that she took her boyfriends to the games. You don't like that. It wasn't what you wanted to hear so you made up what you wanted to hear.

Donald Sterling has been sued many times in the past for racist actions as a landlord. Did that matter to basketball? No. It was swept under the rug. If he hadn't mentioned Magic Johnson, this might have been swept under the rug. The best part is that he supported many black causes which is now at an end. It doesn't get better than that.

Dd you listen to the same audio I did? He sounded like he want to cry and he actually screamed at her a couple of times. I dont have to change what he said because that was bad enough. The reason he has been sued serveral times is because he is a racist with a slave owners mentality. He can work with Black people just fine. He just thinks of them as animals to be used. Why do you defend that?
Additional clips of the conversations between Sterling and his lady were aired last night.

What a lovely relationship. He explained some very esoteric cultural theories. Didn't seem to know she was 'mixed'--Latina and Black---at one point he explained that he didn't want her to be in the company of blacks because she was a 'delicate little white girl or little Latina girl'. A debate about their different POV's of the world followed. She doesn't have hate in her heart.

I was embarrassed to be a third---33rd party to the conversation.

Two not very happy people ---

How is it that those who associate with Sterling haven't heard these philosophical observations long before this. It would seem that he has held these beliefs for many decades.

Word has it this was well-known even to his players, for over 15 years.

Ever get tired of being fooled by the media and their race-peddling?
Yes slave owners had slaves over for dinner. Yes they got upset when their girlfriends had Black boyfriends. You are really clueless aren't you? If you didnt care you would not be on this thread.

Sterling was not upset. He told his girlfriends to take her black boyfriends to his house and fuck them. You can't really change what the man said to make it look like he was upset over what he was CLEARLY inviting. He was upset that she took her boyfriends to the games. You don't like that. It wasn't what you wanted to hear so you made up what you wanted to hear.

Donald Sterling has been sued many times in the past for racist actions as a landlord. Did that matter to basketball? No. It was swept under the rug. If he hadn't mentioned Magic Johnson, this might have been swept under the rug. The best part is that he supported many black causes which is now at an end. It doesn't get better than that.

Dd you listen to the same audio I did? He sounded like he want to cry and he actually screamed at her a couple of times. I dont have to change what he said because that was bad enough. The reason he has been sued serveral times is because he is a racist with a slave owners mentality. He can work with Black people just fine. He just thinks of them as animals to be used. Why do you defend that?

Defend! Oh no. You misunderstand. I'm happy about it, true. But only because I so enjoy seeing libs get their hands bit. The man was an absolute FOOL to think helping black people would mean anything at all. Now he can stop. If he wants to do good in the world, he can find a zoo to support.
Sterling was not upset. He told his girlfriends to take her black boyfriends to his house and fuck them. You can't really change what the man said to make it look like he was upset over what he was CLEARLY inviting. He was upset that she took her boyfriends to the games. You don't like that. It wasn't what you wanted to hear so you made up what you wanted to hear.

Donald Sterling has been sued many times in the past for racist actions as a landlord. Did that matter to basketball? No. It was swept under the rug. If he hadn't mentioned Magic Johnson, this might have been swept under the rug. The best part is that he supported many black causes which is now at an end. It doesn't get better than that.

Dd you listen to the same audio I did? He sounded like he want to cry and he actually screamed at her a couple of times. I dont have to change what he said because that was bad enough. The reason he has been sued serveral times is because he is a racist with a slave owners mentality. He can work with Black people just fine. He just thinks of them as animals to be used. Why do you defend that?

Defend! Oh no. You misunderstand. I'm happy about it, true. But only because I so enjoy seeing libs get their hands bit. The man was an absolute FOOL to think helping black people would mean anything at all. Now he can stop. If he wants to do good in the world, he can find a zoo to support.

Helping Black people only counts when you are not a racist. Being a racist would mean he is most likely not a liberal. How could you be so confused? Do you think doing something for PR reasons means you are not a racist?...:lol:
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LOL @ "not messing with untrained people"! First off, it wouldn't be me you're fighting against, I'm BLACK..obviously you don't read entire posts before you reply to them. Second, outside of those who served in the military, black folks are not trained to use firearms very well if at all, which would explain why our children end up getting shot by dumb gangbangers that couldn't hit their targets if they're lives depended on it. Your kids having it made won't mean a thing, brother. What are they gonna do, hide underneath a stack of money?
Ofcourse you don't care. You probably won't have to deal with the full blown effects of it, but your children and grandchildren will. Do you care that your offspring may be hurt by the left's corrupt and divisive identity politics? There isn't enough black folks to win an actual war if that were ever to break out in this country. And noone is going to give a damn about black folks complaining about our ancestors being slaves or any of the other gripes most black folks have here in the USA once this crap boils over. I don't want to see this happen, apparently you do.

Personally I could care less what white people are tired of. Why would I be concerned with that? If you have a an issue you should stop saying dumb things people can point out as racist. Its national news because he owns a NBA team where 90% of his employees are Black. Its the slave master mentality in action. As long as clowns like this pop off their mouth they will be made to look like racist retards and frankly there is not too much little old you can do about it is there?

My children wont have to worry about racism at all. They are set for life and so are their children. Even if they were not already set they have been given the tools to overcome racism. If it comes down to a war we and the government already know that about 70% of whites will not get involved specifically because they don't like racism and or they have ties to Black people or they simply dont have the stomach. Give me a break dude. You better wake up and smell the coffee. I am former military as are a lot of my friends. You wont be messing with untrained people. Things are going to get better for race relations as retarded racist are mocked for the clowns they are.
Dd you listen to the same audio I did? He sounded like he want to cry and he actually screamed at her a couple of times. I dont have to change what he said because that was bad enough. The reason he has been sued serveral times is because he is a racist with a slave owners mentality. He can work with Black people just fine. He just thinks of them as animals to be used. Why do you defend that?

Defend! Oh no. You misunderstand. I'm happy about it, true. But only because I so enjoy seeing libs get their hands bit. The man was an absolute FOOL to think helping black people would mean anything at all. Now he can stop. If he wants to do good in the world, he can find a zoo to support.

Helping Black people only counts when you are not a racist. Being a racist would mean he is most likely not a liberal. How could you be so confused? Do you think doing something for PR reasons means you are not a racist?...:lol:

Sterling is a life long democrat, such good as it has done him. I don't care what his reasons for getting a second lifetime achievement award from the NAACP were. It's only good if he stops now. If all the "racists" stopped supporting organizations like the NAACP it would dry up and blow away. This should be a lesson to all the other libs, you are wasting your money if you think you can actually help. Take a boy out of the ghetto and give him millions of dollars a year, invite him to your home, put clean sheets on the bed so he can fuck your girlfriend and he will still bite you in the ass if given an opportunity. There is no inoculation or vaccine against race rabies!

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