CDZ Clips From The Big Short; Why the Real Estate Crash was so Bad, and not Corrected yet


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a great movie folks, a true modern horror film, but funny and entertaining!


Credit Default Swaps

Pitch to Front Point

Investigating Florida Real Estate

MBS/CDO convention

Auditing the auditors
The Big Short (2015) - FrontPoint Partners confronts Morgan Stanley Risk Assessors and S&P

The CDO 'manager'
The Big Short (2015) - Mark Baum (Steve Eisman) Meets a CDO Manager [HD 1080p]

Bauman debates Bears and Stearns sales Loser
The Big Short (2015) - "Ali vs Foreman" of the Financial World [HD 1080p]

Judgement Day Arrives
The Big Short (2015) - Shorts turn the tables on Wall Street [HD 1080p]
Excellent book and movie it was, too bad it was for real. So the question remains, just who controls the government and why is it that elected representatives seem to blame everyone else when the house of cards falls and yet line up to the pay window at every chance?
Excellent book and movie it was, too bad it was for real. So the question remains, just who controls the government and why is it that elected representatives seem to blame everyone else when the house of cards falls and yet line up to the pay window at every chance?
the Anglican Church, and through its branch in the USA known as the Episcopalian Church and its six sister WASP cenominations control the USA socially, politically and economically.

Everything else is mostly just smoke and mirrors to disguise, cloud, obfuscate and distract from that basic power dynamic.

Anything that passes through to approval in the Episcopalian Church will become mainstream in the USA sooner or later.
how can the government correct anything

They pass laws that regulate it

then a few years pass and now they want to deregulate.

When it happens again they will regulate

short term memory should be classified as a psychological disorder that affects billions of people but there is no cure

so maybe they expect the government to fix things when they go bad

and when things are okay, government should step back

Sounds like a dog chasing its tail

why because it can
Consistency is a prerequisite to effective regulation, however, as you are aware lobbyists control the halls of government. On another note the market, left to its own devices, is the most efficient punisher of maleficence. Regretfully government interference prohibits the market from functioning as designed. Bailouts are nothing more then government welfare rewarding lobbyists and politically connected at the expense of taxpayers.
The next card to fall is debt, corporate, sovereign, and personal, when it does expect the great jubilee and resulting crash that will turn the worlds economies upside down. Then expect blood to flood the streets.
Consistency is a prerequisite to effective regulation, however, as you are aware lobbyists control the halls of government. On another note the market, left to its own devices, is the most efficient punisher of maleficence. Regretfully government interference prohibits the market from functioning as designed. Bailouts are nothing more then government welfare rewarding lobbyists and politically connected at the expense of taxpayers.
The next card to fall is debt, corporate, sovereign, and personal, when it does expect the great jubilee and resulting crash that will turn the worlds economies upside down. Then expect blood to flood the streets.
Well, the Fed is desperately trying to keep interest rates low, which would seem to argue that we have enough liquidity in the markets.

The real test comes is when we begin to see a large number of loan defaults, and even that is covered with loan refinancing plans and services.

We just need to break up the Too Big to Fail Banks. If t hey are too big to fail they are too big to tolerate for reasons related to national security.
Consistency is a prerequisite to effective regulation, however, as you are aware lobbyists control the halls of government. On another note the market, left to its own devices, is the most efficient punisher of maleficence. Regretfully government interference prohibits the market from functioning as designed. Bailouts are nothing more then government welfare rewarding lobbyists and politically connected at the expense of taxpayers.
The next card to fall is debt, corporate, sovereign, and personal, when it does expect the great jubilee and resulting crash that will turn the worlds economies upside down. Then expect blood to flood the streets.
Well, the Fed is desperately trying to keep interest rates low, which would seem to argue that we have enough liquidity in the markets.

The real test comes is when we begin to see a large number of loan defaults, and even that is covered with loan refinancing plans and services.

We just need to break up the Too Big to Fail Banks. If t hey are too big to fail they are too big to tolerate for reasons related to national security.
This issue is so obviously a clear and present danger that we pretty much have to assume that banks are exercising their out-sized influence over our political system.

There is simply no excuse for this.

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