Clit Piercing

She insisted that it made sex more pleasurable for her but I think it was just psychological instead of physical.
What twisted thoughts are running through the mind of anyone who would pierce their most sensitive private parts? Clearly not the type of woman I'd want to date or even befriend. A couple of screws loose to say the least.
I hang weights on my penis and it gets more chicks than a Rolex watch.
What twisted thoughts are running through the mind of anyone who would pierce their most sensitive private parts? Clearly not the type of woman I'd want to date or even befriend. A couple of screws loose to say the least.
Yes she did have a few screws loose but was great in bed so I overlooked her shortcomings.
What twisted thoughts are running through the mind of anyone who would pierce their most sensitive private parts? Clearly not the type of woman I'd want to date or even befriend. A couple of screws loose to say the least.
Islamic clitorectomies are first based on pleasure-envy, so there's that similarity, linked to religious violence. These islamo-surgeries are also based on the doubly threatening a.) removal of pleasure and b.) the potential of the clitoris to genetically become a penile-look-alike. Genetic anomalies can cause a monstrously large clitoris.
Islamic clitorectomies are first based on pleasure-envy, so there's that similarity, linked to religious violence. These islamo-surgeries are also based on the doubly threatening a.) removal of pleasure and b.) the potential of the clitoris to genetically become a penile-look-alike. Genetic anomalies can cause a monstrously large clitoris.
One woman told me she was going to have clit enlargement surgery. At first I thought she was kidding me but she was serious.
Islamic clitorectomies are first based on pleasure-envy, so there's that similarity, linked to religious violence. These islamo-surgeries are also based on the doubly threatening a.) removal of pleasure and b.) the potential of the clitoris to genetically become a penile-look-alike. Genetic anomalies can cause a monstrously large clitoris.

And the "feminists" are the last people on earth to stand up for these poor abused girls. Honestly, I knew about a hundred of them -- Islamophile feminists -- and when I asked how they felt about the female circumcisions, they'd just kind of shrug their shoulders.

Foul hypocrites, supposedly all about "women's rights".

Many women are very aggressive and self centered and are more interested in selfish interests. Maybe that is a big reason I'm not married yet. I would want a woman that would be more giving and interested in me as a person instead of looking at me as just a sex machine.
She wanted the comings to be quick.
Actually she liked it to last a long time. Aside from being a great lay she was as dumb as a stump so I dumped her after a month of dating. That crazy woman still phones me despite not seeing each other for over three months.
Actually she liked it to last a long time. Aside from being a great lay she was as dumb as a stump so I dumped her after a month of dating. That crazy woman still phones me despite not seeing each other for over three months.
That piercing serves as a homing signal.
My mother wants me to find a nice girl and settle down but most of the women I've dated are promiscuous. I won't deny I enjoy the sex but none of them are marriage material. Maybe I'm just drawn to the wrong kind of women.

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