Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

Nuclear testing has nothing to do with the tortoises. There has been no nuclear testing done in Nevada in over twenty years. duh.

Ah, and you think the desert tortoise evolved more recently...

Well, there's a reason you're a democrat..

And, in case you didn't realize it, nuclear testing was mostly done underground.

Does it hurt?

I mean, physical pain? Does being that stupid cause physical symptoms?

Underground testing didn't start until the 1970's. There were nearly 30 years of above ground tests.

Here's a pic. Tell me. Can you see any cattle grazing in there?

So, you admit that cattle have absolutely nothing to do with the tortoise?
just wow, how many ways can they find to hate one person?

everyday it something new...but don't accuse them of tearing this country apart by hate and division, oh no it's EVERYONE else but them...they're trying to BRING all together just like their Dear Leader...

wonder why he didn't call for a beer summit for this rancher?
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The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

The Right tends to repeatedly say things which ultimately makes a mockery of their claims of loving this country and our collective traditions.

For example, they say they love and they revere the US Constitution...but which side is always proposing amendments to change it? It's the right. Ask Mark Levin. He wrote a whole book on the subject called "The Liberty Amendments."

They talk about their love for this country, but which side of the political spectrum is always talking about secession? Hell, even TX Governor Perry alluded to it quite strongly a couple of years ago.

They even openly speculate that revolution or civil war is close unless they can somehow get their way? That's love of your country?

And which group is always talking about impeachment? They think their candidate is a shoe in or that their various causes have merit. But if and when their candidate loses or a Federal judge doesn't rule in their favor, all of a sudden they talk about impeachment as if justice will only be served as long as they get their own way.

The plain and simple fact is that conservative principles go no further than whatever argument best serves their efforts to get their own way. That's why they decry intrusive gov't unless the gov't is used to prohibit behavior and freedoms they don't approve of. Then they don't have a problem with it at all.
Ah, and you think the desert tortoise evolved more recently...

I'm not the one who made the claim that the government was nuking the tortoises, dimwit.

Underground testing didn't start until the 1970's. There were nearly 30 years of above ground tests.

Wrong again, cowpoke.

The last above ground test was in July, 1972. Prior to that there were only 99 above ground tests (of 928 total) since the 1950's.

So, you admit that cattle have absolutely nothing to do with the tortoise?

Of course not, turtle dick.

The tortoises taken to the sanctuary were only a portion of the tortoises out there. Now that the sanctuary's being closed they're being either killed or returned to the natural habitat where grazing cows are wiping out their habitat.
The Right tends to repeatedly say things which ultimately makes a mockery of their claims of loving this country and our collective traditions.

We don't have collectivist traditions, comrade.

Seems you were dreaming of the USSR again...

For example, they say they love and they revere the US Constitution...but which side is always proposing amendments to change it? It's the right. Ask Mark Levin. He wrote a whole book on the subject called "The Liberty Amendments."

Now I realize that as a leftist, you've never seen the Constitution, but shall we do a sanity check on the last few amendments, to see which party they align with?

They talk about their love for this country, but which side of the political spectrum is always talking about secession? Hell, even TX Governor Perry alluded to it quite strongly a couple of years ago.

Love of country is not the same as obedience to rulers, comrade.

They even openly speculate that revolution or civil war is close unless they can somehow get their way? That's love of your country?

It's hard for anyone with an IQ above double digits to ignore the severe division in this nation. I hope we do not fall into civil war, but we are one spark away, with Obama slamming flint against steel.

And which group is always talking about impeachment? They think their candidate is a shoe in or that their various causes have merit. But if and when their candidate loses or a Federal judge doesn't rule in their favor, all of a sudden they talk about impeachment as if justice will only be served as long as they get their own way.

After all, Obama is above the law, he is a party member.

The plain and simple fact is that conservative principles go no further than whatever argument best serves their efforts to get their own way. That's why they decry intrusive gov't unless the gov't is used to prohibit behavior and freedoms they don't approve of. Then they don't have a problem with it at all.

I've not seen any conservatives advocating for larger government. Not even the social conservatives - who are a dying breed.
Here's a good breakdown of the events leading up to this. Of course, it's not from Breitbart, so you tinhatters won't read it.

Everything you need to know about the long fight between Cliven Bundy and the federal government

Here's an excellent piece on the tortoises:

And finally, an even further detail of the situation from the court documents (pdf):

Once again, you can blame everything on the BLM or you can realize that Bundy is a welfare king. Intelligent people would choose the latter.

What about the other side of the story?

Over the last two or three decades, the Bureau has squeezed the ranchers in southern Nevada by limiting the acres on which their cattle can graze, reducing the number of cattle that can be on federal land, and charging grazing fees for the ever-diminishing privilege. The effect of these restrictions has been to drive the ranchers out of business. Formerly, there were dozens of ranches in the area where Bundy operates. Now, his ranch is the only one. When Bundy refused to pay grazing fees beginning in around 1993, he said something to the effect of, they are supposed to be charging me a fee for managing the land and all they are doing is trying to manage me out of business. Why should I pay them for that?
The bedrock issue here is that the federal government owns more than 80% of the state of Nevada. This is true across the western states. To an astonishing degree, those states lack sovereignty over their own territory. Most of the land is federal. And the federal agencies that rule over federal lands have agendas. At every opportunity, it seems, they restrict not only what can be done on federal lands, but on privately-owned property. They are hostile to traditional industries like logging, mining and ranching, and if you have a puddle in your back yard, the EPA will try to regulate it as a navigable waterway.
That is only a slight exaggeration.
One could say that Cliven Bundy is just one more victim of progress and changing mores. The federal government has gotten more environmentally-conscious, and now we really, really care about desert tortoises. (It was the designation of desert tortoises as an endangered species that gave BLM the opportunity to squeeze Bundy in the early 1990s.) But here’s the thing: the Bureau of Land Management–the federal government–is not necessarily anti-development. Rather, its attitude depends entirely on what sort of development is in question.
Thus, BLM has developed a grandiose plan to develop vast solar energy installations on federal land across the Southwest. Wind power projects are favored, too. In fact, the same BLM that has driven Nevada’s ranchers out of business has welcomed solar projects with open arms. Some have claimed that Harry Reid is behind the BLM’s war against Cliven Bundy, on the theory that he wants the land for a solar project in which his son Rory is involved, along with the Chinese. I don’t believe this is correct. The solar projects are located north of Las Vegas, 30 miles or so from the area where Bundy ranches.
Why You Should Be Sympathetic Toward Cliven Bundy | Power Line!


The feds are facing this battle because they control 80% of the land in Nevada, and they are losing the PR battle because they are going up against a crazy man who doesn't care if he looks stupid.
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The Right tends to repeatedly say things which ultimately makes a mockery of their claims of loving this country and our collective traditions.

This is going to be fun.

For example, they say they love and they revere the US Constitution...but which side is always proposing amendments to change it? It's the right. Ask Mark Levin. He wrote a whole book on the subject called "The Liberty Amendments."

Former Justice Stevens wants to change Constitution

They talk about their love for this country, but which side of the political spectrum is always talking about secession? Hell, even TX Governor Perry alluded to it quite strongly a couple of years ago.

Second Vermont Republic

They even openly speculate that revolution or civil war is close unless they can somehow get their way? That's love of your country?

And which group is always talking about impeachment? They think their candidate is a shoe in or that their various causes have merit. But if and when their candidate loses or a Federal judge doesn't rule in their favor, all of a sudden they talk about impeachment as if justice will only be served as long as they get their own way.

Anti-Obama Democrat Kesha Rogers files for U.S. Senate | Dallas Morning News

The plain and simple fact is that conservative principles go no further than whatever argument best serves their efforts to get their own way. That's why they decry intrusive gov't unless the gov't is used to prohibit behavior and freedoms they don't approve of. Then they don't have a problem with it at all.

Feel stupid yet?

If the answer to that question is no you should have your survivors claim benefits.
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Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:
It's Daily Kos. You really expected more? :lol:

What's amusing is batshit and his little cling-ons pretending this shit has even a hint of credibility.

Here's a clue: If you quote Stormfront or DailyKOS, you're a fucking whackjob and cannot be taken seriously by anyone.

One thing's for certain.. Nobody on the left is the LEAST bit concerned about the Tortoises or land use issues or closing down lonely desert towns and ruining the livelihoods of all those people. What's more important to them -- is that they've made BUNDY and his supporters the villains whilst the morons in charge are EUTHANIZING the very desert tortoises that they claim to be protecting.. Tells you a lot about their convictions..

It's the only way to keep folks from realizing the irony of 1000 Atom bombs in that desert and several bombing ranges --- whilst they oust the cattlemen and the eco-tourists.
"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Thus rendering the United States a third world country.
If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!

People's Evidence #1 to my comments above.. COMPLETELY managed story.. Don't talk about the REALITY of this outrage or the incompetence of these Govt decisions.. Keep the dupes like Howey chewing on the raw meat...
I'm not the one who made the claim that the government was nuking the tortoises, dimwit.

It doesn't dawn on you that just maybe, nuclear blasts may have more impact than grazing cattle?

Oh, and what is the half-life of plutonium? Did you think it was 15 years?

Wrong again, cowpoke.

The last above ground test was in July, 1972. Prior to that there were only 99 above ground tests (of 928 total) since the 1950's.

Damn, 72' as opposed to the 70's...

You sure you thought this through, sparky?

Of course not, turtle dick.

The tortoises taken to the sanctuary were only a portion of the tortoises out there. Now that the sanctuary's being closed they're being either killed or returned to the natural habitat where grazing cows are wiping out their habitat.


Browse away from KOS, moron.

First off, the ONLY damage grazing could possibly do is if a cow stepped on a tortoise.

Secondly, the foot print of the area grazed by Bundy is less than a tenth of a percent of the Nevada habitat, with California being the largest habitat of the Mojave Tortoise. (ergo the name, sparky.)

Thirdly, the loss of funding is due to the collapse of housing developments that were paying fees - has not a FUCKING thing to do with Bundy or cattle.

This is why I point out that you have the intellect of asphalt....
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS. It is no accident that Bundy's Constitution was provided by a group whose teachings have been denounced by historians and constitutional scholars.

And we see the same threatening hysteria and deception emanating from most of the conservative posters on this very message board – with their ignorant nonsense about ‘tyrants in black robes,’ ‘judicial activism,’ and ‘legislating from the bench.’
The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

when do you supply links? :eusa_eh: Every other Monday on odd- numbered months? Stop being a lazy conservative :eusa_hand: (ironic I know ;) ) and back up what you say
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The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS. It is no accident that Bundy's Constitution was provided by a group whose teachings have been denounced by historians and constitutional scholars.

And we see the same threatening hysteria and deception emanating from most of the conservative posters on this very message board – with their ignorant nonsense about ‘tyrants in black robes,’ ‘judicial activism,’ and ‘legislating from the bench.’

you know why? Because they know blocking voters from the voting booths & gerrymandering can only get them so far.
The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

when do you supply links? :eusa_eh: Every other Monday on odd- numbered months? Stop being a lazy conservative :eusa_hand: (ironic I know ;) ) and back up what you say

I have no idea why you have a problem with the Nevada Atomic Test Range (which is within earshot of this grazing issue) or the LOOONG history of REALLY BAD management of those lands.. How deep is your ignorance of what I said?? And what do you need help with Bullwinkle??

You are aware that right now -- the same ASSHOLIC "managers" are in the process of shutting down the regional Tortoise Rehab Center (for no good reason) and they are KILLING hundreds of these animals in their care. Right??? THAT'S why it has to be all about those dangerous protesters and NOT what those protesters know about these God-Awful BLM practices..
Anybody NOT SEE the hypocrisy of blaming 1000 head of cattle for enviro impact on Desert tortoises???


See the Atomic Test site? Bombing ranges overlapping "wildlife preserve"?? What you don't see is the REST of the story -- as Paul Harvey used to say.............
After searching for the distinctive cover of the document in Bundy's pocket, the publisher turned out to be the innocuously named National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS). However, the NCCS is not the commendable educational organization it purports to be. It began life as the Freemen Institute, a vehicle for the far-right, Mormon, anti-commie, history revisionist, W. Cleon Skousen. Skousen taught that the Constitution was inspired by a God who intended America to be a Christian nation. He also professed the canon of white supremicism that Anglo-Saxons are descended from a lost tribe of Israel. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Should it be illegal to speak ill of Communism?

Unlike KOS, there is nothing questionable about NCCS, nor even a hint of racism, despite the KOS lies you spew. But then, KOS is a cesspool, a little bit scummier than Stormfront.

Anyone spewing from the open hate sites like KOS or Stormfront reveals themselves to all, batshit.

Everything he said about the NCCS is true.

You so want to wear a black shirt uniform.
The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

the wingers yell about the constitution, but they haven't a clue what it says or means.
Have you read and comprehended it? Are federal regulatory agencies constitutional, for example? The minimum wage? Were the 16th and 17th amendments not subject to Progressive Era influence? Are "state-level walls separating church and state" mentioned in the Constitution? Enlighten us, please.

Constitutional law did not stop in 1791.

You may not like any of it what you mentioned, but, yeah, it's constitutional.

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