Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

We need MUCH MORE domestic terrorism like what occurred at Bundy's ranch. And no, there is no amount of liberals telling us what Bundy things, that will actually make any of it what Bundy really thinks.

The secret service and DHS will love your post.:eusa_clap:
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We need MUCH MORE domestic terrorism like what occurred at Bundy's ranch. And no, there is no amount of liberals telling us what Bundy things, that will actually make any of it what Bundy really thinks.

The secret service and DHS will love you post.:eusa_clap:
The goon squad will not always be run by your side, you fool.
After searching for the distinctive cover of the document in Bundy's pocket, the publisher turned out to be the innocuously named National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS). However, the NCCS is not the commendable educational organization it purports to be. It began life as the Freemen Institute, a vehicle for the far-right, Mormon, anti-commie, history revisionist, W. Cleon Skousen. Skousen taught that the Constitution was inspired by a God who intended America to be a Christian nation. He also professed the canon of white supremicism that Anglo-Saxons are descended from a lost tribe of Israel. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Should it be illegal to speak ill of Communism?

Unlike KOS, there is nothing questionable about NCCS, nor even a hint of racism, despite the KOS lies you spew. But then, KOS is a cesspool, a little bit scummier than Stormfront.

Anyone spewing from the open hate sites like KOS or Stormfront reveals themselves to all, batshit.
The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

the wingers yell about the constitution, but they haven't a clue what it says or means.
Have you read and comprehended it? Are federal regulatory agencies constitutional, for example? The minimum wage? Were the 16th and 17th amendments not subject to Progressive Era influence? Are "state-level walls separating church and state" mentioned in the Constitution?

Enlighten us, please.
Have you read and comprehended it? Are federal regulatory agencies constitutional, for example? The minimum wage? Were the 16th and 17th amendments not subject to Progressive Era influence? Are "state-level walls separating church and state" mentioned in the Constitution?

Enlighten us, please.
Living rules, dude.

The Constitution says what progressives say it does at any given point in time, no matter how contradictory.
Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:
It's Daily Kos. You really expected more? :lol:

What's amusing is batshit and his little cling-ons pretending this shit has even a hint of credibility.

Here's a clue: If you quote Stormfront or DailyKOS, you're a fucking whackjob and cannot be taken seriously by anyone.
Another Question: Why do howling right-wing loons like Cliven Bundy feel entitled to a free ride on the taxpayer's teat?
If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!
And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!

Howey, you have the IQ of asphalt.

You REALLY are not aware of the nuclear testing done in Nevada?

And this folks is a perfect example of a democrat, stupid as a pile of dirt, but a lot less useful.
Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:
It's Daily Kos. You really expected more? :lol:

What's amusing is batshit and his little cling-ons pretending this shit has even a hint of credibility.

Here's a clue: If you quote Stormfront or DailyKOS, you're a fucking whackjob and cannot be taken seriously by anyone.

Ok. How about this person?

I have been following the news on the proposed roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle that are grazing illegally on federal lands in Gold Butte managed on behalf of the public by the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service.

I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.

As the news coverage has reported, Bundy continues to graze his cattle and has refused to pay the BLM a grazing fee. The figure he owes the government exceeds $300,000. The estimate of cattle being grazed illegally since 1994 on the old Bunkerville allotment have ranged from 550 to more than 900.

It is unfathomable to me that 20 years after the Bunkerville allotment was canceled in 1994, we are still wrestling with getting his cattle off the range. And there were issues of overgrazing that allotment before 1994. It is my opinion that the BLM and the Park Service have done everything possible administratively to try to resolve the issue amicably. In addition, there are two federal court rulings upholding the agencies’ position, and the most recent ruling demanded Bundy not physically interfere with any seizure or impoundment operation.

Bundy is a bully who has used his threat of a range war and to do “whatever it takes” to stop the government from impounding his cattle to scare public officials.

The implications are that he would resort to a gunbattle. And who wants to see another Waco? I was one of those public officials who were told to back off at one point because of concern for violence.

What Bundy is doing is a criminal act, and he should be accountable for his actions rather than be held up as a hero fighting the federal government.

Most of the grazing permit holders on public land are good stewards and law-abiding citizens, and Bundy is doing them a disservice with his actions. He is a perfect example of someone who publicly states that he abhors the federal government but who relies on it for his welfare.

He is grazing free on the public’s land to the detriment of the environment and the honest taxpayers who support his welfare lifestyle.

What if other people decide that they are also going to do whatever they want on federal land regardless of the law and stake claims to that right? A civil society has to have some rules and laws or we would have total chaos.

Bundy has no guaranteed rights on federal land. He only has rights to what he owns privately, yet when you hear him talk, he considers that he has some intergenerational rights to use more than 158,000 acres as he sees fit. And this is some of the most beautiful and important public land in America. What a deal. Wouldn’t any of us like to have such rights?

I am hopeful that the BLM and the Park Service stand strong and conduct the roundup as needed and not be bullied by someone who seems inclined to continue to break the law and brag about it as “the last cowboy standing.” What a warped self-perception and view of his contribution to humanity.
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If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!
Not familiar with the Nevada Test Site, are you, sport-o?
It's Daily Kos. You really expected more? :lol:

What's amusing is batshit and his little cling-ons pretending this shit has even a hint of credibility.

Here's a clue: If you quote Stormfront or DailyKOS, you're a fucking whackjob and cannot be taken seriously by anyone.

Ok. How about this person?

I have been following the news on the proposed roundup of Cliven Bundy’s cattle that are grazing illegally on federal lands in Gold Butte managed on behalf of the public by the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service.

I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.

As the news coverage has reported, Bundy continues to graze his cattle and has refused to pay the BLM a grazing fee. The figure he owes the government exceeds $300,000. The estimate of cattle being grazed illegally since 1994 on the old Bunkerville allotment have ranged from 550 to more than 900.

It is unfathomable to me that 20 years after the Bunkerville allotment was canceled in 1994, we are still wrestling with getting his cattle off the range. And there were issues of overgrazing that allotment before 1994. It is my opinion that the BLM and the Park Service have done everything possible administratively to try to resolve the issue amicably. In addition, there are two federal court rulings upholding the agencies’ position, and the most recent ruling demanded Bundy not physically interfere with any seizure or impoundment operation.

Bundy is a bully who has used his threat of a range war and to do “whatever it takes” to stop the government from impounding his cattle to scare public officials.

The implications are that he would resort to a gunbattle. And who wants to see another Waco? I was one of those public officials who were told to back off at one point because of concern for violence.

What Bundy is doing is a criminal act, and he should be accountable for his actions rather than be held up as a hero fighting the federal government.

Most of the grazing permit holders on public land are good stewards and law-abiding citizens, and Bundy is doing them a disservice with his actions. He is a perfect example of someone who publicly states that he abhors the federal government but who relies on it for his welfare.

He is grazing free on the public’s land to the detriment of the environment and the honest taxpayers who support his welfare lifestyle.

What if other people decide that they are also going to do whatever they want on federal land regardless of the law and stake claims to that right? A civil society has to have some rules and laws or we would have total chaos.

Bundy has no guaranteed rights on federal land. He only has rights to what he owns privately, yet when you hear him talk, he considers that he has some intergenerational rights to use more than 158,000 acres as he sees fit. And this is some of the most beautiful and important public land in America. What a deal. Wouldn’t any of us like to have such rights?

I am hopeful that the BLM and the Park Service stand strong and conduct the roundup as needed and not be bullied by someone who seems inclined to continue to break the law and brag about it as “the last cowboy standing.” What a warped self-perception and view of his contribution to humanity.

Very sad they are lashing out, it will only get worse with the demographic shift and the loss of their white christian privilege, that's why they wave there guns around now and are making threatening sounds It is literally driving them up a wall that America is becoming a multi racial multi cultural country , and they are POWERLESS do do anything about it
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The unfolding drama in the Nevada desert over a deadbeat cattle rancher's refusal to pay customary grazing fees like every other rancher, continues to excite the Tea Party pseudo-patriots who believe that threatening a range war in defense of personal greed is a mark of virtue. However, Cliven Bundy's domestic terrorism serves nothing more than his own selfish financial interests, and the crusade he purports to lead is rooted in the worst sort of perversion of constitutional principles.

"...demonized the federal regulatory agencies, arguing for the abolition of everything from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to the Environmental Protection Agency. He wanted to repeal the minimum wage, smash unions, nullify anti-discrimination laws, sell off public lands and national parks, end the direct election of senators, kill the income tax and the estate tax, knock down state-level walls separating church and state, and, of course, raze the Federal Reserve System."
Sound familiar? Skousen's warped ideology was syncs up perfectly with the Tea Party and other purveyors of fringe fear mongering like politi-vangelist Glenn Beck, who literally begged his audience to read Skousen's book, "The 5000 Year Leap," which Beck said was "divinely inspired." The conspiracy-obsessed NCCS shares with Beck and Bundy an animosity toward government that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. Along with Skousen's books, the NCCS website features anti-UN screeds ("Confronting Agenda 21"), treatises on wingnut electoral reforms ("Repeal 17 Now!"), harbingers of one-world government ("The Rise of Global Governance"), and appeals for institutionalized theocracy ("America's God & Country"). No wonder Bundy was sporting a version of the Constitution that was distributed by the NCCS, an organization that advances ultra-conservative conspiracy theories and promotes anti-government hostility.
The threatening hysteria and deception emanating from Bundy, and the armed militias that came to his defense, are emblematic of the apocalyptic doctrine of the NCCS.

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism

He might be batshit crazy, but that doesn't mean the government is right.
And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!

Howey, you have the IQ of asphalt.

You REALLY are not aware of the nuclear testing done in Nevada?

And this folks is a perfect example of a democrat, stupid as a pile of dirt, but a lot less useful.

Nuclear testing has nothing to do with the tortoises. There has been no nuclear testing done in Nevada in over twenty years. duh. And, in case you didn't realize it, nuclear testing was mostly done underground.

Among other things the tortoises are being killed off because of population expansion (not just solar) and asswipes like Bundy have refused to pay BLM grazing fees, which have resulted in a tortoise sanctuary being closed where the tortoises were previously being moved to. The only land they have to graze now is the desert. And that land's slowly being eradicated. That's why they're an endangered species. Duh.

The Bureau of Land Management has paid for the holding and research facility with fees imposed on developers who disturb tortoise habitat on public land. As the housing boom swept through southern Nevada in the 2000s, the tortoise budget swelled. But when the recession hit, the housing market contracted, and the bureau and its local government partners began struggling to meet the center's $1 million annual budget.

Housing never fully recovered, and the federal mitigation fee that developers pay has brought in just $290,000 during the past 11 months. Local partners, which collect their own tortoise fees, have pulled out of the project.

"With the money going down and more and more tortoises coming in, it never would have added up," said BLM spokeswoman Hillerie Patton.

Back at the conservation center, scientists examined the facility's 1,400 inhabitants to find those hearty enough to release into the wild. Officials expect to euthanize more than half the animals in the coming months in preparation for closure at the end of 2014.

No more than 100,000 tortoises are thought to survive in the habitat where millions once burrowed across parts of Utah, California, Arizona and Nevada.

Here's a pic. Tell me. Can you see any cattle grazing in there?


And here's a map of the area. Bundy's ranch is the little green square:


Here's a good breakdown of the events leading up to this. Of course, it's not from Breitbart, so you tinhatters won't read it.

Everything you need to know about the long fight between Cliven Bundy and the federal government

Here's an excellent piece on the tortoises:

And finally, an even further detail of the situation from the court documents (pdf):

Once again, you can blame everything on the BLM or you can realize that Bundy is a welfare king. Intelligent people would choose the latter.
If you think the outrage is about Bundy's grazing fees -- then maybe you're the marginal whacko.. There are no more grazing permits in that area. It's been closed. EVERY rancher in that area has already been evicted. This by a Government that has the ARROGANCE to literally NUKE desert tortoises for 40 years and then turn around and villify the residents of that desert who drove their cattle and lived their lives whilst the government was abusing the land.. The nearby towns are gonna shrivel up and die for lack of residents and tourists because of the capricious and unconsciencable actions of the Mental Midgets in charge..

Laundry list.. .Weak connections, chalkboard, tin-hat conspiracies. Yep -- didn't think you could pull it off -- but you've out Beck'ed the BeckMeister.. :up:

And where, particularly, did you obtain all the above claims? Nuking tortoises? Really?

Now that is a tin-hat conspiracy!
Not familiar with the Nevada Test Site, are you, sport-o?

Do you mean the one that hasn't conducted a test in over twenty years, sweetcheeks??
The level of ignorance by the right wing on this forum is incredible.

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