(Clock Boy) Ahmed's High School Receives Bomb Threat


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Clock boy's school received a hoax bomb threat. Someone trying to teach them a lesson for not liking anything resembling a bomb, maybe? Can't believe how CAIR is using the kid as a poster child for misunderstood Muslims. We know the whole thing was a set up and that the kid went out of his way to show the fake invention to teachers until one of them got concerned. That happened after he acknowledged that people might think it's a bomb. Now he's all smiles as the offers of free education roll in even as he claims he was traumatized. Yea, people always look elated when under stress. The kid probably got gifts from his parents for carrying out the little plan just the way they told him to do. And the school reported that he had a few behavioral problems prior to the fake clock invention. His sister was suspended several years ago after other students reported that she made a bomb threat.

And now someone is angry at the school over the way they treated the kid. The family should apologize for their little ruse instead of blaming society for a perfectly understandable skepticism of Muslims for their intense interest in bombs. The sister talked about it and her little brother deliberately made an old clock resemble one. Yea, unacceptable and they are totally in the wrong here.

Ahmed's High School Receives Bomb Threat
And who says those Texas in-breeds are incapable of learning!

Fourteen-year-old Pedro Andrade, a classmate of Ahmed’s, told AP that school officials were correct in their concern. Then he added, "If they really did think that it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate?"

Why Islamic leader refuses to blame Texas school for arresting Ahmed Mohammed

It's not difficult to answer that.

Perhaps the one teacher who finally reported Ahmed's imitation clock bomb thought it might be real, but the principal and others knew immediately that it wasn't real, so no need to evacuate. Then again, the teacher might not have thought it was real, but treated it the same as an obvious toy bubble gun, meaning it was clearly against their policy.

It's different when a bomb threat is called in and no one knows where the bomb is, if there is one. In those cases, you have to take it seriously until the school is searched. In Ahmed's case, they were able to instantly inspect it and see that it was harmless.

He got in trouble since he had already told the first teacher that he thought others would think it was a bomb and was told to put it away and not show anyone else. Of course, that teacher was able to inspect it and must have agreed it resembled a bomb, which is why he advised Ahmed the way he did.

If Ahmed had obeyed the teacher, that would have been the end of it. Since that wasn't what he was instructed to do (likely by his parents), he kept showing it until he managed to find the one teacher that called him up on breaking the rules. He knew what it resembled and we know now that it was a plan to try and scare some teachers in hopes it would end up with Ahmed getting into trouble like so many before him. It is against zero tolerance to even pretend your hand is a weapon, let alone a small briefcase that is a mock bomb. The fact that the kid was persistent in showing it around until he got the desired reaction certainly makes him guilty of trying to cause a scare. The fact that the school wasn't evacuated just means that he didn't succeed in convincing them that it was real, but was in clear violation of rules.
Thank God it wasn't a bomb since the numbnuts red neck teachers didn't evacuate the school!

The first teacher to see it was a science teacher and likely knew immediately that it wasn't anything dangerous. Ahmed stated that he feared others would think it was a bomb and that is why the teacher told him to put it away. Instead, the kid kept showing it to teachers until he got the desired reaction. The plan was to get in trouble so he could cry discrimination.

He didn't get in trouble because anyone believed it was real. It is against school policy to bring anything to school that even slightly resembles a weapon.

You all know that. Funny how it went from a few claiming that it looked nothing like a bomb and that the school was wrong to overreact to saying the red neck teachers should have evacuated just in case.

And you are being just as discriminatory as the left accuses others of being against Muslims. I guess bashing red necks, southerners and Christians is still okay since none of them are darlings of the liberal numbnuts.

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