Close elections are the most fun

First election night where businesses are boarding up their windows in fear of riots. If that doesn’t spell unity I don’t know what does
I don't understand why people are so nervous about it. I see the humor and entertainment value first and foremost.
This is the most important election of all time. The future of the planet is at stake. If we get it wrong, there will be droughts and locusts, dogs will sleep with cats, Crocs and bell bottoms will make a huge comeback, there will be a scarcity of bread, slow drivers will occupy the left lane every day all day, and we will all get an itchy rash which won't go away.


Just as long as I don't see any of these making a comeback. Beenie Babies, Furbies, or god forbid, Cabbage Patch Kids.
Seriously, the run up to this has been other worldly. There are people (mostly on the right) who actually believe this election is life or some form of "ism". :)
This one is going to be a doozy. Razor close. The entertainment value is awesome.
The tension around this election is ridiculous. Everyone should get drunk, have unprotected sex (i.e., without a mask), smoke some cigarettes, and walk their dog for three miles.

At least the dog will feel better.

Best post so far. Pouring some alcohol right now...

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