CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

Again, Why do you hate our constitution that gives us all the right to worship however we chose?

Again? When was the first time?

Also and foremost, it is the #1 job of the goverent to protect its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. They are the enemy, they lose their rights.

I ask RWNJs that question whenever they advocate ignoring the constitution. It happens often.

That is because you are ignorant of the constitution and laws. But you are a lefty and ignorant bull shit is your stock and trade.

If you say so. It is odd to hear that from someone who advocated banning religion though.
Radical Islam is not a religion.

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You are insane.

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

What do you personally intend to do to stop them? Legally, of course.

Personally? I have no power to do anything.

But you enjoy making impotent rants. I guess everybody needs a hobby.

That's what this site is for, what power do you have you stupid shit? Let me clue you in: nothing.

Go play in the street retard. The adults are talking.

If you call wanting to kill all muslims and banning their religion like people on this thread have adult conversation, You are truly insane.

I give you idiots a couple of posts to give a intelligent rational response, then I move on. You've failed, I don't waste too much time on left wing idiots who I can't pierce the thick skulls of.

Some say comparing cultures can be a "value judgement", and that one cannot be said to be better than another. I would tend to agree, except for Islam. I can't see anything good about it.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
Well, do we start by voiding the freedom of religion thingy?
Cheering for the Paris terrorists are you? The Progressives ability to emphasize with those in "the struggle" is amazing.
Ah, the culture of Islam. Don't agree with us? We'll cut your head off, rape your wife's, and enslave your children. What year is it again?

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EVERYONE don't Panic. we have that Messiah Obama, the savior of all mankind ready at the helm to protect those he took an OATH to protect. I believe that is us, isn't it. He always seems more worried over Illegal immigrants and bringing these terrorist, I mean refugees here. Call your Damn Congresscritters and demand they stop all trafficking of these people into our country


Call your Congresscritters. we don't have a president we can RELY on
People really shouldn't be surprised when Progressive C_nts keep making excuses for Islamists in times like this. You should actually expect it. The progressives will back Islamists no matter what, even if they set off a nuke they will still support them. No sense in trying to persuade such traitors.
Great.Is that the only religion you want to ban,or do you need time to make a list?

That would be the only one. You know, the one that brutally murders people.

OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You guys are picking apart your constitution one clause at a time.

The First Amendment;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Again, Why do you hate our constitution that gives us all the right to worship however we chose?

Again? When was the first time?

Also and foremost, it is the #1 job of the goverent to protect its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. They are the enemy, they lose their rights.

I ask RWNJs that question whenever they advocate ignoring the constitution. It happens often.

That is because you are ignorant of the constitution and laws. But you are a lefty and ignorant bull shit is your stock and trade.

If you say so. It is odd to hear that from someone who advocated banning religion though.
Radical Islam is not a religion.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The title of the OP is;
CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.
Doesn't say radical Islam.
That would be the only one. You know, the one that brutally murders people.

OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You guys are picking apart your constitution one clause at a time.

The First Amendment;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not even about their religion. If all they did was worship their Pedophile Prophet and his false god, no one would care. It's about the political agenda to convert or kill everyone that isn't them that we have a problem with. Anyone advocating Sharia Law, or support of Islamic terrorists should be rounded up as traitors and deported. They are the ones with an Agenda to destroy the West. It's not a hidden agenda, it's not conspiracy theory, they are open and frank about it. Time to take them at their word and treat them as such.
Again? When was the first time?

Also and foremost, it is the #1 job of the goverent to protect its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. They are the enemy, they lose their rights.

I ask RWNJs that question whenever they advocate ignoring the constitution. It happens often.

That is because you are ignorant of the constitution and laws. But you are a lefty and ignorant bull shit is your stock and trade.

If you say so. It is odd to hear that from someone who advocated banning religion though.
Radical Islam is not a religion.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

The title of the OP is;
CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.
Doesn't say radical Islam.

"Radical Islam"
Isn't that a bit like saying the Pope is Catholic?
That would be the only one. You know, the one that brutally murders people.

OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You guys are picking apart your constitution one clause at a time.

The First Amendment;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

They can exercise all they want to, they do not peaceably assemble.
OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You guys are picking apart your constitution one clause at a time.

The First Amendment;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not even about their religion. If all they did was worship their Pedophile Prophet and his false god, no one would care. It's about the political agenda to convert or kill everyone that isn't them that we have a problem with. Anyone advocating Sharia Law, or support of Islamic terrorists should be rounded up as traitors and deported. They are the ones with an Agenda to destroy the West. It's not a hidden agenda, it's not conspiracy theory, they are open and frank about it. Time to take them at their word and treat them as such.

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You guys are picking apart your constitution one clause at a time.

The First Amendment;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not even about their religion. If all they did was worship their Pedophile Prophet and his false god, no one would care. It's about the political agenda to convert or kill everyone that isn't them that we have a problem with. Anyone advocating Sharia Law, or support of Islamic terrorists should be rounded up as traitors and deported. They are the ones with an Agenda to destroy the West. It's not a hidden agenda, it's not conspiracy theory, they are open and frank about it. Time to take them at their word and treat them as such.

The percentage of Muslims in American that are covered by your definition I suspect is so small I might even agree with you.

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