CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway

OK dog everything is impossible. Leave it all the way it is. No improvements are available. the Children of America will thank you for the scum that sneak across (yes find a way to keep the good). The Mexican GOVT is not allowing their best to leave. How do other SA scum and good pass thru?

You don't know what you are talking about.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
So, if we cannot stop every single person from coming in, we shouldn't close our borders to keep most of them out? If we are going to allow legal immigrants, they need to be vetted.

It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
EVERYONE don't Panic. we have that Messiah Obama, the savior of all mankind ready at the helm to protect those he took an OATH to protect. I believe that is us, isn't it. He always seems more worried over Illegal immigrants and bringing these terrorist, I mean refugees here. Call your Damn Congresscritters and demand they stop all trafficking of these people into our country


Call your Congresscritters. we don't have a president we can RELY on

It didn't take long for you to bring up you hatred with Obama. You are sick.
EVERYONE don't Panic. we have that Messiah Obama, the savior of all mankind ready at the helm to protect those he took an OATH to protect. I believe that is us, isn't it. He always seems more worried over Illegal immigrants and bringing these terrorist, I mean refugees here. Call your Damn Congresscritters and demand they stop all trafficking of these people into our country


Call your Congresscritters. we don't have a president we can RELY on

It didn't take long for you to bring up you hatred with Obama. You are sick.

So what? Thats not anything to be ashamed of. He is destroying Western setting up the future chaos.
That would be the only one. You know, the one that brutally murders people.

OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.
OK. You want a constitutional amendment to ban that one religion? What if some other religion offends you later?Shouldn't we just have a vote each time we want to ban one?
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.
I didn't say ban that religion ir any religion. Learn to read.

So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.
So shutting down all their places of worship isn't banning a religion? Are you sure about that?

Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

We don't have to stop them. We keep a VERY close eye on any Muslim we see anywhere in the U.S. We shut down their mosques, and deport all of the that are not legal U.S. citizens.

Great.Is that the only religion you want to ban,or do you need time to make a list?
Islam is a cult and deserves the destruction its Quran demands its followers inflict on others.

No. A faction of that religion has decided to interpret their religion that way, and I agree those need to be stopped with extreme prejudice. All Islamist are not participating in the terror.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

No, but we can stop many.

Stopping many is not acceptable. At least that's what those opposed to background checks always say.

Destroy the nest. Completely.

Kill them all. Kill them. Kill their wives and children. They are not salvageable.

Cruel? Indelicate? Insensitive? Tough titty. You think they train their kids as future diplomats?

This will never stop until the Islamists are so beaten into the dirt that they cannot get up again.

I love your idea... That makes you what, a hero, murderer or a terrorist? Number of terrorist bastards are low. High numbers of law abiding islams are peaceful wants a better life rather than terror. They want their kids to be educated and successful.
This is like you saying... We should kill all cops because few are killing unarmed civilians. Is that acceptable?
Mass shootings here in US are committed by young white male. We should start eliminating young white male. Good lord think what you are saying.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

No, but we can stop many.

Stopping many is not acceptable. At least that's what those opposed to background checks always say.

Destroy the nest. Completely.

Kill them all. Kill them. Kill their wives and children. They are not salvageable.

Cruel? Indelicate? Insensitive? Tough titty. You think they train their kids as future diplomats?

This will never stop until the Islamists are so beaten into the dirt that they cannot get up again.

Should we have some sort of ceremony when you shred the constitution like that, or does it even matter to you any more?
We have a right to be safe. Our border laws are there to be enforced. Yet we have sanctuary cities that go directly against our laws. You are acting like you're brain dead.

Our border laws are enforce.
Dude the GOP lawmakers control both senate and congress. They are in the best position to reform any or all immigration law... But here you are complaining about sanctuary cities. Why don't you ask yourself why these GOP are not doing anything against these cities? They are not even proposing any bills. Like abolishing or something.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
Hell they didn't close our borders for 9/11, what makes you think they will do it for the Paris attack?
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in
Berlin Walls are fun, don't you think? Mine fields...barbed wire fences, guard dogs, watchtowers with machine guns and search lights. Very American.
Fail. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in.

Exactly. But these people don't understand that. Same fence between north and South Korea. The fence and border guards was designed to prevent people from defecting to the south.

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