CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

If my son came to me and said Dad I don't think I should study because I might not get them all right, I wouldn't say "fuck it don't study." Nope I would say, "study hard and try to get as many right as possible." (He is a straight A student by the way).

Of course it won't stop every single one of them. However, we will drastically cut down on them and the we can use law enforcement to track down and capture the ones that make it through.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You just made every jihadi cum in their pants.

You're a fucking moron.
Your plan is what? To let them kill us one by one? I know that will take a long time, but is that the plan?

My plan is kill the small number of terrorists there are. Not invite 1.6 billion to join the cause.

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:HOLY MOTHER OF GOD:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Leave it to the uber-progressive meathead to display utter inability to connect the dots.:2up:
Yes. How is that so hard for you to understand? They can practice, at home, but they cannot gather.

You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.
You are incredible.

Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.

For a guy who frequents the Parliament sure aren't much fun. I think you fear having lunch with me because you know younarevgoing to feel stupid when we are done. You can't hang.
Meh. I imagine most things are incredible to you.

Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.

For a guy who frequents the Parliament sure aren't much fun. I think you fear having lunch with me because you know younarevgoing to feel stupid when we are done. You can't hang.

Why do you hate Gays? So not only are you a racist, but you are a homophobe as well. Good bye douchebag.
Just when internet bad asses like you run scared and think you can get the government to stop free American citizens from gathering. You give aide and comfort to the enemy.

How about that lunch meeting? I'm gonna be in O-town next Friday. My treat. I wanna meet a USMB facist in person.


Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.

For a guy who frequents the Parliament sure aren't much fun. I think you fear having lunch with me because you know younarevgoing to feel stupid when we are done. You can't hang.

Why do you hate Gays? So not only are you a racist, but you are a homophobe as well. Good bye douchebag.

I don't hate gays. I just don't fuck and suck them like you do. Don't hold that against me.

Why would I spend time in the company of an idiot? Where's the benefit of that? Go to lunch at the Parlament House. You'll like that place.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.

For a guy who frequents the Parliament sure aren't much fun. I think you fear having lunch with me because you know younarevgoing to feel stupid when we are done. You can't hang.

Why do you hate Gays? So not only are you a racist, but you are a homophobe as well. Good bye douchebag.

I don't hate gays. I just don't fuck and suck them like you do. Don't hold that against me.

Yeah you claim not to be a racist either but we know that is a lie as well. Your post above displays a hatred and disgust for them and their lifestyle. You think that the way they choose to live is an insult. You are a racist and a homophobe, and I will waste no more time on lowlife's such as you.

You've suggested that before. I've never been. How's the Italian sausage there?

No idea, let me know when you find out. Later dumbass.

For a guy who frequents the Parliament sure aren't much fun. I think you fear having lunch with me because you know younarevgoing to feel stupid when we are done. You can't hang.

Why do you hate Gays? So not only are you a racist, but you are a homophobe as well. Good bye douchebag.

I don't hate gays. I just don't fuck and suck them like you do. Don't hold that against me.

Yeah you claim not to be a racist either but we know that is a lie as well. Your post above displays a hatred and disgust for them and their lifestyle. You think that the way they choose to live is an insult. You are a racist and a homophobe, and I will waste no more time on lowlife's such as you.


Look at you! You hate yourself so much that you've convinced yourself that all of your faults are actually someone else's.

Let me ask you a question, genius. Why did you ( for the second time ) suggest that I go to the Parliament House for lunch? Is it because you wanted to suggest a fine dining experience? Or.....was it because you were suggesting that I am a gay man and using the place to make a derogatory comment? honest for once.

The lunch offer stands. You choose the restaurant. I'll meet you there. I want to tell you how stupid you are to your face. What do you say?
As I read through this thread it occurred to me that there are many left wing fools here that believe, if we simply are nice to these people they will leave us alone. Obama has used this failed strategy and they are now coming for us here in the US, ON OUR OWN DAM SOIL! They are chanting this battle cry as they kill our people overseas.

It is long past time to:

1. Secure our own borders. TODAY!
2. Declare war (or more precisely re-declare war) on Radical Islam and its benefactors wherever they are in the world.
3. Stop worrying about how others view us. Radical Islam doesn't care and want that we stop breathing.
4. Mandatory weapons courses for every American.
5. Remove all gun free zones period!

The main reason we are not hit here in the US is primarily due to most Americans owing guns and knowing how to use them. Had three or four Frenchmen known and were armed in these venues the death toll would have been far less. It is our armed populace they fear and rightly so.

It is long past time to dump this politically correct liberal bull shit and tell it like it is.

The founding fathers were right, an uninformed and unarmed populace is more dangerous to this republic than any standing army. France is now a socialist state under martial law.
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We have nothing to worry about. The president said today, "Isis is contained." Oh, how we need a real leader.
He is working to get us into a war on our own soil...And he thinks he will be able to stay in office when that happens.
As I read through this thread it occurred to me that there are many left wing fools here that believe, if we simply are nice to these people they will leave us alone. Obama has used this failed strategy and they are now coming for us here in the US, ON OUR OWN DAM SOIL! They are chanting this battle cry as they kill our people overseas.

It is long past time to:

1. Secure our own boarders. TODAY!
2. Declare war (or more precisely re-declare war) on Radical Islam and its benefactors wherever they are in the world.
3. Stop worrying about how others view us. Radical Islam doesn't care and want that we stop breathing.
4. Mandatory weapons courses for every American.
5. Remove all gun free zones period!

The main reason we are not hit here in the US is primarily due to most Americans owing guns and knowing how to use them. Had three or four Frenchmen known and were armed in these venues the death toll would have been far less. It is our armed populace they fear and rightly so.

It is long past time to dump this politically correct liberal bull shit and tell it like it is.

The founding fathers were right, an uninformed and unarmed populace is more dangerous to this republic than any standing army. France is now a socialist state under martial law.

I am against securing our boarders. Let them secure themselves! Security is not part of the lease agreement! Maybe we just need a better class of boarder...maybe boarders who don't run around with the wrong kind of people!
As I read through this thread it occurred to me that there are many left wing fools here that believe, if we simply are nice to these people they will leave us alone. Obama has used this failed strategy and they are now coming for us here in the US, ON OUR OWN DAM SOIL! They are chanting this battle cry as they kill our people overseas.

It is long past time to:

1. Secure our own boarders. TODAY!
2. Declare war (or more precisely re-declare war) on Radical Islam and its benefactors wherever they are in the world.
3. Stop worrying about how others view us. Radical Islam doesn't care and want that we stop breathing.
4. Mandatory weapons courses for every American.
5. Remove all gun free zones period!

The main reason we are not hit here in the US is primarily due to most Americans owing guns and knowing how to use them. Had three or four Frenchmen known and were armed in these venues the death toll would have been far less. It is our armed populace they fear and rightly so.

It is long past time to dump this politically correct liberal bull shit and tell it like it is.

The founding fathers were right, an uninformed and unarmed populace is more dangerous to this republic than any standing army. France is now a socialist state under martial law.

I am against securing our boarders. Let them secure themselves! Security is not part of the lease agreement! Maybe we just need a better class of boarder...maybe boarders who don't run around with the wrong kind of people!


I hate English majors...

But thanks for pointing out my error...:asshole:
Declare war on Islam

You did that years ago, hence the attacks you bastards so much deserve.
I disagree with any and all attacks on civilians, but you lot started the wars.
There were no attacks by Islamic groups until America attacked them.
Live with it.
Declare war on Islam

You did that years ago, hence the attacks you bastards so much deserve.
I disagree with any and all attacks on civilians, but you lot started the wars.
There were no attacks by Islamic groups until America attacked them.
Live with it.

Wrong again...

Islam has been at war with all other religions and peoples since its inception by Muhammad.

Seems to me you need a history lesson while sober so you can remember it.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

If my son came to me and said Dad I don't think I should study because I might not get them all right, I wouldn't say "fuck it don't study." Nope I would say, "study hard and try to get as many right as possible." (He is a straight A student by the way).

Of course it won't stop every single one of them. However, we will drastically cut down on them and the we can use law enforcement to track down and capture the ones that make it through.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But you are perfectly happy saying you don't want background checks because it won;t stop all thugs from getting guns.
Yes because you Know what goes on in every Mosque

I worked directly with a devout Muslim. I know only a small amount that I could get out of him.

You are right. You got me. I don't go into Mosque. You win. oooops...........There is another one who spreads out 5 paper towels to pray in the bathroom at work. That is all I know.
Well, since we have been killing them for almost 20 years, with bombs, tanks, and drones, as well as soldiers, declaring war on them seems like the honorable thing to do.

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