CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Mexican Govt. knows nothing about what goes thru their country? Huh? Trainloads of 50K Children in hot summer on boxcars with criminals...........Mexico glad to get USA to pay for them. Seen the pics. and live the results. The border agents say what human garbage they dump across. We pay to house feed and re-settle them. Somebody making money off this? Christian Charities? follow money.

Agreed. Keep the good. Keep the families with hard-working folks. Find a way. Get rid of criminals.
Close the border. Control who comes in. Stop all immigration for 10 years? maybe? No Muslim.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.
And how are you going to determine if someone is an 'unwanted person,' ask him if he's Muslim.

The stupidity is remarkable.
"CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam."

The ignorance and stupidity of this is overwhelming.

Among the ignorance and stupidity is the moronic notion of 'declaring war' on a religion.


What is really moronic and ignorant are so many people who do not understand that Islam has declared war on the world. That is what is overwhelming.. the shear ignorance of some.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

Go ahead, call Donny and ask him to 'declare war on Islam'. See how that goes.

Or just get a sign and paint your mantra on it and go a walkin'.

Other than that it will never happen. And shouldn't because we aren't at war with a religion, we are at war with mentally ill people. Religion is just an excuse used justify their hideous deeds. (sarcasm should be evident)
All Islamist are not participating in the terror.

Wrong: Decade of silence, of hiding terrorist. They know who the are. Weekly teachings to kill infidel in every Mosque.
in every Mosque.

Yes because you Know what goes on in every Mosque :cuckoo:

These terrorist live in a community where they plan attacks, recruit, gather weapons. Somebody knows something. But they don't come forward EVER. The Muslim military shooters in USA are known too by relatives, but pay no penalty.
You don't know what you are talking about.

Mexican Govt. knows nothing about what goes thru their country? Huh? Trainloads of 50K Children in hot summer on boxcars with criminals...........Mexico glad to get USA to pay for them. Seen the pics. and live the results. The border agents say what human garbage they dump across. We pay to house feed and re-settle them. Somebody making money off this? Christian Charities? follow money.

Agreed. Keep the good. Keep the families with hard-working folks. Find a way. Get rid of criminals.
Close the border. Control who comes in. Stop all immigration for 10 years? maybe? No Muslim.

It was not the Christin Charities that profited from this, It was the democrat party and Obama. Obama knew about this and allowed it because by flooding the border states with illegals he could then bus them all over the US to "relieve the burden" expanding his welfare state agenda. Those children were then reunited with their adult families by the US government bringing them HERE!

Sadly most liberals cant see the real story and what it was meant to do..
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

Go ahead, call Donny and ask him to 'declare war on Islam'. See how that goes.

Or just get a sign and paint your mantra on it and go a walkin'.

Other than that it will never happen. And shouldn't because we aren't at war with a religion, we are at war with mentally ill people. Religion is just an excuse used justify their hideous deeds. (sarcasm should be evident)
Another moron who has failed history.. How many generations has the Muslim world been attempting to kill every Jew on earth?
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You just made every jihadi cum in their pants.

You're a fucking moron.
Your plan is what? To let them kill us one by one? I know that will take a long time, but is that the plan?

My plan is kill the small number of terrorists there are. Not invite 1.6 billion to join the cause.

Fuck em. If they can't clean their own religion up then I assume they're sympathetic to it. Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism and every other religion on Earth cleans their cancerous members out. And did so centuries ago.

Islam has not. Try refuse to do it. Fuck em.
So you're just going to begin indiscriminately killing Muslims, all and any Muslims – starting with American Muslims, we assume.
Well, since we have been killing them for almost 20 years, with bombs, tanks, and drones, as well as soldiers, declaring war on them seems like the honorable thing to do.

USA/WEST can't win under "rules of engagement". This has been proven. Might as well sit back here and fight them off when they arrive? They cut heads off living humans on video. We put out flowers.
With USA economic situation $20T debt.....SSI mess.......budget mess, I was more with Rand Paul. But these Muslim killers are not going to stop. The southern border invasion is not going to stop.

Seems we will be forced to do something drastic on both issue?
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You just made every jihadi cum in their pants.

You're a fucking moron.
Your plan is what? To let them kill us one by one? I know that will take a long time, but is that the plan?

My plan is kill the small number of terrorists there are. Not invite 1.6 billion to join the cause.

Fuck em. If they can't clean their own religion up then I assume they're sympathetic to it. Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism and every other religion on Earth cleans their cancerous members out. And did so centuries ago.

Islam has not. Try refuse to do it. Fuck em.
So you're just going to begin indiscriminately killing Muslims, all and any Muslims – starting with American Muslims, we assume.

You probably think Sharia Law is a good thing to bring to the US even though it can not be enacted here under the US Constitution.

Under US LAW the act of stoning or cutting off peoples heads is murder and as a US citizen they must abide by the law and not their religious government laws. Yes, Sharia is a government/religious control law. thus it can not be legally enacted within the US.

When these people act out here we need to meet them with like force, swift and decisive through our court systems. When they act out abroad the swift and decisive means just that.. Its way past time to quit pussy footing around with these people.
Let's start by killing the kid who built a clock.....

What an ignorant idiot post!

You want to be Muslim? fine! Just Don't start your bigoted rant that you have the right to kill anyone you want because they are not Muslim.

The boy who made the clock was a test to try and force more PC bull shit on WE THE PEOPLE.. It was a political ploy. Tell me what would have happened to that boy if he had taken his "experiment" on a plane with him? Into a bank? Into any federal building?
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Let's start by killing the kid who built a clock.....

What an ignorant idiot post!

You want to be Muslim? fine! Just Don't start your bigoted rant that you have the right to kill anyone you want because they are not Muslim.

The boy who made the clock was a test to try and force more PC bull shit on WE THE PEOPLE.. It was a political ploy. Tell me what would have happened to that boy if he had taken his "experiment" on a plane with him?

...he would have been able to tell the pilot what time it was.....

How soon we forget what our veterans have fought to maintain and the founding fathers gave their all to create!
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
Well, do we start by voiding the freedom of religion thingy?
"The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

For extra credit, tell me who said this.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.
And how are you going to determine if someone is an 'unwanted person,' ask him if he's Muslim.

The stupidity is remarkable.
Just waive a pork chop in his face. If he shies away like it's Kryptonite, he's Muslim.

Or Jewish. Or Seventh Day Adventist.

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