CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.

Failed straw man argument....

Left wing talking points is all you got?
Actually it's a red herring fallacy.

But the idiotic thread premise failed with the first post, so it really doesn't matter.

The notion of 'shutting down' the borders is moronic nonsense, along with 'declaring war' on a religion.

The Paris terrorists aren't 'representative' of 'all Muslims,' the attack was not 'caused by Islam,' and the refugees were in no way 'responsible' for the attacks, where to deny them asylum as a consequence is cruel and unwarranted, an act motivated by fear, bigotry, and hate.

We as a people are better than that.
One of the Paris bombers was a "refugee" from Syria. Might be, most likely there are/were more.
Two of the assassins were from Brussels
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
NEWSFLASH!!! Theres no money in the treasury as it was given to the contractors in the last "so-called" War on Terra shit stain bucs90

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First they want to declare war on a Tactic called "terrorism" now they want a war on over billion Muslims A war on Religion ............what a country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
"Declare war on Islam"....considering how many Muslims there are in the world, guess we have to re-institute the draft and put the country on a total war footing like we haven't done since WWII.
then Repubs, like Cheney, would use the "I had better things to do" to get a referral. Same goes for their am radio icon- oxyRush :lol:
IF that were the case, sure, but that's not what the terrorists did, in fact, they intentionally went after soft targets, civilians rather than military targets or person(s). Terrorists do not subscribe to the propose philosophical question, thus for /us/ to do so is a folly.

I am sure that the innocent people we killed and maimed appreciate that ...they probably said "at least they did not kill us on purpose its only that they did not care if we got killed as long as they killed Saddam....."

What Bush did is he created a public lie in order to launch a war of choice a war of aggression against the people of Iraq..........That is terrorism, to me anyway

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

War sucks doesn't it? All the more reason to be decisive in actually ending it.

I'm sure the friends and family of those 120+ victims in Paris or 9/11 are saying/said the same right? That they were only killed "on accident"? It doesn't work that way for either side...
War sucks doesn't it? All the more reason to be decisive in actually ending it.

Yeah and better still is not making up reasons to start wars...not Contriving war Reasons
Like this guy did

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

Every foot? Kinda like to exaggerate dont you?
I could shoot a beaner with my AR out to 400 yards,pretty sure snipers could easily manage a half mile at least.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.

Since when are border jumpers law abiding citizens?
The quickest way possible to remove the islamic terrorist threat with the least amount of American blood shed and the least amount of future terrorist attacks would be to remove the picture below from "what's acceptable" in our culture. It is THE reason the West keeps getting attacked. The latest venue of said? A California death metal band concert. Where better to find a concentrated conglomeration of hedonist and hedonist-sympathizers?

Nature seeks a balance. So it is true with human nature. Insanity begets insanity on its opposite poles. This picture could easily be a recruiting poster for islamic terrorists.. When our forefathers contemplated "American freedoms", they most definitely did not have "freedom of amorality" in mind. They envisioned a moral and sane freedom. This is anything but.

So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.
So, welcoming in all terrorists with open arms is your answer.

The constitution allows for immigration. Why do you hate the constitution?

Not illegal immigration.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

Every foot? Kinda like to exaggerate dont you?
I could shoot a beaner with my AR out to 400 yards,pretty sure snipers could easily manage a half mile at least.

Right, and they are positive that someone 400 yards away is not just an american coming in from a fishing trip in the gulf, and needs to be killed
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

Every foot? Kinda like to exaggerate dont you?
I could shoot a beaner with my AR out to 400 yards,pretty sure snipers could easily manage a half mile at least.

Right, and they are positive that someone 400 yards away is not just an american coming in from a fishing trip in the gulf, and needs to be killed

So tell me many illegals are coming in by boat?
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.

Since when are border jumpers law abiding citizens?

Who do you think will have to pay for all this extra manpower?
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.
So, welcoming in all terrorists with open arms is your answer.

The constitution allows for immigration. Why do you hate the constitution?

Not illegal immigration.
Closing the borders doesn't allow any immigration.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.

Since when are border jumpers law abiding citizens?

Who do you think will have to pay for all this extra manpower?

Get rid of all the illegals using our social benefits first of all.

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