CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

You can make number a lot smaller

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If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.
So, welcoming in all terrorists with open arms is your answer.

The constitution allows for immigration. Why do you hate the constitution?

Not illegal immigration.
Closing the borders doesn't allow any immigration.

Fine by me.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

Every foot? Kinda like to exaggerate dont you?
I could shoot a beaner with my AR out to 400 yards,pretty sure snipers could easily manage a half mile at least.

Right, and they are positive that someone 400 yards away is not just an american coming in from a fishing trip in the gulf, and needs to be killed

So tell me many illegals are coming in by boat?

You think none come by boat?
Yes I do. We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. WE CAN stop every unwanted person from coming here.

It's time.

How you gonna do that? You gonna post guards on every foot of our land borders and every foot of our ocean front? Every landing strip and every pasture that can be used as a landing strip? We don't even check 1/10 of the cargo on ships that comes in

Every foot? Kinda like to exaggerate dont you?
I could shoot a beaner with my AR out to 400 yards,pretty sure snipers could easily manage a half mile at least.

Right, and they are positive that someone 400 yards away is not just an american coming in from a fishing trip in the gulf, and needs to be killed

So tell me many illegals are coming in by boat?

You think none come by boat?

I dont really give a rats ass how they're getting put a stop to it period.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
You can make number a lot smaller

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

If they want in,they will find a way in. It would just punish law abiding citizens to make them pay for something that wouldn't work anyway.

Since when are border jumpers law abiding citizens?

Who do you think will have to pay for all this extra manpower?
Since when did a leftist give a damn who paid for what, so long as it's other people's money?
The quickest way possible to remove the islamic terrorist threat with the least amount of American blood shed and the least amount of future terrorist attacks would be to remove the picture below from "what's acceptable" in our culture. It is THE reason the West keeps getting attacked. The latest venue of said? A California death metal band concert. Where better to find a concentrated conglomeration of hedonist and hedonist-sympathizers?

Nature seeks a balance. So it is true with human nature. Insanity begets insanity on its opposite poles. This picture could easily be a recruiting poster for islamic terrorists.. When our forefathers contemplated "American freedoms", they most definitely did not have "freedom of amorality" in mind. They envisioned a moral and sane freedom. This is anything but.

Yes, let's let the terrorists tell us how to live with threats of violence. Out of all the brilliant ideas you put forth, this one leaves all others in the dust. Why aren't you in a position to advise Congress or the State department? You are a rare pearl of wisdom in an undiscovered shellfish. What a loss for us all!

Yea you can put LGBT on the list of shit they hate like "television", "radio", "music", "thinking", and "personal freedom"

Though it's really not surprising that Silhouette would find a way to blame terrorism on gay's is it?
I didn't have the patience nor the stomach to read this entire thread and I strongly suspect the pointlessness of even trying to inject any logic into this 'debate,' but here goes ...

You do realise that the refugees are trying to run away from the IS? They, the Muslims (there are also Christians among them, btw) are being killed by the IS fascists for not being pious enough. The IS is also conducting ethnic cleansing of at least one ethnic minority that I know of. Most and by that I mean nearly 100% of these folks are seriously just trying to save their and their families' lives, the fact that one in ten thousand might be a sneaky IS bastard should not prevent us from taking in refugees at all! Where is your humanity?

Also, you do realise that many IS 'recruits' come from western countries? Born and raised in the west. Many of them have western passports (French, Belgian, Australian, etc.) - they really don't need to hide among the refugee masses!!!

So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
So, if we cannot stop every single person from coming in, we shouldn't close our borders to keep most of them out? If we are going to allow legal immigrants, they need to be vetted.

It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
What makes you think limiting the intruders to this country wouldn't help? How did the terrorists get into Paris? They weren't French, you know.

Terrorist get into Paris? They crossed the border.
We are talking about building a wall south of our border. Our border to the south is not as easy to penetrate than what people thought. It's dotted with thousands of sensors with over 21,000 of border patrol. Between 2013 and 2014 total of almost 700,000 was apprehended. So far there are no middle easterners caught.
On the Mexican side of the border its controlled by drug cartels. They will not risk loosing their multi billions enterprise by these terrorists. If they come which I think they are already here IMO they will or came from the north border or east.
Border with Canada is wide open. There are check points in major highways but there is nobody to stop them when crossing the open farms, rivers, mountain etc...
To the east there are middle easterners working as seaman and as one previously mentioned. We do not even check 1/10 of shipping containers.... So what good is the fence?
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So, if we cannot stop every single person from coming in, we shouldn't close our borders to keep most of them out? If we are going to allow legal immigrants, they need to be vetted.

It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
What makes you think limiting the intruders to this country wouldn't help? How did the terrorists get into Paris? They weren't French, you know.

Terrorist get into Paris? They crossed the border.
We are talking about building a wall south of our border. Our border to the south is not as easy to penetrate than what people thought. It's dotted with thousands of sensors with over 21,000 of border patrol. Between 2013 and 2014 total of almost 700,000 was apprehended. So far there are no middle eastern people. If they come which I think they are already here IMO they will or came from the north border or east.
Border with Canada is wide open. There are check points in major highways but there is nobody to stop them when crossing the open farms, mountain etc...
To the east there are middle easterners working as seaman and as one previously mentioned. We do not even check 1/10 of shipping containers.... So what good is the fence?

You stupid mother fucker...I've crossed the border dozens of times through unprotected crossings.
Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

What made you think closing the border with Mexico or even building a wall will stop terrorism? If they will come which I think (not sure) they are already here will enter to the north or east. Border with Canada is wide wide open why even bother entering to the south when it's a lot easier to the north. South is harder to penetrate than what people are thinking. Also 3.2% of Canadian populations are middle easterners and they can easily assimilate before entering US. The Mexican side of the border are controlled by drug cartels. They will not risk losing their multi billion business by these terrorists.
It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
What makes you think limiting the intruders to this country wouldn't help? How did the terrorists get into Paris? They weren't French, you know.

Terrorist get into Paris? They crossed the border.
We are talking about building a wall south of our border. Our border to the south is not as easy to penetrate than what people thought. It's dotted with thousands of sensors with over 21,000 of border patrol. Between 2013 and 2014 total of almost 700,000 was apprehended. So far there are no middle eastern people. If they come which I think they are already here IMO they will or came from the north border or east.
Border with Canada is wide open. There are check points in major highways but there is nobody to stop them when crossing the open farms, mountain etc...
To the east there are middle easterners working as seaman and as one previously mentioned. We do not even check 1/10 of shipping containers.... So what good is the fence?

You stupid mother fucker...I've crossed the border dozens of times through unprotected crossings.
Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

Bullshit you are lying again. We discussed this before. I already caught you lying before asshole. You don't anything about illegals. Don't tell me you can see illegals crossing the river behind you house and the damage they've done.....That's what you told me. When you live about 189 miles from the border north of San Antonio. So shut the fuck up all you are proving is you are a lying bastard red neck conservative.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
What makes you think limiting the intruders to this country wouldn't help? How did the terrorists get into Paris? They weren't French, you know.

Terrorist get into Paris? They crossed the border.
We are talking about building a wall south of our border. Our border to the south is not as easy to penetrate than what people thought. It's dotted with thousands of sensors with over 21,000 of border patrol. Between 2013 and 2014 total of almost 700,000 was apprehended. So far there are no middle eastern people. If they come which I think they are already here IMO they will or came from the north border or east.
Border with Canada is wide open. There are check points in major highways but there is nobody to stop them when crossing the open farms, mountain etc...
To the east there are middle easterners working as seaman and as one previously mentioned. We do not even check 1/10 of shipping containers.... So what good is the fence?

You stupid mother fucker...I've crossed the border dozens of times through unprotected crossings.
Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

Bullshit you are lying again. We discussed this before. I already caught you lying before asshole. You don't anything about illegals. Don't tell me you can see illegals crossing the river behind you house and the damage they've done.....That's what you told me. When you live about 189 miles from the border north of San Antonio. So shut the fuck up all you are proving is you are a lying bastard red neck conservative.

You seem to have trouble with geography and memory.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

At least we're making an effort. You want illegals here.

You got an example of where I said that?

Well then why are you against every attempt to stop them?

BullShit doesn't to say the exact words in order to know what he really means. You hit the nail on the head. While I agree that not everyone can be stopped, people like BullShit go out of their way to stop efforts to even lessen the amount that do.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.

At least we're making an effort. You want illegals here.

You got an example of where I said that?

Your last statement. It may not use those exact words but you've shown that because you believe you can't stop people from slipping in it's not worth trying to stop more.

No, I was giving an example of your hypocrisy. You make the exact same claim about background checks.

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