CLOSE OUR BORDERS; Declare war on Islam.

So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
So, if we cannot stop every single person from coming in, we shouldn't close our borders to keep most of them out? If we are going to allow legal immigrants, they need to be vetted.

It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
What is wrong with you? We are allowing illegals to come in all over the place and with them will come the terrorists. Building that damn wall we have talked about for decades in the answer and deport those who break our laws.

What made you think building a wall will stop terrorism?
What makes you think limiting the intruders to this country wouldn't help? How did the terrorists get into Paris? They weren't French, you know.
Declare war on Islam

You did that years ago, hence the attacks you bastards so much deserve.
I disagree with any and all attacks on civilians, but you lot started the wars.
There were no attacks by Islamic groups until America attacked them.
Live with it.

Wrong again...

Islam has been at war with all other religions and peoples since its inception by Muhammad.

Seems to me you need a history lesson while sober so you can remember it.

So, how many terrorists attacks were there in America before America started to seriously support Israel?
Loads, but none by Muslims as they were all from other countries America had pissed off.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.
Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You just made every jihadi cum in their pants.

You're a fucking moron.
Your plan is what? To let them kill us one by one? I know that will take a long time, but is that the plan?

My plan is kill the small number of terrorists there are. Not invite 1.6 billion to join the cause.
And where do you find these terrorists out of the many? I agree there is no need to kill them all. How about we go after just those in that Islamic State they created for themselves and maybe wipe out the training camps we find? We wipe out all living creatures within its borders. We did it to Germany and would have finished them all in Japan. On purpose.
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It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.
Well, do we start by voiding the freedom of religion thingy?
Cheering for the Paris terrorists are you? The Progressives ability to emphasize with those in "the struggle" is amazing.

Emphasize! Perfect.
Thank Steve Jobs.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.
Wow can you cheer for the Paris slaughter of innocents louder?
And where do you find these terrorists out of the many? I agree there is no need to kill them all. How about we go after just those in that Islamic State they created for themselves and maybe wipe out the training camps we find? We wipe out all living creatures within its borders. We did it to Germany and would have finished them all in Japan. On purpose.

Okay, let's look at that.

Are you willing to support a huge tax increase to pay to do that? Taxes you'll continue to pay after the war is over to pay off the war bonds?

Allow entire industries to be nationalized for war production?

Are you willing to draft a large Army to occupy those countries for the next few decades.

Are you willing to dedicate billions of dollars to rebuilding those countries after the war ends?

because if you want to really emulate what we did in World War II, you are going to have to support a lot of liberal stuff you probably don't agree with.

World War II is how LIBERALS fight wars. The rich pay for it and their kids go to fight it along side the poor kids. No one makes a profit off the war. War Profiteering is actually considered a bad thing.


"Grrrrr.... no profits for Halliburton!!!"
Islam must be prohibited in all western countries.Period.

Oh yes! Freedom!!!!!
The same people perennially whining of a "war of Christmas" want a war on Islam ...fabulous fabulous..
A Question of Balance here : - 'Decapitation strike' was aimed at Saddam
U.S. Launches 'Decapitation' Strike Against Iraq; Saddam

Mar 20, 2003 -'Decapitation' strategy sends 40 Tomahawk missiles, two Stealth fighter-bombers toward Baghdad afterU.S.learns meeting location of top Iraqi .

And now for a Philosophical question:

Lets say that the Paris terrorist had Technological weapons like the ones we have ...lets say they had Destroyers with Tomahawk missiles...lets say they had "actionable intelligence" on the whereabouts of France's President Holland and they decided hey lets go for a "decapitation strike" at France and they dropped a single Tomahawk near the Stadium whee Holland was....

would the scenario above be a lesser evil than what was actually done in Paris Friday ?


Depends on if they got the target____

Discuss ...
Extra credit: can the French dead be described as "collateral damage" in a wider war.....

It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.

Failed straw man argument....

Left wing talking points is all you got?
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.

Failed straw man argument....

Left wing talking points is all you got?
Actually it's a red herring fallacy.

But the idiotic thread premise failed with the first post, so it really doesn't matter.

The notion of 'shutting down' the borders is moronic nonsense, along with 'declaring war' on a religion.

The Paris terrorists aren't 'representative' of 'all Muslims,' the attack was not 'caused by Islam,' and the refugees were in no way 'responsible' for the attacks, where to deny them asylum as a consequence is cruel and unwarranted, an act motivated by fear, bigotry, and hate.

We as a people are better than that.
So you really think you can stop every single person from slipping into the country? You know better than that.
So, if we cannot stop every single person from coming in, we shouldn't close our borders to keep most of them out? If we are going to allow legal immigrants, they need to be vetted.

It won't work. You can't guarantee that terrorists won't get in.
There are no guarantees in this world except the likelihood of another terrorist attacks increases exponentially when we have open borders. Close the borders until we deport the criminals we have here that are not citizens.Increase the Homeland Security appropriations to hire more FBI and ICE agents.
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.

Failed straw man argument....

Left wing talking points is all you got?
Actually it's a red herring fallacy.

But the idiotic thread premise failed with the first post, so it really doesn't matter.

The notion of 'shutting down' the borders is moronic nonsense, along with 'declaring war' on a religion.

The Paris terrorists aren't 'representative' of 'all Muslims,' the attack was not 'caused by Islam,' and the refugees were in no way 'responsible' for the attacks, where to deny them asylum as a consequence is cruel and unwarranted, an act motivated by fear, bigotry, and hate.

We as a people are better than that.
One of the Paris bombers was a "refugee" from Syria. Might be, most likely there are/were more.
Islam must be prohibited in all western countries.Period.

Oh yes! Freedom!!!!!
The same people perennially whining of a "war of Christmas" want a war on Islam ...fabulous fabulous..
A Question of Balance here : - 'Decapitation strike' was aimed at Saddam

U.S. Launches 'Decapitation' Strike Against Iraq; Saddam
Mar 20, 2003 -'Decapitation' strategy sends 40 Tomahawk missiles, two Stealth fighter-bombers toward Baghdad afterU.S.learns meeting location of top Iraqi .

And now for a Philosophical question:

Lets say that the Paris terrorist had Technological weapons like the ones we have ...lets say they had Destroyers with Tomahawk missiles...lets say they had "actionable intelligence" on the whereabouts of France's President Holland and they decided hey lets go for a "decapitation strike" at France and they dropped a single Tomahawk near the Stadium whee Holland was....

would the scenario above be a lesser evil than what was actually done in Paris Friday ?


Depends on if they got the target____

Discuss ...
Extra credit: can the French dead be described as "collateral damage" in a wider war.....

IF that were the case, sure, but that's not what the terrorists did, in fact, they intentionally went after soft targets, civilians rather than military targets or person(s). Terrorists do not subscribe to the propose philosophical question, thus for /us/ to do so is a folly.

And thus the problem we have now, we fail to treat this as a war, but rather as "random acts of terror" - when in the minds of the terrorists it is a war. To continue to act as if this is "random acts of terror" will beget us the same tragedy. However, our attempts to actually "war" are deflated by the intermixing of innocents, by our modern "morality" in waging war. I don't necessarily think we should pave the ME, but I do think that if we are going to resolve this situation that is now effecting the entire world, that we cannot be "as moral" about our war as we have been in the past, else we will be stuck in a continuous loop.

On the larger scope of the thread:

If one "cares" about the lives of the innocent, then how can they not see that these suicide bombers are being abused by their leaders? They are not gaining from their terrorist acts, they are being used and discarded by evil leaders; they are "collateral damage" from the moment they convert, they just don't know it because they are lied to by those they trust in the guise of "religion".

Radical Islam is not a "religion", it is an abuse of innocent people, intentionally invented to be used by "men in power." So no, we would not be declaring war on a "religion" as many cry, but a lie that is disguised as a "religion." Taking this bullshit "religion" out would save many lives, sadly we no longer have the balls to do it as a country so the entire world is pretty much fucked. How do we reconcile that with our "morals" and "obligation" as a world power?
IF that were the case, sure, but that's not what the terrorists did, in fact, they intentionally went after soft targets, civilians rather than military targets or person(s). Terrorists do not subscribe to the propose philosophical question, thus for /us/ to do so is a folly.

I am sure that the innocent people we killed and maimed appreciate that ...they probably said "at least they did not kill us on purpose its only that they did not care if we got killed as long as they killed Saddam....."

What Bush did is he created a public lie in order to launch a war of choice a war of aggression against the people of Iraq..........That is terrorism, to me anyway

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
It's way past fucking time to stop playing nice and trying to do this liberal PC bullshit.

Close the fucking border. Mexico and South America...sorry...fix your own countries.

Declare war on Islam. It's a fucking cancer. Sorry liberals. Nice time is over.

You go sign up for that, buddy.

Terrorism is bad and all. But we have far more Americans killed every day by gun violence than Terrorism kills in a year.

Failed straw man argument....

Left wing talking points is all you got?
Actually it's a red herring fallacy.

But the idiotic thread premise failed with the first post, so it really doesn't matter.

The notion of 'shutting down' the borders is moronic nonsense, along with 'declaring war' on a religion.

The Paris terrorists aren't 'representative' of 'all Muslims,' the attack was not 'caused by Islam,' and the refugees were in no way 'responsible' for the attacks, where to deny them asylum as a consequence is cruel and unwarranted, an act motivated by fear, bigotry, and hate.

We as a people are better than that.
One of the Paris bombers was a "refugee" from Syria. Might be, most likely there are/were more.
The Boston Marathon bombers were refugees.
Their religion demands the killing of all infidels. We believe in freedom of religion so we can't stop them from killing us as infidels.

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