Clothing Color

What Clothing Color Looks Best On You?

  • Black

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Brown

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Blue

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Red

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Orange

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Purple

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Pink

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Gray

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • White

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Yellow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan

Bonzi- excuse me for saying this- but your husband is an idiot.

The proper response by any good husband any wife who asks how she looks in 'green'(or any other color) is "You look great!"

You should wear green every day- as much green as your heart desires.

It's okay, I don't mind.... it's a small sacrifice ... that and not clipping my hair back... haha! ;)
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan

Bonzi- excuse me for saying this- but your husband is an idiot.

The proper response by any good husband any wife who asks how she looks in 'green'(or any other color) is "You look great!"

You should wear green every day- as much green as your heart desires.

oh and I can't complain either LOL!!
I just put OTHER since I don't know what you want.

I wear a lot of gray. Matches my hair.
I also wear a lot of black and dark blue pants (leggings). Above waist..any color except pink, orange, red or yellow.
What color is your witch hat and cape? Traditional black or fabulous purple?
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan
Why do you allow your husband to tell you what colors you can wear, especially if you love that color? This, I just flat don't understand. Day Mr G tells me what I can and can't wear is the day he won't be MrG any more.

He doesn't tell me, he just says "that's ugly" or like if I wear my hair clipped up he says I look "hideous" so I try not to offend his eyes :)
Da fuk? You look "hideous"? Tell him to fuck his left hand for a couple of months cuz his dick looks hideous. Jeez.

When I had my shops, sometimes women would try on clothes and then say "I will have to ask my husband before I buy it and show him when I bring him in, but LOVE this outfit!". I have never been shy. I always asked why they had to ask what to wear. Every damn one of them just got the deer in headlights look instead of answering.

I wear what I want and my mirror..and other looks and winks from guys...let me know how I looked. Your husband is indeed an idiot.
I just put OTHER since I don't know what you want.

I wear a lot of gray. Matches my hair.
I also wear a lot of black and dark blue pants (leggings). Above waist..any color except pink, orange, red or yellow.
What color is your witch hat and cape? Traditional black or fabulous purple?
Why are you still smelling this place up with your pig stench?
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan
Why do you allow your husband to tell you what colors you can wear, especially if you love that color? This, I just flat don't understand. Day Mr G tells me what I can and can't wear is the day he won't be MrG any more.

He doesn't tell me, he just says "that's ugly" or like if I wear my hair clipped up he says I look "hideous" so I try not to offend his eyes :)
No wonder you have the mood..I usually tell 'em to GFY...I do as I like....I am sure you look great with your hair up nude...after I smear green latex on you....
I like gray and brown. I agree with your dark colors and pastels comment. Who wants to look like a freakin Easter Egg? Neon...yuck. '90s fashion and colors really essed the D.


I like all colors but not all at the same time. ;)
I like gray and brown. I agree with your dark colors and pastels comment. Who wants to look like a freakin Easter Egg? Neon...yuck. '90s fashion and colors really essed the D.


well these outfits will certainly get you noticed!

Every wonder if anyone really WEARS the stuff they show on Run Way Shows?

Like outfit on the right here... this is pretty tame compared to some other stuff too! Who wears this????

The only people who wear that stuff are celebrities and very strange rich people. Those are the only people who can even AFFORD those clothes in most cases.
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan

Bonzi- excuse me for saying this- but your husband is an idiot.

The proper response by any good husband any wife who asks how she looks in 'green'(or any other color) is "You look great!"

You should wear green every day- as much green as your heart desires.

Don't you think it would be a good idea to reserve your judgment, considering you are only getting ONE side of the story here? Is her husband here to explain himself or defend himself against allegations? She could be just making shit up for all you know. Not to mention, that is completely inappropriate to say about one's spouse TO the spouse.
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan

Bonzi- excuse me for saying this- but your husband is an idiot.

The proper response by any good husband any wife who asks how she looks in 'green'(or any other color) is "You look great!"

You should wear green every day- as much green as your heart desires.

Doesn't it anger you, Bonzi, that someone would say your husband is an idiot? Don't you feel the urge to defend him? Or is this what you want people to think about him?
I won't wear pastels.....

I can't wear any green (hubby hates green - it's my favorite color... go figure... well only DARK green or Kelly Green)......

I look pretty crappy in yellow unless I have a really good tan

Bonzi- excuse me for saying this- but your husband is an idiot.

The proper response by any good husband any wife who asks how she looks in 'green'(or any other color) is "You look great!"

You should wear green every day- as much green as your heart desires.

Doesn't it anger you, Bonzi, that someone would say your husband is an idiot? Don't you feel the urge to defend him? Or is this what you want people to think about him?

I know he's not an idiot. I don't mind if people call ME an idiot - or even my kids....
You know why? Because I don't care what they think! (not about my personal life and people that don't even know - meaning, I don't value their opinion in this particular case..... I am interested in what people think about other things....)

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