Cloud mystery solved: Global temperatures to rise at least 4C by 2100

You're not the only one to wear a uniform.

Given the message in your sig, I don't know why you were fighting them. Your opinions align nicely. "Those who oppose my opinions are enemies of the state and should be eliminated". Is that the message for which you fought? For which the Founding Fathers fought? Is that the message you find in our Constitution?

Whatever you may have earned in the military, you've cast it aside when you accuse all liberals - half of all Americans - of being traitors. If you want my respect, lose the sig.
You're not the only one to wear a uniform.

Given the message in your sig, I don't know why you were fighting them. Your opinions align nicely. "Those who oppose my opinions are enemies of the state and should be eliminated". Is that the message for which you fought? For which the Founding Fathers fought? Is that the message you find in our Constitution?

Whatever you may have earned in the military, you've cast it aside when you accuse all liberals - half of all Americans - of being traitors. If you want my respect, lose the sig.

My signature is true, fuck off you god damn traitor.
Every other climate prediction has been wrong so why should this one be believed?

And you are either a liar or a fool that has never researched the information you flap yap about. See Dr. Hansen's paper on CO2 in 1981. Made some very accurate predictions, predictions the denialists have been running from for 30 years.

"Hide the decline"

"Mann's 'Nature' trick"
You're not the only one to wear a uniform.

Given the message in your sig, I don't know why you were fighting them. Your opinions align nicely. "Those who oppose my opinions are enemies of the state and should be eliminated". Is that the message for which you fought? For which the Founding Fathers fought? Is that the message you find in our Constitution?

Whatever you may have earned in the military, you've cast it aside when you accuse all liberals - half of all Americans - of being traitors. If you want my respect, lose the sig.

My signature is true, fuck off you god damn traitor.

Then I guess you're not interested in my respect, or the respect of the 125 million American citizens - a large number of whom have also been in combat, defending this nation, injured, disabled - but that you believe should be executed for the crime of treason. You think they should be put up against a wall and shot, right? What was it that tipped you over the edge? That they were willing to vote for a negro for president? That they thought all Americans deserved healthcare, even the poor and minorities? That all Americans deserve a decent education? That to ensure religious freedom the government can endorse NO religion, even if a majority claim the same god? What was it? WHY do you believe all liberals are traitors - that every one of them seeks to illegally overthrow the duly elected government? Eh?
The Unmatched and Inimicable Oration of BIGREBNC1775

"I call you dumb ass"

"Dumb son of a bitch"

"you fucking idiot"

"fuck off you god damn traitor"

"Shut the hell up dumb ass "

"Respect your god damn elders bitch"

"son of a bitch"

"you stupid son of a bitch"

"prove it dumb ass or fuck off"

"fucking idiot"

"dumb ass"

"shut the fuck up BITCH"

"shut the fuck up"

"Fucking liberals have fucked this country up so bad your ass needs to be gone.
You will get the black flag."

Does anyone else see that last one as a bit of a death threat?
Every other climate prediction has been wrong so why should this one be believed?

And you are either a liar or a fool that has never researched the information you flap yap about. See Dr. Hansen's paper on CO2 in 1981. Made some very accurate predictions, predictions the denialists have been running from for 30 years.

Oh my more proof that the AGW cult is alive and well.
The Unmatched and Inimicable Oration of BIGREBNC1775

"I call you dumb ass"

"Dumb son of a bitch"

"you fucking idiot"

"fuck off you god damn traitor"

"Shut the hell up dumb ass "

"Respect your god damn elders bitch"

"son of a bitch"

"you stupid son of a bitch"

"prove it dumb ass or fuck off"

"fucking idiot"

"dumb ass"

"shut the fuck up BITCH"

"shut the fuck up"

"Fucking liberals have fucked this country up so bad your ass needs to be gone.
You will get the black flag."

Does anyone else see that last one as a bit of a death threat?
Drama queen
Take no prisoners. dumb ass.
I just want to get this straight. Do you REALLY believe that half the American population should be lined up against a wall and shot for the crime of treason?
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I just want to get this straight. Do you REALLY believe that half the American population should be lined up against a wall and shot for the crime of treason?

Let me make it very clear to you
Liberals are traitors you dumb son of a bitch.
Just so YOU are clear what you're saying (since I have reason to believe that in your case neither English nor American culture are native):

TRAITOR: a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.

Treason was the ONLY crime defined in the text of our Constitution.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The punishment for treason in US law is death.
Just so YOU are clear what you're saying (since I have reason to believe that in your case neither English nor American culture are native):

TRAITOR: a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.

Treason was the ONLY crime defined in the text of our Constitution.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The punishment for treason in US law is death.

Those who support fundamental transformation of America are traitors I really don't give a god damn about the opinion of a traitor who doesn't like how I write. Your posting style suggest you aren't an American.
Being the brain dead bitch that you are might be the reason you can't comprehend what is written.
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Those who support fundamental transformation of America are traitors

That is incorrect. I have given you the definition of the term. It is also incorrect to say that all liberals "support a fundamental transformation of America".

I really don't give a god damn about the opinion of a traitor who doesn't like how I write.

That doesn't change the fact that your statements here are completely incorrect.

Your posting style suggest you aren't an American.

I suspect that you wouldn't know, but I could be wrong. Your profile shows a badge of the 520th. Were they not a squadron of the SVNAF?

Being the brain dead bitch that you are might be the reason you can't comprehend what is written.

I'm not the one making egregious and fundamental errors.
Those who support fundamental transformation of America are traitors

That is incorrect. I have given you the definition of the term. It is also incorrect to say that all liberals "support a fundamental transformation of America".

I really don't give a god damn about the opinion of a traitor who doesn't like how I write.

That doesn't change the fact that your statements here are completely incorrect.

Your posting style suggest you aren't an American.

I suspect that you wouldn't know, but I could be wrong. Your profile shows a badge of the 520th. Were they not a squadron of the SVNAF?

Being the brain dead bitch that you are might be the reason you can't comprehend what is written.

I'm not the one making egregious and fundamental errors.
You are a traitor so fuck you
Stop whining

Mommy he want stop

Either get back on topic or shut the fuck up and move on.
Annnd another Matthew troll thread abandoned.

The Unmatched and Inimicable Oration of BIGREBNC1775

"I call you dumb ass"

"Dumb son of a bitch"

"you fucking idiot"

"fuck off you god damn traitor"

"Shut the hell up dumb ass "

"Respect your god damn elders bitch"

"son of a bitch"

"you stupid son of a bitch"

"prove it dumb ass or fuck off"

"fucking idiot"

"dumb ass"

"shut the fuck up BITCH"

"shut the fuck up"

"Fucking liberals have fucked this country up so bad your ass needs to be gone.
You will get the black flag."

Does anyone else see that last one as a bit of a death threat?

Not unless you're a pansy ass. Unless of course you can show how someone can get kilt over the internets.
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So, a Vietnamese immigrant believes that half of all Americans should be executed. Is that what we have here? Are you Vietnamese? Seems a rather tenuous position.

A small typo was made on your photo caption. It should have read "Mommy, he won't stop".

And, no, I won't.
So, a Vietnamese immigrant believes that half of all Americans should be executed. Is that what we have here? Are you Vietnamese? Seems a rather tenuous position.

A small typo was made on your photo caption. It should have read "Mommy, he won't stop".

And, no, I won't.

Vietnamese immigrant? I told you that your comprehension capability is limited and now you just proved it.
Where in the fuck did you get the idea that I am an Vietnamese immigrant?

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