Cloud mystery solved: Global temperatures to rise at least 4C by 2100

As I explained, your profile photo shows a badge which reads 520 SEC POLICE SQDN. When I tried to look that up, the only hit I got was a South Vietnamese Air Force squadron. When you said you thought you were my elder and had been fighting commies, I assumed you'd fought in the Korean war. But Nam made more sense.

I did ask. So, you're not Vietnamese (you say). Why are you so unfamiliar with the definition of the word "traitor"? It's a fairly common term. Just an educational shortcoming? Didn't give it enough thought? Didn't realize you were accusing half the country of having committed a capital offense?

And, I have to ask. How many fighting commies did you run into working as a security cop?
As I explained, your profile photo shows a badge which reads 520 SEC POLICE SQDN. When I tried to look that up, the only hit I got was a South Vietnamese Air Force squadron. When you said you thought you were my elder and had been fighting commies, I assumed you'd fought in the Korean war. But Nam made more sense.

I did ask. So, you're not Vietnamese (you say). Why are you so unfamiliar with the definition of the word "traitor"? It's a fairly common term. Just an educational shortcoming? Didn't give it enough thought? Didn't realize you were accusing half the country of having committed a capital offense?

And, I have to ask. How many fighting commies did you run into working as a security cop?


You see their is your fucking problem you can't comprehend it says 52D security police squadron
Can we please talk about the effects of clouds and the op. Thanks?
Every other climate prediction has been wrong so why should this one be believed?

And you are either a liar or a fool that has never researched the information you flap yap about. See Dr. Hansen's paper on CO2 in 1981. Made some very accurate predictions, predictions the denialists have been running from for 30 years.

*shakes head*

You want to reference a 33 year old paper that is absurdly outdated with false information? Here, try this on for size.

The evidence, therefore, indicates that the current generation of climate models (when run as a group, with the CMIP5 prescribed forcings) do not reproduce the observed global warming over the past 20 years, or the slowdown in global warming over the past fifteen years. change/Climate model results/over estimate.pdf

"The Earth system is just too complex to be represented in current climate models. I don’t think they’ll get it right for a long time."

Climate models wildly overestimated global warming, study finds | Fox News
As I explained, your profile photo shows a badge which reads 520 SEC POLICE SQDN. When I tried to look that up, the only hit I got was a South Vietnamese Air Force squadron. When you said you thought you were my elder and had been fighting commies, I assumed you'd fought in the Korean war. But Nam made more sense.

I did ask. So, you're not Vietnamese (you say). Why are you so unfamiliar with the definition of the word "traitor"? It's a fairly common term. Just an educational shortcoming? Didn't give it enough thought? Didn't realize you were accusing half the country of having committed a capital offense?

And, I have to ask. How many fighting commies did you run into working as a security cop?


You see their is your fucking problem you can't comprehend it says 52D security police squadron

I'd say the problem was your crap photo.

But yes, let's get back to the thread topic.
Still waiting for that reproducible experiment that shows CO2 does any of what is claimed.

I'm still waiting for you to show us that fools don't make it to Gunny Sgt.

Thousands of experiments have been done and the vast, vast majority of them show that CO2 is the primary driver of global warming and that virtually every molecule of excess CO2 came from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Your continued whine about experiments does nothing but show that you seem unwilling to face reality.
What's global warming?
I believe there's very little chance of 4c the next 86 years. My beliefs are based on the last 50 million years of climate forcings + the balance of negative and positive forcing's on the current climate. The fact that it is strong enough to stall the warming within the atmosphere, doesn't hold out much hope for 3.2c of warming over 86 years.
Having reviewed the record of the 52nd, I withdraw my "security cop" comment and apologize for that.
3.2c of warming / by 8.5 decades is .376/decade.

I don't think so. On the other hand 2c of total warming since 1880 is possible as we only need .14c of warming/decade to do it.
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I believe there's very little chance of 4c the next 86 years. My beliefs are based on the last 50 million years of climate forcings + the balance of negative and positive forcing's on the current climate. The fact that it is strong enough to stall the warming within the atmosphere, doesn't hold out much hope for 3.2c of warming over 86 years.

Matthew, two things:

Why do you use the phrase "doesn't hold out much hope for 3.2C of warming"? We don't WANT it to warm. I know you don't either, but you make it sound as if you do.


I believe there are limits to the applicability of the paleo record to the current regime. The last time CO2 went up as fast as the last 100 years was the KT boundary event. I believe there's a strong likelihood that compensatory mechanisms that slowed or ameliorated warming (and cooling) in the past may not have time to act given the rate at which we are dumping GHG into the atmosphere. All we seem to be getting on this timescale is positive feedbacks.
So, a Vietnamese immigrant believes that half of all Americans should be executed. Is that what we have here? Are you Vietnamese? Seems a rather tenuous position.

A small typo was made on your photo caption. It should have read "Mommy, he won't stop".

And, no, I won't.

Half? LOL!

Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This marks the third straight year that conservatives have outnumbered moderates, after more than a decade in which moderates mainly tied or outnumbered conservatives.

Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S.
What's global warming?

Well Timmy, it's like this. In the beginning there was Mother Earth and Father Time. They were in love, and they were happy. But Father Time has been marching in the same direction for longer than anyone can remember. And Mother Earth is alone. And when you're alone, your life becomes frigid cold. And you know what? Even mothers need some fire in their lives. So every once in a while when Mother Earth gets tired of living an ice age, she decides to heat up herself. I know, it's not a pleasant thing to hear. But it's alot better than Mother Earth continuing to float along, running into a young and virile asteroid, and let him really pound her hard!
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What's global warming?

Well Timmy, it's like this. In the beginning there was Mother Earth and Father Time. There were in love, and they were happy. But Father Time has marching in the same direction for longer than anyone can remember. And Mother Earth is alone. And when you're alone, your life becomes frigid cold. And you know what? Even mothers need some fire in their lives. So every one in a while when Mother Earth gets tired of living an ice age, she decides to heat up herself. I know, it's not a pleasant thing to hear. But it's alot better than Mother Earth continuing to float along, run into a young and virile asteroid, and let him really pound her hard!

That has to be the best summation on global warming that I have ever read
I am just repeating what most of the worlds scientist. say I am sorry that you conservative fucks are clueless...

Every school
College course
and major research office on earth

all agree.

No, they don't.

"Hide the decline" is still an embarrassment to your "science"
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Global temperatures to rise at least 4°C by 2100 | Science Recorder

The key to this narrower – albeit much higher – estimate is found in the real world observations around the role of water vapor in cloud formation.

Observations show when water vapor is taken up by the atmosphere through evaporation, the updrafts can either rise to 15 km to form clouds that produce heavy rains or rise just a few kilometers before falling back to the surface without forming rain clouds.

The researchers discovered that climate models that exhibit a low global temperature response to carbon dioxide do not include enough of this lower-level water vapor process. In its place, they simulate nearly all updrafts as rising to 15 km and forming clouds.

However, when the procedures in climate models are adjusted to match the observations in the real world, the models produce cycles that take water vapor to a wider range of heights in the atmosphere, causing fewer clouds to form as the climate warms. Consequently, this increases the volume of sunlight and heat entering the atmosphere and increases the sensitivity of our climate to carbon dioxide or any other disturbance.

The result is such that, when water vapor processes are correctly represented, the sensitivity of the climate to a doubling of carbon dioxide – which will happen in the next 50 years – means that we can expect a temperature increase of at least 4 degrees Celsius by 2100.
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I thought the Pacific Ocean ate all the "Global Warming"?

Do you all have amnesia over there in AGWCultland?
Global temperatures to rise at least 4°C by 2100 | Science Recorder

The key to this narrower – albeit much higher – estimate is found in the real world observations around the role of water vapor in cloud formation.

Observations show when water vapor is taken up by the atmosphere through evaporation, the updrafts can either rise to 15 km to form clouds that produce heavy rains or rise just a few kilometers before falling back to the surface without forming rain clouds.

The researchers discovered that climate models that exhibit a low global temperature response to carbon dioxide do not include enough of this lower-level water vapor process. In its place, they simulate nearly all updrafts as rising to 15 km and forming clouds.

However, when the procedures in climate models are adjusted to match the observations in the real world, the models produce cycles that take water vapor to a wider range of heights in the atmosphere, causing fewer clouds to form as the climate warms. Consequently, this increases the volume of sunlight and heat entering the atmosphere and increases the sensitivity of our climate to carbon dioxide or any other disturbance.

The result is such that, when water vapor processes are correctly represented, the sensitivity of the climate to a doubling of carbon dioxide – which will happen in the next 50 years – means that we can expect a temperature increase of at least 4 degrees Celsius by 2100.

Oh so now it's water vapor.

So do we stop taking hot showers?

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