Cloud mystery solved: Global temperatures to rise at least 4C by 2100

Every other climate prediction has been wrong so why should this one be believed?

And you are either a liar or a fool that has never researched the information you flap yap about. See Dr. Hansen's paper on CO2 in 1981. Made some very accurate predictions, predictions the denialists have been running from for 30 years.

*shakes head*

You want to reference a 33 year old paper that is absurdly outdated with false information? Here, try this on for size.

The evidence, therefore, indicates that the current generation of climate models (when run as a group, with the CMIP5 prescribed forcings) do not reproduce the observed global warming over the past 20 years, or the slowdown in global warming over the past fifteen years. change/Climate model results/over estimate.pdf

"The Earth system is just too complex to be represented in current climate models. I don’t think they’ll get it right for a long time."

Climate models wildly overestimated global warming, study finds | Fox News

And you are just another flap-yap liar that has never done the least research on the subject

Lessons from Past Predictions: Hansen 1981

Predicted Climate Impacts
Hansen et al. also discussed several climate impacts which would result as consequences of their projected global warming:

"Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage."

We can check off all of these predictions.

The southwestern United States and Central Asia have experienced frequent droughts in recent years;
The West Antarctic ice sheet has eroded;
Global sea level has risen; and
The Northwest Passage opened in 2007
The Pacific Ocean is making more water vapor because it's warmer...Joseph of Aramethea! Of Course!
And you are just another flap-yap liar that has never done the least research on the subject


Yeah, because a blog from a pro-AGW source really has credibility.

The southwestern United States and Central Asia have experienced frequent droughts in recent years;

Yeah, because that never happened 100 years ago.

The West Antarctic ice sheet has eroded;

Yeah, because erosion is a new phenomenon.

Global sea level has risen; and

Yeah, because that never has happened before.

The Northwest Passage opened in 2007


And that's the ballgame, folks. You're so completely, entirely out of touch with FACTS it's not even funny.

The only thing "fabled" about the Northwest Passage, is the entirely false idea that it's a fable. Roald Amundsen was the first person to navigate the Northwest Passage more than 100 years ago!
We should also stop using refridgerators, all forms of in home climate control, and automobiles. Yes, we realize that hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people will die from lack of shelter, hygiene, and/or from the worldwide shortage of food that will result. But we have to make difficult decisions so that hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people don't die from cancer!!
We should also stop using refridgerators, all forms of in home climate control, and automobiles. Yes, we realize that hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people will die from lack of shelter, hygiene, and/or from the worldwide shortage of food that will result. But we have to make difficult decisions so that hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people don't die from cancer!!

What the hell are you flap-yapping about now, halfwit.:lol:
What are refridgerators and in-home climate control? Has someone found the solution to our climate issues that not only works but can be operated from the comfort of our own homes? Wow...
I am just repeating what most of the worlds scientist. say I am sorry that you conservative fucks are clueless...

Every school
College course
and major research office on earth

all agree.

The world scientist have been directed to cover up their findings, NOW WHAT SCHMUCK?

Yeah, it's all a grand conspiracy like the JFK assassination and the Apollo Moon landing hoax. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And you are just another flap-yap liar that has never done the least research on the subject


Yeah, because a blog from a pro-AGW source really has credibility.

Yeah, because that never happened 100 years ago.

Yeah, because erosion is a new phenomenon.

Global sea level has risen; and

Yeah, because that never has happened before.

The Northwest Passage opened in 2007


And that's the ballgame, folks. You're so completely, entirely out of touch with FACTS it's not even funny.

The only thing "fabled" about the Northwest Passage, is the entirely false idea that it's a fable. Roald Amundsen was the first person to navigate the Northwest Passage more than 100 years ago!

OK. Here is the paper;

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

Your bunch of willfully ignorant dumb fucks were stating at this time that there was nothing at all happening, and predicting that nothing would happen. Then, after 1998, when it became apparent to all that the world was warming, and the the cryosphere was being severly affected, they changed the mantra to "it's all natural cycles", but could not point out what cycles.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that state AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger. All you people have are obese junkies on the radio, and fake British lords.
The winter storm is the biggest to hit Chicago on New Year’s Day since 1999. As of 9:30 a.m. Thursday, 5.8 inches had fallen at O’Hare International Airport. The northern suburbs were hit hardest, with 18 inches reported in Gurnee, 13.8 inches in Riverwoods, 13.7 inches in Mundelein, and 12.9 inches in Beach Park.

Lake Effect Snow Could Dump Up To 10 More Inches « CBS Chicago

This useful thread brought to you by the good folks at the Flat Earth Society, Creationism Museum, and the generous contributions of morons like you. :)
Cloud mystery solved: Global temperatures to rise at least 4C by 2100
.7c + .8c = 1.5c of warming since 1880 by 2100
1.2c+.8c =2c of warming since 1880 by 2100

Let's say the forcing does speed warming up to .16c per decade by mid century??? Let's avg it at .16c for the next 8.5 decades..= 1.4c of warming
+.8c = 2.2c above 1880 levels.

So a likely range of 1.5 to 2.2c of total warming by 2100.

If this paper has any reality to it = something big is going to snap. AND IT BETTER BE FAST.

You AGW idiots dumb down math with your stupid "averages" as if exponential and differential equations don`t even exist.

I`ll give you a simple example
An average is the sum of all elements divided by the number of elements.
That`s fine for simple stuff if x is a constant with a + or - variation.
It`s utter nonsense to express even a simple linear function where x increases by a fixed increment as an "average"

What kind of idiot would even look for the "average" of that function?
Answer: a "climatologist"

I you do that with an increment i=1 till n=10 then the "climatology math" would come up with an "average" of 5.5
So if n were a temperature and increments i= by 0.1, then, to get this stupid "average" you have sum it up till n= 10 and then divide it by the 100 elements it took to get to n=10 then the "average" comes out at 505/100= 5.05....which is already more than 9% lower than what you got for the same range and the same linear function.
The only difference was that we got to n=10 in 10 steps incrementing with 1...and the second time we got to n=10 in 100 steps but incrementing by only 0.1. In both cases the n, or the temperature as it were has increased by the same amount per time and was the same function!.
So what` the "average"?
Is it 5.5 or 5.05 or should it have been what a 5th grader would say is in the middle between 0 and 10 ?
It gets even worse when "climatologists" start multiplying their idiotic "averages" with huge factors to a global scale and for several centuries.

They have entire cities disappearing under the water, predict ocean level rise in 0.001 meter increments and tell us what the "average temperature" will be 150 years from now or what the "anomaly" is over a vast area where they did not even bother to record any data.

But what you just did was even dumber than that
you took the "average" 0.16 increase then multiplied it by 8.5 = 1.36, rounded it up to 1.4 and added it !

That`s like saying,...:
so far the "average" population is P...while it`s increasing at a rate of 1.14% per year, and then say in 10 years it has grown by 1.14 *10=11.4 %

If you start out with P= 100 then you would have 101.4 after the first year
102.8 after the second year, and you would be at 11.7 % more already after 7 years, not in 10 ..
In 10 years you got 14.9 % more not just 11.4 %

Don`t you understand exponential functions?
If you do, then use it to see how ridiculous the temperature would be in 2100 if you do it properly with an increase of 0.16 per decade.

My guess is that the people who write the programs for these computer models that shoot way over the top do plug in the proper exponential functions...but all they get from the AGW dick-heads as "source" data are these dumbed down linear milk maid math "averages"...

While you are at it tell me how they get a "global average temperature" of 14 + whatever stupid "anomaly" out of this:


For the tropics you got at best an "average" temperature of +25C, which is ~ 4/10th of the total area
And for the rest of the 2 remaining caps which are 6/10th of the globe it`s at least down to ~ -10 C

You wont even get up to a "global mean average" of +14C even if I`ll let you have the full 30 degrees for the entire tropical belt line !

Anybody who had to take math at a higher than elementary level is sick of these stupid and simplistic washed and re-washed "averages" and how they are being served up as "source data".
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I have no idea what strawman you were addressing there. I can see it didn't resemble anything related to the global warming issue. However, you have definitely refuted ... something.
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I think he needs to first demonstrate that none of the world's climate scientists ever passed calculus.
What are refridgerators and in-home climate control? Has someone found the solution to our climate issues that not only works but can be operated from the comfort of our own homes? Wow...
What issue? There isn't any.
Turn off your computer you are causing to much carbon emission
I am just repeating what most of the worlds scientist. say I am sorry that you conservative fucks are clueless...

Every school
College course
and major research office on earth

all agree.

The world scientist have been directed to cover up their findings, NOW WHAT SCHMUCK?

Yeah, it's all a grand conspiracy like the JFK assassination and the Apollo Moon landing hoax. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes global warming is a conspiracy
The warming is linear at least when you're talking about atmospheric temperature as warming has been pretty much .14c/decade. This has not one fucking thing about exponential increase of temperature raise as that isn't the reality...

All I did was estimate how much warming at the current linear rate would occur by 2100.
What are refridgerators and in-home climate control? Has someone found the solution to our climate issues that not only works but can be operated from the comfort of our own homes? Wow...
What issue? There isn't any.

Then why are you here?

Turn off your computer you are causing to much carbon emission

By debating, you and I convince multiple viewers that AGW is real and that deniers just don't have a case to make. We will do far more good for the planet than were we silent.

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