Clueless Greta caught off script

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.


She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Barron has not been put up there on the world stage, making a fool of himself like that Greta has, by her parents!

ok???? you get that in your thick head????

The only ones going after a child, are Greta's greedy parents who care more about the money they pimp out of that poor child than her mental well being.

Sorry Skye but Gretas parents aren’t the only ones going after kids. Have you read this thread?

She is about to be David Hogg'd.


All invincible victims get dumped eventually after they have served their purpose. Remember Cindy Sheehan who was silenced as soon as Hussein was elected?
All invincible victims get dumped eventually after they have served their purpose. Remember Cindy Sheehan who was silenced as soon as Hussein was elected?

Didn't she try running against nanzi poohlousy?

I'll bet she's homeless shitting in the streets of san fransicko by now.

Fuckin retard.


She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

The Adults that are mercilessly exploiting her, may God have mercy on them.

And what is it about Socialists and Mass Murder?

Climate Alarmist Greta Thunberg Says We Will ‘Put World Leaders Against The Wall’

Little Greta Thunberg told a crowd in Italy that “we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall” if they don’t immediately do the things she demands they do.

The term “against the wall” is clear in its meaning: The term, popular in revolutions across the world, means execution.

Great, the 16-year-old Swedish climate alarmist, made the threat at a Fridays for Future gathering in Turin.

FIGURES. Virtue Signalling Green Teen Greta Thunberg’s Yacht Used More Fuel to Cross Atlantic than If She Flew from New York to Madrid
If you can’t see the difference between me Calling out peoples disgusting actions while attacking a kid and those people attacking a kid for doing nothing but speaking out about the environment, then I cannot help you.
You want the double standard for poor put upon Greta. She has every global media conglomerate you can think of enclosing her in a protective cocoon like bubble where no one dares attack her so she can say and do what she pleases.
Time magazine's little award is an example of how she is fawned over.

She can spew out utter nonsense (like the world will be doomed to destruction starting in 2030) but science does NOT back her apocalyptic end of the world doom speak. Think Globally, Shame Constantly: The Rise of Greta Thunberg Environmentalism

"There is no looming climate change 'expiration date,'" writes Bailey, a point underscored by Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, which promotes cost-effective policies to remediate climate change, hunger, disease, and other global issues. Lomborg notes that the IPCC itself
has found the evidence does not support claims that floods, droughts and cyclones are increasing."

If your poor heart is too feint to see the attacks that poor Greta Thunberg must endure, as she addresses the UN and wins global accolades from boot licking toadies eager to get in her favor so some of her fame and approval can rub off on them, then maybe you should just go lie down and pull the covers over yourself in a sort of pre death shroud.

Be sure you are clutching your pearls when you do.
disagree with what she is saying all you want, I have no problem with that. It’s the personal attacks on a child which are a step too far. You trying to excuse that because I’m calling the people demeaning her assholes is a load of crap. Imagine she was your daughter or your niece. You’re on the wrong side of this one
Are you still defending that camera loving goblin? :laugh:

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

She’s a kid... take it easy

Of course! I dont fault her either. Shes a kid that likes to sail and likes nature. The fault lies with grown adults falling all over themselves on some sort of earth shattering message she was supposed to deliver. Not her fault at all to be used by the establishment. Though I'm sure she does like all the attention. What kid would not like to feel they were suddenly at the center of the world?

She’s only 16

far to young to be lecturing the world

in the end adults will ignore her and she will be even more angry and unhappy

She is a 16 year old with Aspergers and you think it’s ok to make fun of her. You are a pathetic excuse for a human.
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
disagree with what she is saying all you want, I have no problem with that. It’s the personal attacks on a child which are a step too far. You trying to excuse that because I’m calling the people demeaning her assholes is a load of crap. Imagine she was your daughter or your niece. You’re on the wrong side of this one
If she wants to stand in the spotlight and lecture and point fingers at the world then the world will push back.
If the science on the matter backed up her apocalyptic doomsday "sky is falling" rhetoric then I might agree.
But it doesn't. It's a cynical message from cynical liars trying to dupe the world and trotting out a child to deliver their cynical message shows how desperate they are to make people afraid.

As long as you are on the other side of this I know I must be on the right side of history. Let me know when Barry Obama's ocean side mansion is washed away.
Push back on the substance all you want. It is never ok to personally attack a child just because you don’t agree with their politics

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Barron has not been put up there on the world stage, making a fool of himself like that Greta has, by her parents!

ok???? you get that in your thick head????

The only ones going after a child, are Greta's greedy parents who care more about the money they pimp out of that poor child than her mental well being.

Sorry Skye but Gretas parents aren’t the only ones going after kids. Have you read this thread?


What about him? Did you think it was ok to personally attack him?
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

The Adults that are mercilessly exploiting her, may God have mercy on them.

And what is it about Socialists and Mass Murder?

Climate Alarmist Greta Thunberg Says We Will ‘Put World Leaders Against The Wall’

Little Greta Thunberg told a crowd in Italy that “we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall” if they don’t immediately do the things she demands they do.

The term “against the wall” is clear in its meaning: The term, popular in revolutions across the world, means execution.

Great, the 16-year-old Swedish climate alarmist, made the threat at a Fridays for Future gathering in Turin.

FIGURES. Virtue Signalling Green Teen Greta Thunberg’s Yacht Used More Fuel to Cross Atlantic than If She Flew from New York to Madrid

Progressive Antifa Nazi
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta was... what’s your point?

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