Clueless Greta caught off script

The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
no that’s not the real problem here. The real problem is grown adults thinking it’s ok to personally attack a 16 year old girl
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
The real problem is a not too bright, white privilege girl with anger issues and genocidal rages is now your hero and spokesperson
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
Jesus Christ! Are you Thunberg's dad? Her p.r. agent? Her number one fan boy?
How many times are you going to step in and defend her honor like some effete Victorian gentleman?

If there was a call to kill leaders that do not take global warming seriously enough it would come from someone who
has already called her future hopeless and bleak due to the inaction of her elders. It isn't a stretch and someone who already has a reputation for overly dramatic hyperbole should choose her words a little more carefully.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
Jesus Christ! Are you Thunberg's dad? Her p.r. agent? Her number one fan boy?
How many times are you going to step in and defend her honor like some effete Victorian gentleman?

If there was a call to kill leaders that do not take global warming seriously enough it would come from someone who
has already called her future hopeless and bleak due to the inaction of her elders. It isn't a stretch and someone who already has a reputation for overly dramatic hyperbole should choose her words a little more carefully.
Except it wasnt a call to kill world leaders you turd. The only people claiming this are people like you. She even came out and apologize for the statement as it wasn’t the message that she was trying to convey.

I bet if she said we need to “hold their feet to the fire” you’d whine about catabolism or burning people alive. Am I right?
I think she will be a miserable person all her life
She'll be a drunken, drugged out sperm bucket like Blasey Ford.
Oh boy, another winner has entered the thread. Please let us all know what you think because we are so interested.

And those of you who stand behind this kind of crap talk about a child are just as bad. Stop defending this shit.
Except it wasnt a call to kill world leaders you turd. The only people claiming this are people like you. She even came out and apologize for the statement as it wasn’t the message that she was trying to convey.

I bet if she said we need to “hold their feet to the fire” you’d whine about catabolism or burning people alive. Am I right?
No you are wrong and I was careful not to accuse Thunberg of calling for the deaths of politicians that did not treat global warming like it was an unstoppable threat that would destroy the world.
But I guess you were so jacked up with your self righteous need to defend someone who already has the world's media on her side you didn't notice.

So there are no "people like me" saying she wanted a death squad to take out politicians too slow and timid to act.
Because I never said that. I said IF someone made a call like that it would come from someone like Thunberg who has already accused adults of robbing her of her life (drama queen alert)..
Wake up, jackass!
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Except it wasnt a call to kill world leaders you turd. The only people claiming this are people like you. She even came out and apologize for the statement as it wasn’t the message that she was trying to convey.

I bet if she said we need to “hold their feet to the fire” you’d whine about catabolism or burning people alive. Am I right?
No you are wrong and I was careful not to accuse Thunberg of calling for the deaths of politicians that did not treat global warming like it was an unstoppable threat that would destroy the world.
But I guess you were so jacked up with your self righteous need to defend someone who already has the world's media on her side you didn't notice.

So there are no "people like me" saying she wanted a death squad to take out politicians too slow and timid to act.
Because I never said that. I said IF someone made a call like that it would come from someone like Thunberg who has already accused adults of robbing her of her life (drama queen alert)..
Wake up, jackass!
Scroll up 8 posts and see where zorros wrote:

“Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.”

it’s right before some other guy said she was going to be a drunken sperm bucket in a few years.

yeah, that’s how your buddy’s are talking about a 16 year old girl with Aspergers. Y’all are real winners.
She’s not my hero nor is she my spokesperson. She is a 16 year old girl with aspergers who dipshits like you like to call names and make fun of. That’s pathetic
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.


Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
So who was Time Person of the Year?
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
Greta. She is now advocating the mass murder of world leaders who not sign on to her climate horseshit.
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
the mass murder?! Haha can you be any more dramatic?
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin

Being "put against the wall" is execution by firing squad.
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Actually, it was her death squads reference for those that dared to disagree with her that kicked this off. Why is it that you folks have such an issue with folks not sharing your beliefs?


Utopians are murderers.​
oh is that right?! Cause I never knew that. I always thought that meant being in a tough spot. Same as rock and a hard place. I looked it up and found this:

Definition of up against a/the wall
informal. : in a very bad position or situation The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.

I also saw that she issued an apology after she found out people were saying that it meant execution.

And you know who was calling it a rally for executions?! The Right wing haters. That’s a self made controversy from your ILK.

There was no left wing movement rallying to kill world leaders because of a Greta rally. Are you insane?!
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Actually, it was her death squads reference for those that dared to disagree with her that kicked this off. Why is it that you folks have such an issue with folks not sharing your beliefs?


Utopians are murderers.​
Only a drama queen playing politic would think she was talking about death squads. Fake news
She should apologize. We are so sick of the Left's violence against those that simply disagree with them, from BLM to Antifa to the millions killed by communism.

The expression is used for executions. It refers to putting someone in front of wall before they are killed by a firing squad.

View attachment 294850
Death Wall Auschwitz. NAZI's murdered thousands at this very spot.

The adults exploiting this young girl for their crass gain should be ashamed of themselves.
people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Actually, it was her death squads reference for those that dared to disagree with her that kicked this off. Why is it that you folks have such an issue with folks not sharing your beliefs?


Utopians are murderers.​
Only a drama queen playing politic would think she was talking about death squads. Fake news
You failed to answer the question: Why do you folks have such an issue with other folks holding views that differ from yours? Greta's whole gig is hectoring and shaming folks that disagree with her and you guys applaud her as loudly as you know how. What's your problem?

people like you are making it violent. That’s not how it was intended and that’s not how it was perceived by her supporters
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Actually, it was her death squads reference for those that dared to disagree with her that kicked this off. Why is it that you folks have such an issue with folks not sharing your beliefs?


Utopians are murderers.​
Only a drama queen playing politic would think she was talking about death squads. Fake news
You failed to answer the question: Why do you folks have such an issue with other folks holding views that differ from yours? Greta's whole gig is hectoring and shaming folks that disagree with her and you guys applaud her as loudly as you know how. What's your problem?

Oh sorry I didn’t see that question... easy answer, I have no problem with people who have different views that myself. I enjoy debating them and like being around people with all types of views. Especially smart ones that can hold a discussion.

What I do have a problem with is douchebags making fun of children
She's the one hurling Nazi slaughter terms against folks who dare to disagree with her. You guys have a real problem with folks thinking for themselves.


Angela Merkel at the death wall where the Nazi's put thousands "against the wall" and murdered them for having different beliefs.


The Death Wall where those being slaughtered by NAZI firing squads were first "put against the wall".

Merkel said Auschwitz 'demands that we NEVER FORGET'.

At the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed by firing squad, the leaders bowed their heads before laying two wreaths bearing their nations' colors.

'Nothing can bring back the people who were murdered here. Nothing can reverse the unprecedented crimes committed here. This history must be told over and over again.'​


Held behind barbwire before being "put against the wall".
Perhaps instead of exploiting Greta, the adults that care for her should have her in school?
Nice try but you and your ilk are the only ones taking this to a mass murder level. It’s a rather pathetic narrative
Actually, it was her death squads reference for those that dared to disagree with her that kicked this off. Why is it that you folks have such an issue with folks not sharing your beliefs?


Utopians are murderers.​
Only a drama queen playing politic would think she was talking about death squads. Fake news
You failed to answer the question: Why do you folks have such an issue with other folks holding views that differ from yours? Greta's whole gig is hectoring and shaming folks that disagree with her and you guys applaud her as loudly as you know how. What's your problem?

Oh sorry I didn’t see that question...
Sure you didn't.
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