Clueless Greta caught off script

If we dont ignore her its impossible not to notice that she’s a spoiled little twit
Why do you care if she is a spoiled little twit? Does that somehow excuse you acting like a douche and attacking a child? No it doesn’t
I care that she is propagating a hoax that will bring great harm to our economy and standard of living
ok, so do you not process the intellectual capacity to address the inaccuracies in the science and rhetoric that you disagree with? Because it’s the weak minded that resorts to personal attacks instead of debating the substance... and it’s the sick minded that resorts to personal attacks on autistic children, no matter what the circumstances.
She is not presenting science

Greta is making an emotional argument that centers around herself


Right and when a child talks that way you either ignore it or you say that’s not an appropriate way to speak. You don’t call her a twat, or make fun of her appearance, or call her a cumbucket, or tell her to go to anger management or say most of the things that you and your ilk have been saying.

I shouldn’t need to explain that
Its pointless to attack her looks

But pointing out that she’s troubled child who is totally unqualified to be a spokesman for the climate change doomsday hoax not only ok but nevessary
I care that she is propagating a hoax that will bring great harm to our economy and standard of living

And....that means that you are an idiot.
As usual all libs have to offer is personal insults

You must be a very bitter and emotional person
hahahahaha.... are YOU really complaining about Libs making personal insults?! You’re joking right? Either that or you ZERO self awareness
I do complain about you and other libs here making personal insults

You are driven only by anger
Ok buddy... you’re neck deep in that boat as that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. Triggered by an autistic child none the less.
I think you are the one who is triggered if she has convinced you that the mass extinction will begin in 12 years
Why do you care if she is a spoiled little twit? Does that somehow excuse you acting like a douche and attacking a child? No it doesn’t
I care that she is propagating a hoax that will bring great harm to our economy and standard of living
ok, so do you not process the intellectual capacity to address the inaccuracies in the science and rhetoric that you disagree with? Because it’s the weak minded that resorts to personal attacks instead of debating the substance... and it’s the sick minded that resorts to personal attacks on autistic children, no matter what the circumstances.
She is not presenting science

Greta is making an emotional argument that centers around herself


Right and when a child talks that way you either ignore it or you say that’s not an appropriate way to speak. You don’t call her a twat, or make fun of her appearance, or call her a cumbucket, or tell her to go to anger management or say most of the things that you and your ilk have been saying.

I shouldn’t need to explain that
Its pointless to attack her looks

But pointing out that she’s troubled child who is totally unqualified to be a spokesman for the climate change doomsday hoax not only ok but nevessary
And that’s not how you and your ilk have been engaging in his thread. Thankfully the mods deleted a bunch of the garbage posts but there are still a bunch sitting out there that are completely out of line
And....that means that you are an idiot.
As usual all libs have to offer is personal insults

You must be a very bitter and emotional person
hahahahaha.... are YOU really complaining about Libs making personal insults?! You’re joking right? Either that or you ZERO self awareness
I do complain about you and other libs here making personal insults

You are driven only by anger
Ok buddy... you’re neck deep in that boat as that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. Triggered by an autistic child none the less.
I think you are the one who is triggered if she has convinced you that the mass extinction will begin in 12 years
And....that means that you are an idiot.
As usual all libs have to offer is personal insults

You must be a very bitter and emotional person
hahahahaha.... are YOU really complaining about Libs making personal insults?! You’re joking right? Either that or you ZERO self awareness
I do complain about you and other libs here making personal insults

You are driven only by anger
Ok buddy... you’re neck deep in that boat as that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. Triggered by an autistic child none the less.
I think you are the one who is triggered if she has convinced you that the mass extinction will begin in 12 years
She hasn’t convinced me of a thing. I don’t get my information from teenagers... few if none do
if you didn’t call her a cum bucket or make fun of her appearance or engage in personal attacks then I wasn’t calling you an asshole. The fact that you think it’s acceptable for grown adults to speak that way about a child does make you an asshole. Sorry but it’s true.
You know, or should know, I haven't engaged in rhetoric like that though I have objected to her overly hyperbolic language when it comes to her end of the world predictions of doom.
She is not backed by climate scientists with her Chicken Little claims of a tipping point by 2030.

I don't think it's anymore acceptable for the language you say is used against Thunberg
than you calling others assholes. You tit for tat simply keeps the cycle of incivility going.
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I care that she is propagating a hoax that will bring great harm to our economy and standard of living
ok, so do you not process the intellectual capacity to address the inaccuracies in the science and rhetoric that you disagree with? Because it’s the weak minded that resorts to personal attacks instead of debating the substance... and it’s the sick minded that resorts to personal attacks on autistic children, no matter what the circumstances.
She is not presenting science

Greta is making an emotional argument that centers around herself


Right and when a child talks that way you either ignore it or you say that’s not an appropriate way to speak. You don’t call her a twat, or make fun of her appearance, or call her a cumbucket, or tell her to go to anger management or say most of the things that you and your ilk have been saying.

I shouldn’t need to explain that
Its pointless to attack her looks

But pointing out that she’s troubled child who is totally unqualified to be a spokesman for the climate change doomsday hoax not only ok but nevessary
And that’s not how you and your ilk have been engaging in his thread. Thankfully the mods deleted a bunch of the garbage posts but there are still a bunch sitting out there that are completely out of line
As usual all libs have to offer is personal insults

You must be a very bitter and emotional person
hahahahaha.... are YOU really complaining about Libs making personal insults?! You’re joking right? Either that or you ZERO self awareness
I do complain about you and other libs here making personal insults

You are driven only by anger
Ok buddy... you’re neck deep in that boat as that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. Triggered by an autistic child none the less.
I think you are the one who is triggered if she has convinced you that the mass extinction will begin in 12 years
As usual all libs have to offer is personal insults

You must be a very bitter and emotional person
hahahahaha.... are YOU really complaining about Libs making personal insults?! You’re joking right? Either that or you ZERO self awareness
I do complain about you and other libs here making personal insults

You are driven only by anger
Ok buddy... you’re neck deep in that boat as that’s all you’ve been doing in this thread. Triggered by an autistic child none the less.
I think you are the one who is triggered if she has convinced you that the mass extinction will begin in 12 years
She hasn’t convinced me of a thing. I don’t get my information from teenagers... few if none do
Apparently many libs do

She’s a big star on the left
if you didn’t call her a cum bucket or make fun of her appearance or engage in personal attacks then I wasn’t calling you an asshole. The fact that you think it’s acceptable for grown adults to speak that way about a child does make you an asshole. Sorry but it’s true.
You know, or should know, I haven't engaged in rhetoric like that though I have objected to her overly hyperbolic language when it comes to her end of the world predictions of doom.
She is not backed by climate scientists with her Chicken Little claims of a tipping point by 2030.
you are right I havent seen you Speak out of line about her. But for some reason you’ve been coming after me for going after those who have. So where you should be agreeing with me you are making an effort to distract and excuse their actions while trying to discredit me. Now why would you do that if you truly believed what they are doing is wrong?

you already answered that. You don’t care. Then why are you spending energy pushing back against me? That puts you on their side
you are right I havent seen you Speak out of line about her. But for some reason you’ve been coming after me for going after those who have. So where you should be agreeing with me you are making an effort to distract and excuse their actions while trying to discredit me. Now why would you do that if you truly believed what they are doing is wrong?

you already answered that. You don’t care. Then why are you spending energy pushing back against me? That puts you on their side
You seem incapable of understanding....I don't approve of the anti Thunberg incivility any more than I approve of your anti Thuberg trolls incivility. I condemn both...not a very difficult
thing to understand.
you are right I havent seen you Speak out of line about her. But for some reason you’ve been coming after me for going after those who have. So where you should be agreeing with me you are making an effort to distract and excuse their actions while trying to discredit me. Now why would you do that if you truly believed what they are doing is wrong?

you already answered that. You don’t care. Then why are you spending energy pushing back against me? That puts you on their side
You seem incapable of understanding....I don't approve of the anti Thunberg incivility any more than I approve of your anti Thuberg trolls incivility.
So you don’t agree with the trolling and you also don’t support pushing back against the trolling... ok great, glad we got that figured out. I think this conversation just made me dumber. Thanks for the waste of time
Here is another angle. Would it be possible that the global climate agenda is a front for another issue? Perhaps massive amounts of money is needed for upgrades in technology or to build underground facilities because a asteroid/comet will approach the earth at the time of Greta's prediction. That we are being sold on something else that we are more blasé about then being hit by a space object which may cause mass riots. An asteroid named Apophis will supposedly pass close to the Earth in 2029.
So you don’t agree with the trolling and you also don’t support pushing back against the trolling... ok great, glad we got that figured out. I think this conversation just made me dumber. Thanks for the waste of time
It's HOW you push back, genius. You are like the guy who climbs down into the sewer to fight with somebody who is flinging shit at you. Pretty soon you are both covered in shit.

Like I said...the concept is not difficult to grasp but you couldn't tell that by you. I didn't know the simple act of objecting to you calling people "assholes" would devolve in a long multi-day back and forth where you fail to learn a single thing or even grasp the point of this all.
You can thank yourself for wasting your own time since you can't let this thing go.
So you don’t agree with the trolling and you also don’t support pushing back against the trolling... ok great, glad we got that figured out. I think this conversation just made me dumber. Thanks for the waste of time
It's HOW you push back, genius. You are like the guy who climbs down into the sewer to fight with somebody who is flinging shit at you. Pretty soon you are both covered in shit.

Like I said...the concept is not difficult to grasp but you couldn't tell that by you. I didn't know the simple act of objecting to you calling people "assholes" would devolve in a long multi-day back and forth where you fail to learn a single thing or even grasp the point of this all.
You can thank yourself for wasting your own time since you can't let this thing go.
HaHa. So because I used the word “assholes” to describe people who were calling a 16 year old autistic girl a cumbucket I’m at their level?! Ok buddy whatever you say. Think I’m done with you at this point, thanks for the enlightening conversation.
HaHa. So because I used the word “assholes” to describe people who were calling a 16 year old autistic girl a cumbucket I’m at their level?! Ok buddy whatever you say. Think I’m done with you at this point, thanks for the enlightening conversation.
Some single not bright person said Thunberg would become a used up cum bucket just like Mary Blasey Ford long after you began calling her critics assholes and douchebags.
So get a new excuse for your own behavior. You are lying. And what did you say about the little girl who was driven into hiding after her parodies of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez were attacked, along with herself and her family?
Were you outraged over the pure hate from folks like you drove her into hiding? I'll bet not.
'Mini AOC' Parody Videos End After Death Threats
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HaHa. So because I used the word “assholes” to describe people who were calling a 16 year old autistic girl a cumbucket I’m at their level?! Ok buddy whatever you say. Think I’m done with you at this point, thanks for the enlightening conversation.
Some single not bright person said Thunberg would become a used up cum bucket just like Mary Blasey Ford long after you began calling her critics assholes and douchebags.
So get a new excuse for your own behavior. You are lying. And what did you say about the little girl who was driven into hiding after her parodies of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez were attacked, along with herself and her family?
Were you outraged over the pure hate from folks like you drove her into hiding? I'll bet not.
'Mini AOC' Parody Videos End After Death Threats
A few democratic nutjobs versus two-thirds of the Republican party and our scumbag president LOL the brainwashed nutjobs.
HaHa. So because I used the word “assholes” to describe people who were calling a 16 year old autistic girl a cumbucket I’m at their level?! Ok buddy whatever you say. Think I’m done with you at this point, thanks for the enlightening conversation.
Some single not bright person said Thunberg would become a used up cum bucket just like Mary Blasey Ford long after you began calling her critics assholes and douchebags.
So get a new excuse for your own behavior. You are lying. And what did you say about the little girl who was driven into hiding after her parodies of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez were attacked, along with herself and her family?
Were you outraged over the pure hate from folks like you drove her into hiding? I'll bet not.
'Mini AOC' Parody Videos End After Death Threats
A few democratic nutjobs versus two-thirds of the Republican party and our scumbag president LOL the brainwashed nutjobs.
And I'm guessing it's 90% garbage propaganda anyway like most right-wing bologna. And you were doing so well with your global warming epiphany...

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