Clueless Greta caught off script

Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism - Quillette

Greta is eleven years old and has gone two months without eating. Her heart rate and blood pressure show clear signs of starvation. She has stopped speaking to anyone but her parents and younger sister, Beata.

After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family. When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.

Greta thunberg is a mentally disturbed child

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

She reminds me of the time I watched a C-SPAN airing of a speech Barbra Streisand was giving to Harvard students about the AIDS virus.

She read from speech which I later found out was written by David Niven. Streisand sounded very well informed about every aspect of the virus.I was actually impressed by her speech. Streisand really seemed to be quite learned on the topic of AIDS virus, and the latest research and treatments.

Then they opened up the audience to questions. This turned into a disaster. Streisand was as a deer in the headlights. Every single question met a complete brick wall. She could not answer one. She deferred to over used catch phrases, and "I don't know...," or she'd fall back on "That's something I think the government should 'blah balh balh'...." etc...

At the end it became very embarrassing for her. The very last question was a complete softball. Instead of asking Streisand to elaborate on the points she had made in the speech, the student only asked her to paraphrase something she'd already stated during her speech. Streisand was completely oblivious that she had just read that part a couple minutes ago. She didn't even pause, she told the student she didn't know anything about that, and left the student with his mouth hanging open. He may as well have asked Streisand to spell AIDS.

It was obvious by looking at the face of the student that he just realized Streisand was a complete fraud, that she knew nothing about the AIDS virus. There were no more questions.
The rest of the world knows what is going on. Only utterly gullible, suspicious mouth breathing right wingers don't understand knowledge. Why should we be led by the ignoranti?
Yes, we know what's going on. Man-made global warming climate change is the best chance the socialists have come up with to convince the simpleminded to give over control of everything in their lives to big centralized government.

Only with big government socialist tyranny, mandating how we shall live out our day-to-day existence, controlling all industry and trade, determining who the winners and losers shall be, and they will control the trade winds and ocean currents, slow the drifting of the magnetic poles, slow the rise of the oceans and control our climate.

Yup, the best and brightest like Comey, Sondland, Schiff and Al gore will save the planet and give us our Utopia... but don't hold them to actually being able to do that until the year 2080 after we are all dead.
We are talking about a child and you bring up Trump?! Is that a joke ?
No but your unwillingness to take responsibility for your own toxic incivility is. You want to hit and attack yet not be attacked yourself for your own behavior. Grow up and grow a pair and take responsibility for your own behavior.
what toxic incivility did I partake in, that disqualifies me from critiquing a bunch of assholes going after a child..... please enlighten me and please be specific
what toxic incivility did I partake in, that disqualifies me from critiquing a bunch of assholes going after a child..... please enlighten me and please be specific
Well for starters, specifically you called the people who don't treat Greta Thunberg with what you think is a proper amount of deference "a bunch of assholes".

Here's the deal, champ. Little Greta has put herself on the world stage (or her handlers have) and she's in a great and important debate now. I'm sure part of the reasoning for promoting this teen Chicken Little figure is people would be
hesitant to criticize a child. Especially one with certain disorders (autism, aspergers).

Critics have been called misogynistic bullies and hostile adults afraid of this child and her message.
The point is if she wants to play the game she will get bumped and pushed back on. Count on it.
what toxic incivility did I partake in, that disqualifies me from critiquing a bunch of assholes going after a child..... please enlighten me and please be specific
Well for starters, specifically you called the people who don't treat Greta Thunberg with what you think is a proper amount of deference "a bunch of assholes".

Here's the deal, champ. Little Greta has put herself on the world stage (or her handlers have) and she's in a great and important debate now. I'm sure part of the reasoning for promoting this teen Chicken Little figure is people would be
hesitant to criticize a child. Especially one with certain disorders (autism, aspergers).

Critics have been called misogynistic bullies and hostile adults afraid of this child and her message.
The point is if she wants to play the game she will get bumped and pushed back on. Count on it.
so let me see if I got this right.
I call out a bunch of assholes for attacking a kids appearance and calling her names and you justify their actions because I’m a hypocrite for calling them assholes?!

Are you hearing yourself?
so let me see if I got this right.
I call out a bunch of assholes for attacking a kids appearance and calling her names and you justify their actions because I’m a hypocrite for calling them assholes?!

Are you hearing yourself?
Are you? You just doubled down on incivility acting exactly like the people you claim are so vile for attacking a helpless child who, in reality, has global main stream media shielding her and fawning over her ever utterance.

You're such a triggered dupe!
so let me see if I got this right.
I call out a bunch of assholes for attacking a kids appearance and calling her names and you justify their actions because I’m a hypocrite for calling them assholes?!

Are you hearing yourself?
Are you? You just doubled down on incivility acting exactly like the people you claim are so vile for attacking a helpless child who, in reality, has global main stream media shielding her and fawning over her ever utterance.

You're such a triggered dupe!
If you can’t see the difference between me Calling out peoples disgusting actions while attacking a kid and those people attacking a kid for doing nothing but speaking out about the environment, then I cannot help you.
If you can’t see the difference between me Calling out peoples disgusting actions while attacking a kid and those people attacking a kid for doing nothing but speaking out about the environment, then I cannot help you.
You want the double standard for poor put upon Greta. She has every global media conglomerate you can think of enclosing her in a protective cocoon like bubble where no one dares attack her so she can say and do what she pleases.
Time magazine's little award is an example of how she is fawned over.

She can spew out utter nonsense (like the world will be doomed to destruction starting in 2030) but science does NOT back her apocalyptic end of the world doom speak. Think Globally, Shame Constantly: The Rise of Greta Thunberg Environmentalism

"There is no looming climate change 'expiration date,'" writes Bailey, a point underscored by Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, which promotes cost-effective policies to remediate climate change, hunger, disease, and other global issues. Lomborg notes that the IPCC itself
has found the evidence does not support claims that floods, droughts and cyclones are increasing."

If your poor heart is too feint to see the attacks that poor Greta Thunberg must endure, as she addresses the UN and wins global accolades from boot licking toadies eager to get in her favor so some of her fame and approval can rub off on them, then maybe you should just go lie down and pull the covers over yourself in a sort of pre death shroud.

Be sure you are clutching your pearls when you do.
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If you can’t see the difference between me Calling out peoples disgusting actions while attacking a kid and those people attacking a kid for doing nothing but speaking out about the environment, then I cannot help you.
You want the double standard for poor put upon Greta. She has every global media conglomerate you can think of enclosing her in a protective cocoon like bubble where no one dares attack her so she can say and do what she pleases.
Time magazine's little award is an example of how she is fawned over.

She can spew out utter nonsense (like the world will be doomed to destruction starting in 2030) but science does NOT back her apocalyptic end of the world doom speak. Think Globally, Shame Constantly: The Rise of Greta Thunberg Environmentalism

"There is no looming climate change 'expiration date,'" writes Bailey, a point underscored by Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, which promotes cost-effective policies to remediate climate change, hunger, disease, and other global issues. Lomborg notes that the IPCC itself
has found the evidence does not support claims that floods, droughts and cyclones are increasing."

If your poor heart is too feint to see the attacks that poor Greta Thunberg must endure, as she addresses the UN and wins global accolades from boot licking toadies eager to get in her favor so some of her fame and approval can rub off on them, then maybe you should just go lie down and pull the covers over yourself in a sort of pre death shroud.

Be sure you are clutching your pearls when you do.
disagree with what she is saying all you want, I have no problem with that. It’s the personal attacks on a child which are a step too far. You trying to excuse that because I’m calling the people demeaning her assholes is a load of crap. Imagine she was your daughter or your niece. You’re on the wrong side of this one
If you can’t see the difference between me Calling out peoples disgusting actions while attacking a kid and those people attacking a kid for doing nothing but speaking out about the environment, then I cannot help you.
You want the double standard for poor put upon Greta. She has every global media conglomerate you can think of enclosing her in a protective cocoon like bubble where no one dares attack her so she can say and do what she pleases.
Time magazine's little award is an example of how she is fawned over.

She can spew out utter nonsense (like the world will be doomed to destruction starting in 2030) but science does NOT back her apocalyptic end of the world doom speak. Think Globally, Shame Constantly: The Rise of Greta Thunberg Environmentalism

"There is no looming climate change 'expiration date,'" writes Bailey, a point underscored by Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, which promotes cost-effective policies to remediate climate change, hunger, disease, and other global issues. Lomborg notes that the IPCC itself
has found the evidence does not support claims that floods, droughts and cyclones are increasing."

If your poor heart is too feint to see the attacks that poor Greta Thunberg must endure, as she addresses the UN and wins global accolades from boot licking toadies eager to get in her favor so some of her fame and approval can rub off on them, then maybe you should just go lie down and pull the covers over yourself in a sort of pre death shroud.

Be sure you are clutching your pearls when you do.
disagree with what she is saying all you want, I have no problem with that. It’s the personal attacks on a child which are a step too far. You trying to excuse that because I’m calling the people demeaning her assholes is a load of crap. Imagine she was your daughter or your niece. You’re on the wrong side of this one
Are you still defending that camera loving goblin? :laugh:

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

She’s a kid... take it easy

Of course! I dont fault her either. Shes a kid that likes to sail and likes nature. The fault lies with grown adults falling all over themselves on some sort of earth shattering message she was supposed to deliver. Not her fault at all to be used by the establishment. Though I'm sure she does like all the attention. What kid would not like to feel they were suddenly at the center of the world?
I think she will be a miserable person all her life

As opposed to, say, a loser like you looking up obscure videos of children culled out of context in order to score your pathetic little message board "points", huh.
Agree. Rather sad what these people decide to go after.
She is going after modern civilization

She doesnt really know any better though. Lots of kids are insanely idealistic. Its the looney adults that guide her that are the problem. They should know better and should be thinking about her welfare.

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

She’s a kid... take it easy

Of course! I dont fault her either. Shes a kid that likes to sail and likes nature. The fault lies with grown adults falling all over themselves on some sort of earth shattering message she was supposed to deliver. Not her fault at all to be used by the establishment. Though I'm sure she does like all the attention. What kid would not like to feel they were suddenly at the center of the world?

She’s only 16

far to young to be lecturing the world

in the end adults will ignore her and she will be even more angry and unhappy
Wow. You means she’s really a kid who is directionally right albeit a bit hyperbolic who can’t know everything? Clearly man made climate change is junk now. Thanks smarty pants.

4 pages of triggered right wing whackos who love insulting children and then recoil when someone says Trump can’t make his son an actual Barron.

I guarantee that you incel basement trolls have no kids of your own with your “cpr” dolls.
The real problem is that there is absolutely no science behind manmade global climate warming change. It's a Lunatic Fringe Cult that demands total belief and full compliance- or death.
disagree with what she is saying all you want, I have no problem with that. It’s the personal attacks on a child which are a step too far. You trying to excuse that because I’m calling the people demeaning her assholes is a load of crap. Imagine she was your daughter or your niece. You’re on the wrong side of this one
If she wants to stand in the spotlight and lecture and point fingers at the world then the world will push back.
If the science on the matter backed up her apocalyptic doomsday "sky is falling" rhetoric then I might agree.
But it doesn't. It's a cynical message from cynical liars trying to dupe the world and trotting out a child to deliver their cynical message shows how desperate they are to make people afraid.

As long as you are on the other side of this I know I must be on the right side of history. Let me know when Barry Obama's ocean side mansion is washed away.

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