Clueless Greta caught off script


She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Belittling a kid who is not prepared for media scrutiny is a tentpole action of today's rude and crude Trump supporters. Rather than rebutting her message, it's easier for simple minded dolts to attack the messenger, no matter who that messenger is. No cogent response, simple smear. What ever happened to manners? I guess when the huckster buffoon came down that gaudy escalator someone swept civility out the door. Shameful, boorish attitudes unworthy of an adult.

If she is not prepared for media scrutiny as you claim then why is she using the media to lecture adults about her chosen topic?

She is promoting a hoax on her generation

hen tell us why you believe it's a hoax. Don't punch below your weight.

There is no conclusive proof that humans through co2 rather than natural conditions are the primary cause of global warming

Or that global warming will lead to the extinction of life on earth as dear little greta claims

That is nonsense
No she’s really just a kid who tours around giving speeches and capturing the emotion of an environmental movement. She’s not a scientist or an educator or even an adult so chill out with your miserable insults. You can’t be that desperate can you?
She's a child who also happens to be a front and spokesperson for a global scheme that uses a scientific theory to achieve massive and shocking reordering of society to achieve political and economic change without any protection or exception.

Child or not she is working towards radically reordering society itself and you can't have things both ways. She loves being on the front line and speaking at the UN and having photo ops with King Obama.
She plays the game...she shouldn't be sheltered then from the hits.

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Belittling a kid who is not prepared for media scrutiny is a tentpole action of today's rude and crude Trump supporters. Rather than rebutting her message, it's easier for simple minded dolts to attack the messenger, no matter who that messenger is. No cogent response, simple smear. What ever happened to manners? I guess when the huckster buffoon came down that gaudy escalator someone swept civility out the door. Shameful, boorish attitudes unworthy of an adult.

If she is not prepared for media scrutiny as you claim then why is she using the media to lecture adults about her chosen topic?

She is promoting a hoax on her generation

hen tell us why you believe it's a hoax. Don't punch below your weight.

There is no conclusive proof that humans through co2 rather than natural conditions are the primary cause of global warming

Or that global warming will lead to the extinction of life on earth as dear little greta claims

That is nonsense

How daAaire you!?

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Belittling a kid who is not prepared for media scrutiny is a tentpole action of today's rude and crude Trump supporters. Rather than rebutting her message, it's easier for simple minded dolts to attack the messenger, no matter who that messenger is. No cogent response, simple smear. What ever happened to manners? I guess when the huckster buffoon came down that gaudy escalator someone swept civility out the door. Shameful, boorish attitudes unworthy of an adult.

If she is not prepared for media scrutiny as you claim then why is she using the media to lecture adults about her chosen topic?

She is promoting a hoax on her generation

hen tell us why you believe it's a hoax. Don't punch below your weight.

There is no conclusive proof that humans through co2 rather than natural conditions are the primary cause of global warming

Or that global warming will lead to the extinction of life on earth as dear little greta claims

That is nonsense

How daAaire you!?

I do dare along with millions of other adults
Karma always catches Hubris in the end:


She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

She’s a kid... take it easy

She chose not to be a kid but instead a lecturer at the white house and the UN

She’s a public figure swimming in the adult pool

No she’s really just a kid who tours around giving speeches and capturing the emotion of an environmental movement. She’s not a scientist or an educator or even an adult so chill out with your miserable insults. You can’t be that desperate can you?

Since she is not a knowledgable person on the topic of alleged man-made global warming and all she has to offer is cheap sensationalism why not make fun of her?

Why no make fun of her? Because SHE IS A CHILD. I don’t know how else it can be explain. It quite sad that you don’t understand.

she’s a motivating and inspiring voice for the movement. She isn’t an educator or scientific expert and doesn’t claim to be. I get that you have partisan disagreements with the environmental movement... shit on the world all you want but there is no need to start insulting a child who is trying to be engaged. Find some class and integrity in that dark soul of yours.

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

View attachment 294414

Are you really justifying attacks on Greta because people attacked that other kid?
No she’s really just a kid who tours around giving speeches and capturing the emotion of an environmental movement. She’s not a scientist or an educator or even an adult so chill out with your miserable insults. You can’t be that desperate can you?
She's a child who also happens to be a front and spokesperson for a global scheme that uses a scientific theory to achieve massive and shocking reordering of society to achieve political and economic change without any protection or exception.

Child or not she is working towards radically reordering society itself and you can't have things both ways. She loves being on the front line and speaking at the UN and having photo ops with King Obama.
She plays the game...she shouldn't be sheltered then from the hits.
Thats bullshit. Attack the movement all you want. Challenge her logic and message. That’s fine. Personal attacks on a child For purely political reasons are never excused or justified. Grow up
Thats bullshit. Attack the movement all you want. Challenge her logic and message. That’s fine. Personal attacks on a child For purely political reasons are never excused or justified. Grow up
I have attacked her for her extremely fact free claims. To say she consistently exaggerates the threat of climate change,
which is the new rebranding of the global warming movement, would be a real understatement.

Other than being extremely and utterly susceptible to the most dire and fantastic of global warming myths and scare tactics I don't even know what you mean by "personal attacks" on Greta Thunberg.
Do you think she sits around crying over what is said about her at USMB? You need to grow up regardless of how old you are.
Thats bullshit. Attack the movement all you want. Challenge her logic and message. That’s fine. Personal attacks on a child For purely political reasons are never excused or justified. Grow up
I have attacked her for her extremely fact free claims. To say she consistently exaggerates the threat of climate change,
which is the new rebranding of the global warming movement, would be a real understatement.

Other than being extremely and utterly susceptible to the most dire and fantastic of global warming myths and scare tactics I don't even know what you mean by "personal attacks" on Greta Thunberg.
Do you think she sits around crying over what is said about her at USMB? You need to grow up regardless of how old you are.
If all you’ve done is voice disagreement with policy then that’s fine, but there were a bunch of very ugly attacks when this thread started calling Greta a stupid soros puppet and making fun of her appearance. That shouldn’t be stood for. Many of those posts have been deleted by mods... but it was a disgusting display of humanity by online trolls.

no I don’t think Greta is crying over it. I’m just calling out ugly people for acting ugly. You shouldn’t be standing up for that kind of campaign against a child, whether you partake in it or not. This doesn’t have anything do do with climate issues, it has to do with how we treat other people, esp. children

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

View attachment 294414

Are you really justifying attacks on Greta because people attacked that other kid?

Am I attacking her? I actually feel sorry for her. Adults are exploiting her. The climate change crap is a hoax.

Both of whom can speak to the issue like educated and interested people.

That makes you crazy. They are both far more intelligent than you or your corrupt president.

Stop embarrassing yourself.


You are upset by that little bit of truth, huh? Trump is an incurious moron. He can't talk in depth about any policy. You're OK with that. Because judges.

Fucking ridiculous.

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Going after children now huh. Stay classy.

Wait, tell us again about how somebody making a pun about Doornail Rump's choice of the name "Barron" for his son is attacking the child, while this isn't.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

View attachment 294414

Are you really justifying attacks on Greta because people attacked that other kid?

Am I attacking her? I actually feel sorry for her. Adults are exploiting her. The climate change crap is a hoax.View attachment 294435
the first few pages of this thread where calling her stupid and making fun of faces she makes. I told the posters that they were disgusting for saying those things about a kid. I don’t know if you said those things or if you are just defending those who said those things but there is a clear line of right and wrong here. Doesn’t have anything to do with the climate issues.
That kid is a brat and why anyone pays attention to anything the brat says is beyond me.

She's Time's person of the year??

Didn't they have Saddam Hussein as person of the year one year??

Brat needs her ass kicked and a one way ticket back to wherever the hell she came from.

What a spoiled brat.
Thats bullshit. Attack the movement all you want. Challenge her logic and message. That’s fine. Personal attacks on a child For purely political reasons are never excused or justified. Grow up
I have attacked her for her extremely fact free claims. To say she consistently exaggerates the threat of climate change,
which is the new rebranding of the global warming movement, would be a real understatement.

Other than being extremely and utterly susceptible to the most dire and fantastic of global warming myths and scare tactics I don't even know what you mean by "personal attacks" on Greta Thunberg.
Do you think she sits around crying over what is said about her at USMB? You need to grow up regardless of how old you are.
If all you’ve done is voice disagreement with policy then that’s fine, but there were a bunch of very ugly attacks when this thread started calling Greta a stupid soros puppet and making fun of her appearance. That shouldn’t be stood for. Many of those posts have been deleted by mods... but it was a disgusting display of humanity by online trolls.

no I don’t think Greta is crying over it. I’m just calling out ugly people for acting ugly. You shouldn’t be standing up for that kind of campaign against a child, whether you partake in it or not. This doesn’t have anything do do with climate issues, it has to do with how we treat other people, esp. children
What justifies attacks is that there are many people who struggle to take care of themselves and/or families. And she represents the stealing of more wealth for another false scam. You guys love to impoverish people. You love misery. All the time spouting your good intentions. Epstein....where are you???

She has memorized what the adults want her to say but cant think on her own

Belittling a kid who is not prepared for media scrutiny is a tentpole action of today's rude and crude Trump supporters. Rather than rebutting her message, it's easier for simple minded dolts to attack the messenger, no matter who that messenger is. No cogent response, simple smear. What ever happened to manners? I guess when the huckster buffoon came down that gaudy escalator someone swept civility out the door. Shameful, boorish attitudes unworthy of an adult.

If she is not prepared for media scrutiny as you claim then why is she using the media to lecture adults about her chosen topic?

She is promoting a hoax on her generation

hen tell us why you believe it's a hoax. Don't punch below your weight.

We don't "believe" it's a hoax. We know it's a hoax. If it were real the governments of the world would come together and implement draconian measures to control it.

They haven't. Instead, wealthy people have come together to create a scheme where you pay them an indulgence so that you can pollute.

Pay them a fee and you can still pollute.

So simple a simpleton can figure it out.

I guess it takes a simpleton to come up with and rely on such a stupid rationale. The only lemmings who have failed to recognize the science are those fed easy to digest talking points generated by polluting industries. Namely contemporary American right wingers. The rest of the world knows what is going on. Only utterly gullible, suspicious mouth breathing right wingers don't understand knowledge. Why should we be led by the ignoranti?

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