CMT Awards Tributes Nashville Shooting With Drag Show

My question was rhetorical.
Christianity is the target of demmunists because it represents the foundation of American culture and the destruction American culture is the goal of demmunists.
I'm afraid that has already been accomplished.

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No asshole,

You seem to have quite a fixation with anal orifices.

YOU retards are blaming the victims
Who, exactly, is blaming the victims? A link or quote would be helpful.

and trying to make the shooter out as the actual victim here.

Who, exactly, is making the shooter out to be a “victim”? Got a link?

With the help of the lame stream media pushing the “fear in trans communities” because people are pissed a tranny shot kids. Pathetic.
Strange. It sounds as if you are more incensed about a trannie than about kids being killed.

Not surprising.
Strange. It sounds as if you are more incensed about a trannie than about kids being killed.

Not surprising.

It's not surprising because trannies are mentally ill already and it takes a mentally ill person to shoot up a school.
You seem to have quite a fixation with anal orifices.

Who, exactly, is blaming the victims? A link or quote would be helpful.

Who, exactly, is making the shooter out to be a “victim”? Got a link?

Strange. It sounds as if you are more incensed about a trannie than about kids being killed.

Not surprising.
Just describing you as what you are. We are upset about a mentally ill tranny that YOU support killing kids. As you and the media worry that “trans people are scared now because people know what the shooter actually was”. You are here whining about “transphobes” and defending these mentally ill deviants. Of course you’re too stupid to realize that we want kids protected from the people you support. Not surprising.
It's not surprising because trannies are mentally ill already and it takes a mentally ill person to shoot up a school.
Transgender people are mentally I’ll.
Only mentally I’ll people shoot up schools.
Therefore (implied) we should be on er Ed about transgender violence.

Really now?

The vast majority of mass school shootings have been white males. Not transgender people. What people are doing is using these deaths to feed and encourage public hate directed at transgender people, with no basis in facts.

As of July 2022, when this article was written, there were already 300 mass shootings.

Are people with mental health disorders more likely to commit mass shootings or mass murder?

The public tends to link serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia or psychotic disorders, with violence and mass shootings. But serious mental illness—specifically psychosis—is not a key factor in most mass shootings or other types of mass murder. Approximately 5% of mass shootings are related to severe mental illness. And although a much larger number of mass shootings (about 25%) are associated with non-psychotic psychiatric or neurological illnesses, including depression, and an estimated 23% with substance use, in most cases these conditions are incidental.

Additionally, as we demonstrated in our paper, the contribution of mental illness to mass shootings has decreased over time. The data suggest that while it is critical that we continue to identify those individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders at high risk for violence and prevent the perpetration of violence, other risk factors, such as a history of legal problems, challenges coping with severe and acute life stressors, and the epidemic of the combination of nihilism, emptiness, anger, and a desire for notoriety among young men, seem a more useful focus for prevention and policy than an emphasis on serious mental illness, which leads to public fear and stigmatization.

We assume that most school shooters are mentally ill, because of their actions or that mentally I’ll people are more likely to commit mass shootings but it is not as clear as that.
Transgender people are mentally I’ll.
Only mentally I’ll people shoot up schools.
Therefore (implied) we should be on er Ed about transgender violence.

Really now?

The vast majority of mass school shootings have been white males. Not transgender people. What people are doing is using these deaths to feed and encourage public hate directed at transgender people, with no basis in facts.

As of July 2022, when this article was written, there were already 300 mass shootings.

Are people with mental health disorders more likely to commit mass shootings or mass murder?

The public tends to link serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia or psychotic disorders, with violence and mass shootings. But serious mental illness—specifically psychosis—is not a key factor in most mass shootings or other types of mass murder. Approximately 5% of mass shootings are related to severe mental illness. And although a much larger number of mass shootings (about 25%) are associated with non-psychotic psychiatric or neurological illnesses, including depression, and an estimated 23% with substance use, in most cases these conditions are incidental.

Additionally, as we demonstrated in our paper, the contribution of mental illness to mass shootings has decreased over time. The data suggest that while it is critical that we continue to identify those individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders at high risk for violence and prevent the perpetration of violence, other risk factors, such as a history of legal problems, challenges coping with severe and acute life stressors, and the epidemic of the combination of nihilism, emptiness, anger, and a desire for notoriety among young men, seem a more useful focus for prevention and policy than an emphasis on serious mental illness, which leads to public fear and stigmatization.

We assume that most school shooters are mentally ill, because of their actions or that mentally I’ll people are more likely to commit mass shootings but it is not as clear as that.
Transgenders and homos have mental issues. That’s why they approach sexuality in the wrong direction.
Homo and trans fascists try to force everyone to comply with their mental illness.
Transgenders and homos have mental issues. That’s why they approach sexuality in the wrong direction.
Homo and trans fascists try to force everyone to comply with their mental illness.
Funny how rightists seem to think that treating people with ordinary respect is “forcing compliance” .
Funny how rightists seem to think that treating people with ordinary respect is “forcing compliance” .

Funny how leftists think that mentality- and morally fucked-up sexual perverts are “people”, and that respecting them requires playing along with their fucked-up insane delusions to the serious detriment of the interests of sane human beings.

But then, it has long been absolutely clear that modern leftism is both a mental disease and a moral disease. This is just one more datum, out of many, that proves this.
Funny how leftists think that mentality- and morally fucked-up sexual perverts are “people”, and that respecting them requires playing along with their fucked-up insane delusions to the serious detriment of the interests of sane human beings.

But then, it has long been absolutely clear that modern leftism is both a mental disease and a moral disease. This is just one more datum, out of many, that proves this.
They are people. It is a shame you are incapable of realizing that.
They are people. It is a shame you are incapable of realizing that.

They're fucked-up freaks. And you want to let them fuck up the rest of society, to match how fucked up they are.

You even want to let them fuck up young children, in a way that will deprive them of any hope of a normal, happy life.

Fuck that. Fuck you, and fuck them.

I can have some sympathy for those who are suffering from severe mental illnesses, such as this, but my sympathy ends far short of the point where you are allowed to drag sane people with you down into your madness. Especially when your kind target children; we should have started exterminating your kind as soon as you made clear your intent to approach that line, much less to cross it.

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