CMT Awards Tributes Nashville Shooting With Drag Show

Christian Americans who persecute gays and transgenders and try to legislate them out of public life, who silence free speech and would rather a woman die than have an abortion don’t qualify as ”patriotic” much less deserving of respect.
Muslims are more proactive at attacking non-heteros. You should be railing against Muslims.
You know what forget this. A man in a dress isn't appropriate for any child period. Back in the day these people were known as pedophiles.
They still are. Only they want to be called “Minor attracted persons”. Thinking that takes the stigma away. It doesn’t.
How is it disrespect? It is protesting what is likely an unconstitutional new law and apparently calling for stricter gun control laws because of this shooting. From what I read, if TN had had red flag laws, the killer wouldn’t have been able to purchase guns. The killers own parents said she should not have had guns.
Unknown if she would have purchased firearms seeing many can get them illegally.
no they were not....robin williams did drag many of the older movies had are such an idiot thinking you know what back in the day was going on...

They were not performing lewd acts in front of children you idiot.
Who is doing that? The soulless voices in your head?
No asshole, YOU retards are blaming the victims and trying to make the shooter out as the actual victim here. With the help of the lame stream media pushing the “fear in trans communities” because people are pissed a tranny shot kids. Pathetic.
Except they're not only insisting that lesbians and gay men date them. They're labeling straight men the same for not wanting to have sex with them...

Simple acceptance was never the goal. Now if you don’t partake you’re labeled transphobic? Nonsense. Seems they’re more heterophobic than anything.
Simple acceptance was never the goal. Now if you don’t partake you’re labeled transphobic? Nonsense. Seems they’re more heterophobic than anything.

How can someone expect me to accept them for what they are, if they can't accept themselves for what they are?

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