CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.
Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?
CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.


He was right on the nose, then followed up with:


“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”}

Which you keep omitting.
I suspect the questioning by the CNBC panel was more about jacking the ratings so they could make good on the $250,000/30 seconds for advertising, as Trump said.

Jon Stewart used to say it all the time: The media isn't about right or left, it's about ratings=$$$.
.. how you handle dumb questions or challenging questions or any type of all part of the opportunity to demonstrate what you're made of..

How you handle dumb (and thank you for admitting CNBC moderators asked dumb questions) should not have been an issue last night. MORE important then how you answer a dumb question is how you answer the intelligent questions about the ISSUES, which CNBC failed horribly and embarrassingly to do!

The questions they asked and their biased pathetic performance showed - as so many are reporting today - more about what CNBC is made of than about what the candidates are made of.

CNBC - 'pooh-flinging monkeys' :piss2:
if a journalist was worth his salt he would ask hillary about her philandering husband and how it relates back to respect for women
Since all the data is in, and all "the different information" as you call it is in. As of now,was it the video or terrrorist.

And yet, RWs howled about Rubio's wife's spending and his excessive debt.

RWs like you want into everyone's bedroom. MYOB
Why was I dragged into this argument. I was talking about journalist. You're the one that went off topic directly went after rubio and rw'rs; and assaulting women is nothing more than pillow talk.


Who is forcing you to post?

IMO, even thoughit looks like it might be Rubio's turn to be the favorite. So?
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?

He's still hoping to get Drumpf's leftovers.

Crispy Creme's outrage over the truly idiotic question about fantasy football came out as genuine though.

Actually, the question was pretty good but couching it in terms of a child's game that has taken over our country was just dumb.
'Flat' or 'Fair Tax' - EVERYONE pays, end the ridiculous hundreds of pages of loopholes, etc... it could easily be done. Tell me why THOUSANDS of pages are needed to explain / direct tax collecting? forget it - Gruber already explained it.

The biased IRS targeting that was proven - that Cummings, a Senator, was involved in, and which Lois Lerner herself admitted and apologized for when talking to the media - and the Obama administration's recent announcement that they will not prosecute anyone for it (or fire, reprimand, fine, or cut their pay) is a flaming red flag / sign of WHY the IRS needs to be reformed so that this agency can NEVER be used as a weapon against the citizens of this country again (which reportedly is STILL happening).


IRS Apologizes For Inappropriately Targeting Conservative Political Groups In 2012 Election
- LINK: IRS Apologizes For Inappropriate Action In 2012 Election

"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

IRS agents singled out dozens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their exemption applications, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for lists of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said


IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- LINK: IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- Thurs, 29 Oct 2015

"In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups."

Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more
Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter

Trumps proposal results in a one trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy, with only hedge fund managers paying an additional two percent
But didn't Trump say it's his intention that the rich pay more

His tax cuts provide $1 trillion to the wealthy (including himself)

totallly incorrect. But what is true is that the gap between rich and poor has increased under the kenyan messiah.
QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.
Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?
CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.


He was right on the nose, then followed up with:


“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”}

Which you keep omitting.

"Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership"

You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery
Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more
Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter

Trumps proposal results in a one trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy, with only hedge fund managers paying an additional two percent
But didn't Trump say it's his intention that the rich pay more

His tax cuts provide $1 trillion to the wealthy (including himself)

totallly incorrect. But what is true is that the gap between rich and poor has increased under the kenyan messiah.

Could it be?

You are proposing a redistribution of wealth?
You are welcome to look at the tape and then come back and apologize to me

What did Cruz say?

“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”

I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.

Look at yourself in the mirror today and say I must know what I am talking about before I post, because I look like a dumb ass otherwise.

CNBC asked Cruz for his position on extending the debt limit

Cruz unloads on CNBC debate moderators

Good for him. He was right on.
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??

Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter

Trumps proposal results in a one trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy, with only hedge fund managers paying an additional two percent
But didn't Trump say it's his intention that the rich pay more

His tax cuts provide $1 trillion to the wealthy (including himself)

totallly incorrect. But what is true is that the gap between rich and poor has increased under the kenyan messiah.

Could it be?

You are proposing a redistribution of wealth?

nope just pointing out the hypocrisy of obama and fools like you.
"Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership"

You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery

I means you were lying.

But then, that is what you do.
You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery
Perhaps it means nothing to you. Cruz points out that there is a lack of leadership within the GOP due to Washington Establishment losers like Boehner and McConnell who have led NO ONE but instead ignored the American people and imposed their own agendas on them - much as Obama has done.
libs are idiots who lie to themselves..

look at this moron luddly neddite. if you dont want people prying into your bedroom stop demanding total strangers (taxpayers) pay for the consequences of others poor sexual choices
View attachment 53539

So you don't think asking about fantasy football was easy enough? ;)

A bullshit nonsensical question that did not belong in a Presidential debate.

The question was about legalising gambling... The intro was to show how fantasy football had greyed the lines of gambling.

Most of Europe allow gambling, its call freedom.

funny stuff from the people that ban sugar and large sodas here. oh and bake sales too.


libs are losers who lie to themselves
How you handle dumb (and thank you for admitting CNBC moderators asked dumb questions) should not have been an issue last night. MORE important then how you answer a dumb question is how you answer the intelligent questions about the ISSUES, which CNBC failed horribly and embarrassingly to do!

The questions they asked and their biased pathetic performance showed - as so many are reporting today - more about what CNBC is made of than about what the candidates are made of.

every debate has it's fair share of dumb questions.. playing the victim in that spotlight is FOOLISH.

it is not up to cnbc to ANSWER the questions.. the response is up to the candidates. :thup:
"Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership"

You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery

I means you were lying.

But then, that is what you do.


No links or quotes to back yourself up
Just insults...

How you handle dumb (and thank you for admitting CNBC moderators asked dumb questions) should not have been an issue last night. MORE important then how you answer a dumb question is how you answer the intelligent questions about the ISSUES, which CNBC failed horribly and embarrassingly to do!

The questions they asked and their biased pathetic performance showed - as so many are reporting today - more about what CNBC is made of than about what the candidates are made of.

every debate has it's fair share of dumb questions.. playing the victim in that spotlight is FOOLISH.

it is not up to cnbc to ANSWER the questions.. the response is up to the candidates. :thup:

i love the way left-wing losers deny their bias and dishonesty

your little mustache is showing
every debate has it's fair share of dumb questions..

There's a big difference between asking a 'dumb' question and being a 'pooh-flinging monkey'.... CNBC was the full-fledged, banana-eating, pooh-flinging monkey' last night.

Unless you are calling the entire focus group, that gave the highest mark of agreement ever received for them being exposed as disgraceful, too stupid to know the difference between media bias and a 'dumb question'...

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