CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

We collect $3 trillion in taxes

:offtopic: ...but I will say:

If we collect $3 Trillion in taxes, and Democrats can spend nearly $1 TRILLION on a failed, massively wasteful tax-payer-funded non-job creating 'Jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-ONLY pork and ends up costing over $742,000 PER JOB Obama claims to have saved / created, then the American people are paying WAY TOO MUCH in taxes, and politicians should be arrested for fraud / mis-handling our money OR tossed from office at the very least!

It relates to Trumps proposed tax plan that gives up $1 trillion of that $3 trillion

Please try to keep up with the thread
The transcript, for anyone who's interested:

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated

thanks.. this was one of my favorite laughs of the night..GREAT start for the huckster.. :lol:

QUINTANILLA: A lot to get to tonight. So let's get started. This first is an open question.

This series of debates is essentially a job interview with the American people. And in any job interview, you know this: you get asked, "what's your biggest weakness?" So in 30 seconds, without telling us that you try too hard or that you're a perfectionist...


...what is your biggest weakness and what are you doing to address it?

QUINTANILLA: Governor Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Well, John, I don't really have any weaknesses that I can think of.

(LAUGHTER) ^ :lol:

21 Hilarious and WTF Moments From the GOP Debate

That was a lame opening question

Something I would expect out of a High School student
You are welcome to look at the tape and then come back and apologize to me

What did Cruz say?

“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”

I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.
The transcript, for anyone who's interested:

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated

thanks.. this was one of my favorite laughs of the night..GREAT start for the huckster.. :lol:

QUINTANILLA: A lot to get to tonight. So let's get started. This first is an open question.

This series of debates is essentially a job interview with the American people. And in any job interview, you know this: you get asked, "what's your biggest weakness?" So in 30 seconds, without telling us that you try too hard or that you're a perfectionist...


...what is your biggest weakness and what are you doing to address it?

QUINTANILLA: Governor Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Well, John, I don't really have any weaknesses that I can think of.

(LAUGHTER) ^ :lol:

21 Hilarious and WTF Moments From the GOP Debate

That was a lame opening question

Something I would expect out of a High School student

The opening question and the question to Trump which included something about flapping his arms were pretty lame. But the Candidates should have been able to handle those pretty easily.
It relates to Trumps proposed tax plan that gives up $1 trillion of that $3 trillion

...and as I pointed out, Democrats pissed away nearly $1 trillion of that $3 trillion by way of the failed stimulus bill, PROVING the Federal government does NOT NEED all of the $3 trillion they collect.

That nearly $1 trillion they pissed away STILL DOESN'T COUNT all the fraud, waste, and abuse in Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps - all of which Obama vowed to eliminate but has not even TRIED to do - ObamaPhones, the Obamacare Web site (that still doesn't work), dozens of duplicate government agencies that do the same thing that could be combined, millions to train 6 Syrian 'rebels' to fight Assad - 5 of who joined ISIS and the 6th killed by Putin's troops, and a lot more!

Figuring all that up, Trump is RIGHT. The Democrats have already proved his point. It's not only important to 'keep up' but also know what the hell you are talking about, which you have proved you DON'T!
Republicans controlled the Government for eight years....why didn't they cut the debt?

do you care about debt?

very simple question dullard. see if you can be honest for once ok??

I am willing to pay increased taxes and take cuts in programs that help me personally and have all the extra money going to pay the debt

Are you willing to take the same pledge?
...and I'm more than willing to give up my weapons if the dems stop supporting planned parenthood. Notice I said planned parenthood. Didn't even mention abortion

You're lying of course but since supporting PP means supporting the poor, its more proof the right want to punish poor women. Typical phony christian.
ya know what, I'm going to let you win this argument. snicker snicker

Not sure why you are calling what Cruz did a lie, it is exactly what happened.

Derp derp derp?

Fucking dims...

Derp, derp derp?

QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

You done derping yet?
Not sure why you are calling what Cruz did a lie, it is exactly what happened.

Derp derp derp?

Fucking dims...

Derp, derp derp?

QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

You done derping yet?

You seem to have dishonestly cut off;

“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”

Oh, and Cruz was spot on, the Hilliary attack dogs were an embarrassment to the concept of honest reporting.
I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.

....based on WHAT? You mean that enormous opinion you throw around? CNBC was exposed last night, slammed by many, and the American people responded by agreeing with that. THAT has been proven...such as by the focus group results:

"Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

'Pooh-flinging monkeys' = CNBC. :lmao:
The opening question and the question to Trump which included something about flapping his arms were pretty lame. But the Candidates should have been able to handle those pretty easily.

exactly.. how you handle dumb questions or challenging questions or any type of all part of the opportunity to demonstrate what you're made of..

one thing i was disappointed with hillary was when she answered the question about her enemies, she humored the question in the terms of the questioner, and now people are repeating the talking point that she called republicans her enemies. enemies was the questioners word, not hers...and ideally she should be sharp enough to spot that trap before she steps into it... of course she answered with good humor and it was no big deal, but the hacks jumped right on that the next day... other than that, hillary did great imo and she is hands down the best candidate on both sides...
You are welcome to look at the tape and then come back and apologize to me

What did Cruz say?

“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”

I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.

Look at yourself in the mirror today and say I must know what I am talking about before I post, because I look like a dumb ass otherwise.

CNBC asked Cruz for his position on extending the debt limit

Cruz unloads on CNBC debate moderators

if a journalist was worth his salt he would ask hillary about her philandering husband and how it relates back to respect for women
Since all the data is in, and all "the different information" as you call it is in. As of now,was it the video or terrrorist.

And yet, RWs howled about Rubio's wife's spending and his excessive debt.

RWs like you want into everyone's bedroom. MYOB
Why was I dragged into this argument. I was talking about journalist. You're the one that went off topic directly went after rubio and rw'rs; and assaulting women is nothing more than pillow talk.


Who is forcing you to post?

Quit playing the victim.

IMO, even though he dodged some very straightforward questions, it looks like it might be Rubio's turn to be the favorite. Or maybe its CrayCrayCruz's time at the bat.

Whatever, it will change and someone else will be what you fools call the next prez.

One of the moderators accurately stated that Trump said Rubio was Zuckerberg's personal senator and then when challenged she apologized, why? It's on his campaign website?

Immigration Reform

"Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities."

There was absolutely no follow up at all.
No, you can't read. They put it on his web site, it wasn't his words. You see, words mean things.

There is no difference, if it's on his campaign website then he did indeed "say" that, he just didn't use his bloated face.
I called you a dumb fuck yesterday for a reason. No, that isn't what words mean.
Poster's I've never heard of all of the sudden have shown up attacking me personally. I can't do a number 2 without shoving their heads out of the way.

Oh you poor baby.

Hey, everyone - stop picking on Poor Professional RW Victim tyroneweaver .... poor guy doesn't even know where his own butt is.

Oh and its its on the candidate's website, its the same as coming out of his mouth. Even though its the one weapon the right always uses, none of them get to pass the blame.
"Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?"

This is the perfect example of an Biased Question. It amount to a moderator asking Hillary: "Does the fact that you refused to protect an American Ambassador and instead allowed him and 3 other Americans to die on 9/11/12 then lied to the American people, much like your husband lied when he declared he did not have sex with intern Monica Lewinski, show that you don't care about American lives and that you are NOT the Commander and Chief / President this country needs?"
Not sure why you are calling what Cruz did a lie, it is exactly what happened.

Derp derp derp?

Fucking dims...

Derp, derp derp?

QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.

Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?

CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

You done derping yet?

you done making a fool of yourself rightwinger???
I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.

....based on WHAT? You mean that enormous opinion you throw around? CNBC was exposed last night, slammed by many, and the American people responded by agreeing with that. THAT has been proven...such as by the focus group results:

"Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

'Pooh-flinging monkeys' = CNBC. :lmao:


Are you sure your reply was meant for me?
The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

Looking through the names here, do you have any remarks from UNBIASED, independent sources?
You are welcome to look at the tape and then come back and apologize to me

What did Cruz say?

“Today was a classic victory for Washington establishment interests, and the people who lost were the American people who find the fiscal and economic condition of this nation even worse because of a lack of leadership.”

I'm sorry you are such a shameless liar and partisan hack.

QUINTANILLA: Senator Cruz. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown and calm financial markets that fear of -- another Washington-created crisis is on the way.
Does your opposition to it show that you're not the kind of problem-solver American voters want?
CRUZ: You know, let me say something at the outset. The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media.

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