CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

How you handle dumb (and thank you for admitting CNBC moderators asked dumb questions) should not have been an issue last night. MORE important then how you answer a dumb question is how you answer the intelligent questions about the ISSUES, which CNBC failed horribly and embarrassingly to do!

The questions they asked and their biased pathetic performance showed - as so many are reporting today - more about what CNBC is made of than about what the candidates are made of.

every debate has it's fair share of dumb questions.. playing the victim in that spotlight is FOOLISH.

it is not up to cnbc to ANSWER the questions.. the response is up to the candidates. :thup:

of course you dont have an example of anything close in the Democrat debates to the baiting type of questions Republicans are/were given
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?
You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery
Perhaps it means nothing to you. Cruz points out that there is a lack of leadership within the GOP due to Washington Establishment losers like Boehner and McConnell who have led NO ONE but instead ignored the American people and imposed their own agendas on them - much as Obama has done.

Where is the leadership from Cruz?

Isn't he part of the problem?
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?
None of that means being in debt is ever right, being in debt is slavery...
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?

good one idiot!!

you're ragging on republicans on debt while expounding its virtues yourself

i guess that answers the question you were given before.

did you ever say exactly what programs that "help you" you are willing to give up, nutjob??
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?

debt is good; now you know why the National Debt is up to $20 trillion under obama

idiots and hypocrites
You do realize that sentence means absolutely nothing don't you? Pure fluffery
Perhaps it means nothing to you. Cruz points out that there is a lack of leadership within the GOP due to Washington Establishment losers like Boehner and McConnell who have led NO ONE but instead ignored the American people and imposed their own agendas on them - much as Obama has done.

Where is the leadership from Cruz?

Isn't he part of the problem?
The progressives are the problem...
Where is the leadership from Cruz?

Isn't he part of the problem?

Obviously you missed all those times Cruz has stood up on the floor, introduced new legislation, was attacked by Boehner and McConnell for 'rocking the cradle', him calling them out on the floor....

...not surprised.
you want to tax the phuk out of the rich; just because

while admiting you beleive debt is good and justified; indeed our country was founded on it you say leftard

so you're admiting even if you got the tax rates on the mean ol rich people you want you'd STILL OVERSPEND?

THEN you wont cry when you are called the Party of Tax and Spend right?????
A tale of two debates:

DNC Debate:

Mod: Madame Hillary, you are loved by everyone, what is it that makes you so wonderful?

Hilliary: I'm glad you asked, you see it's the vast right wing conspiracy that attacks me constantly.

Mod: Comrade Sanders, we all know that Capitalism is a failure, can you tell us your plan for explaining why Hillary is so great?

Bernie: America is sick of email, I don't even know how to turn a computer on.

Mod: Madame Hillary, America yearns for your rule, to once again let us bask in light.

Hilliary: Is that a question? I will not endure grilling by the press.

Mod: I apologize my Queen, let me kiss your feet.


GOP Debate:

Mod: Mr. Cruz, if that is even your real name, everyone hates you. Have you ever considered being less evil?

Cruz: This is why America doesn't trust the media.

QUINTANILLA: Senator, torturing puppies is your favorite hobby, so tell us why Hillary will make a better president than you?

Cruz: Is this appropriate questioning?

Mod: Mr. Trump. you starve your workers to death, is that what you plan for all Americans.

Trump: Listen you little twerp, I create job, somethine you will never do.

Mod: Can't you answer the question.

Mod: To Carly, as ugly as you are, can you expect Americans to chose you over the beautiful Madame Hillary?

Fiorina: Do you have any questions about policy?

Mod: Dr. Carson, are you a house n!gger?

Carson: The American people deserve leadership that is honest and cares about families....

Mod: Shut, no one wants to hear your shit.

Trump: I negotiated this debate down to 2 hours

Harwood: You fucking liar, it was always 2 hours.

Trump: That isn't right, your own broadcast on Monday attacked me for negotiating it down from 3 1/2

Harwood: Fuck you - no wonder America hates you and loves Queen Hillary.
The opening question and the question to Trump which included something about flapping his arms were pretty lame. But the Candidates should have been able to handle those pretty easily.

exactly.. how you handle dumb questions or challenging questions or any type of all part of the opportunity to demonstrate what you're made of..

one thing i was disappointed with hillary was when she answered the question about her enemies, she humored the question in the terms of the questioner, and now people are repeating the talking point that she called republicans her enemies. enemies was the questioners word, not hers...and ideally she should be sharp enough to spot that trap before she steps into it... of course she answered with good humor and it was no big deal, but the hacks jumped right on that the next day... other than that, hillary did great imo and she is hands down the best candidate on both sides...

That was a very deliberate answer. And she knew exactly what would happen.

The woman either knows Sun Tzu very well or it's part of her DNA.

If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him. -Sun Tzu
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?
None of that means being in debt is ever right, being in debt is slavery...
Debt is slavery...

A tale of two debates:

DNC Debate:

Mod: Madame Hillary, you are loved by everyone, what is it that makes you so wonderful?

Hilliary: I'm glad you asked, you see it's the vast right wing conspiracy that attacks me constantly.

Mod: Comrade Sanders, we all know that Capitalism is a failure, can you tell us your plan for explaining why Hillary is so great?

Bernie: America is sick of email, I don't even know how to turn a computer on.

Mod: Madame Hillary, America yearns for your rule, to once again let us bask in light.

Hilliary: Is that a question? I will not endure grilling by the press.

Mod: I apologize my Queen, let me kiss your feet.


GOP Debate:

Mod: Mr. Cruz, if that is even your real name, everyone hates you. Have you ever considered being less evil?

Cruz: This is why America doesn't trust the media.

QUINTANILLA: Senator, torturing puppies is your favorite hobby, so tell us why Hillary will make a better president than you?

Cruz: Is this appropriate questioning?

Mod: Mr. Trump. you starve your workers to death, is that what you plan for all Americans.

Trump: Listen you little twerp, I create job, somethine you will never do.

Mod: Can't you answer the question.

Mod: To Carly, as ugly as you are, can you expect Americans to chose you over the beautiful Madame Hillary?

Fiorina: Do you have any questions about policy?

Mod: Dr. Carson, are you a house n!gger?

Carson: The American people deserve leadership that is honest and cares about families....

Mod: Shut, no one wants to hear your shit.

Trump: I negotiated this debate down to 2 hours

Harwood: You fucking liar, it was always 2 hours.

Trump: That isn't right, your own broadcast on Monday attacked me for negotiating it down from 3 1/2

Harwood: Fuck you - no wonder America hates you and loves Queen Hillary.
What else does anyone expect from progressives??
Like the French they are nothing more than surrender monkeys...
Where is the leadership from Cruz?

Isn't he part of the problem?

Obviously you missed all those times Cruz has stood up on the floor, introduced new legislation, was attacked by Boehner and McConnell for 'rocking the cradle', him calling them out on the floor....

...not surprised.

That is not leadership

I have missed the times where Cruz worked with other Senators to bang out needed legislation

Because there aren't any. Reading The Cat in the Hat is not leadership
Where is the leadership from Cruz?

Isn't he part of the problem?

Obviously you missed all those times Cruz has stood up on the floor, introduced new legislation, was attacked by Boehner and McConnell for 'rocking the cradle', him calling them out on the floor....

...not surprised.

That is not leadership

I have missed the times where Cruz worked with other Senators to bang out needed legislation

Because there aren't any. Reading The Cat in the Hat is not leadership

from the Party who's leader LITERALLY told the other side to "sit in the back of the bus"

comical shit

libs are losers who lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites
"elections have consequences"

said the guy whose lemming supporters insist has great leadership qualities and wanted to work with the other side

lib are idiots who lie to themselves
Last edited:
That was a very deliberate answer. And she knew exactly what would happen.

The woman either knows Sun Tzu very well or it's part of her DNA.

If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him. -Sun Tzu

IF so, i disagree that that is her best approach right now. she needs to appeal to those voters who aren't sure if they will vote for her. getting the echo chamber cheap shot approval from petty partisans should not be her priority right now...

she could have simply said, well cooper i wouldn't use the word enemies but my most challenging opposition has been this or that...
How far this country has fallen, going into more debt is an acceptable solution... What a bunch of defeatists.

And paying debt with more debt, Some think that is sound economics.

And then people THINK our lawmakers SHOULD just to get along??


This country was founded on debt

Read your history. How do you think we paid for the Revolutionary War?
None of that means being in debt is ever right, being in debt is slavery...
Debt is slavery...

You're owned by someone else, like signing an Indian treaty with the federal government.
Come up here to South Dakota and see pine ridge Indian res, that is what trusting the federal government will get you.
And no, seeing it on tv does not even do it justice, check it out in Jan, February when it's 15 below zero.
That was a very deliberate answer. And she knew exactly what would happen.

The woman either knows Sun Tzu very well or it's part of her DNA.

If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him. -Sun Tzu

IF so, i disagree that that is her best approach right now. she needs to appeal to those voters who aren't sure if they will vote for her. getting the echo chamber cheap shot approval from petty partisans should not be her priority right now...

she could have simply said, well cooper i wouldn't use the word enemies but my most challenging opposition has been this or that...

except she really meant enemies

libs dont want to admit they are fascists

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