GOP Unanomously Nixes Presidential Debates - Says they want FREE and FAIR Debates

they would be asking themselves the same shit from the last debate...most of them are out of touch with the people and our they would not be asking each other the questions that we want answered....
I know we call the format where people ask the candidates questinons a "Debate" but to me, "Town Hall" is a better name for that. And not all of the candidates need be there at once to take questions from people.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


  1. a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
    "last night's debate on the Education Bill"

  1. argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
    "the board debated his proposal"


The Republican National Committee (RNC) voted Thursday to withdraw from the commission responsible for organizing presidential debates, taking a line from former President Trump, who has repeatedly leveled accusations of anti-Republican bias against the group.

The unanimous vote by the RNC effectively bars its presidential nominees from participating in events organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which has run such debates since 1988.

In a statement released shortly after the vote, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said that the GOP would “find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people.”

“Debates are an important part of the democratic process, and the RNC is committed to free and fair debates,” she said. “The Commission on Presidential Debates is biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage.”

What are your thoughts on a major American party not even being able to debate their side of the issues?

The GOP is able and anxious to debate, pink.

But its time to have FAIR debates, not the rigged bullshit that the Far Left Commission on Presidential Debates has sponsored. Capische?

This so-called "Commission" is a private liberal outfit, not a governmental agency in any way and does not have any official standing. The reason why the officials of the so-called Commission are pissed is that they will be losing their jobs .

Maybe an independent outfit can negotiate this out- bring in Hunter and Dr. Jill for the D's , Eric and Don Jr for the GOP to set out the actual rules on neutral ground?
But that's not what has ever happened. IF you don't see CONTROLLED INTERVIEWS by people who are known to favor a particular candidate (always Denocrat) then you cannot be reasoned with

Picking moderators from rightwing Fox News is not fair??
Picking moderators from rightwing Fox News is not fair??
No it's not. And neither is picking clearly leftist "moderators" from CNN. Why do we pick moderators from TV Media? How about Joe and Jane America just step up to the mic, and ask their questions one at a time?
No it's not. And neither is picking clearly leftist "moderators" from CNN. Why do we pick moderators from TV Media? How about Joe and Jane America just step up to the mic, and ask their questions one at a time?

Joe & Jane also have biases.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) voted Thursday to withdraw from the commission responsible for organizing presidential debates, taking a line from former President Trump, who has repeatedly leveled accusations of anti-Republican bias against the group.

The unanimous vote by the RNC effectively bars its presidential nominees from participating in events organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which has run such debates since 1988.

In a statement released shortly after the vote, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said that the GOP would “find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people.”

“Debates are an important part of the democratic process, and the RNC is committed to free and fair debates,” she said. “The Commission on Presidential Debates is biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage.”

What are your thoughts on a major American party not even being able to debate their side of the issues?
You can’t blame them… remember when the moderator backed Obama when he attacked Romney on Russia and even falsely corrected Romney… Obama turned out to be wrong, but the moderate made it a win for the Dems… they do this a lot. Nope I wouldn’t agree to any debates either.
the debates should be the citizens asking the questions and the politicians have to answer right then and there.....none of this knowing what the topics are going to be about so they can prepare......
Ahhh..... so you want these citizens to ask their 'gotcha questions'
I've seen enough of that from reporters.

You guys hated Megan Kelly, Chris Wallace, both FOXnews, trying to ask fair questions, but you determined those fair questions as an attack on trump. Frankly because trump sets himself up for such questions because.......well trumps 'word salad' is very confusing.

How about using FoxNews Bret Baier?
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Like that's ever going to happen. Those "citizens" tend to be activist hacks primarily from one side, who had either scripted questions or plenty of time to come up with one.
I AGREE with this ^^^^^^^
But, when you say 'one side' you really mean Both Sides. Correct?
You can’t blame them… remember when the moderator backed Obama when he attacked Romney on Russia and even falsely corrected Romney… Obama turned out to be wrong, but the moderate made it a win for the Dems… they do this a lot. Nope I wouldn’t agree to any debates either.
Nah, nobody remembers that.

We do remember Candy Crowley correcting Mitt Romney. Because, well, Romney was wrong.
Trump refused to follow debate rules and protocols, he constantly interrupted his opponent and refused to allow him to speak

So Republicans blame biased moderators
You're joking, right? That's been going on since forever. Debates, nor the lamestream press have NEVER favored Republicans-ever! This is why the RNC wisely told them to go fuck themselves!
Republicans want the debate, just on a level playing field…something the Debate Commission refuses to do and the Democrats don’t want done because they can only win when the odds get tilted in their favor.
Precisely! Again, the Fifth Estate is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

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